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Tee-ing off with a tale from retail

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  • Tee-ing off with a tale from retail

    In my past in retail, I have one ridiculous story that will forever stick in my mind. I have done my best to make my story as general as possible in order to protect the innocent.

    A SC called our store concerning home theater equipment he had that had started to malfunction. I said, OK, did you purchase an extended warranty? He says I'm not sure. Fair enough. So I attempt to look up his receipt. I asked him his name and when he made his purchase.

    He tells me his name, and says 2005 (I was worried now since this was year 2011 when I took his call). His warranty would likely have expired, but nonetheless I continued to search for his receipt just to be sure. We did not have a record of his purchase, so I thought he may have purchased it all with cash.

    Apparently, I was mistaken. When I told him that I could not find a record of his purchase, he then proceeded to inform me that he had not purchased it from us, but from one of our (now former) competitors.

    I was now throroughly baffled, at this point the customer was getting testy as quite a bit of time had passed before reaching this point. However, I had to inform him politely that there was now no way I could arrange service for the unit since HE DID NOT EVEN PURCHASE IT FROM US. The only thing I could recommended was that he attempt to contact the manufacturer.

    Things broke down fast. He started yelling, DEMANDING that I arrange for someone to fix his stuff. That I WILL do as I am told. I repeated more bluntly that I could not because he did not purchase it from us.

    THEN he explained his logic. He stated to me that he had a credit card issued from said former competitor, but since we used (repeat, USED, past tense) the same bank to issue OUR credit cards at the time, THAT was the magic connection that somehow made us responsible for this guy's stuff. No, really. This is what this guy honestly believed. I can kind of understand wanting to find some way given how expensive it can be to remedy HT issues, but even Mister Fantastic wouldn't attempt to make this much of a stretch. BUT NEVERMIND HOW WRONGHEADED THE LOGIC IS, I MUST ARRANGE SERVICE NOW. NOW, NOW, NOW! And all for free, of course.

    I repeated my negatory statement, knowing that his next sentence would be "I can't believe this! I want a manager!" Manager of course said the same damn thing to this guy with the "You have got to be kidding me" look on his face.

    After the conversation, the manager related to me that the guy threated to CALL CORPORATE. LOL! This was probably one of the only times I ever thought that would be a good thing.

    Whew. Thanks for listening. I'm so glad I left that job.

  • #2
    always fun having customers who think raising their voice and yelling 'YOU WILL DO THIS' etc somehow means it's going to happen.

    yeah, on the twelfth of fucknever maybe


    • #3
      Hey, my neighbor uses the same bank I do - maybe I can call them and demand they pay my credit card bills, whaddaya think?

      Madness takes it's toll....
      Please have exact change ready.


      • #4
        Quoth SkullBash View Post
        THEN he explained his logic. He stated to me that he had a credit card issued from said former competitor, but since we used (repeat, USED, past tense) the same bank to issue OUR credit cards at the time, THAT was the magic connection that somehow made us responsible for this guy's stuff. No, really. This is what this guy honestly believed.
        You should retort with equally ill conceived logic: "I'm sorry, sir, but while that connection does exist, unfortunately our stores were built by different contractors, which is another required connection in order for us to help you out."
        Fiancee: We're going to need to do laundry. I'm out of clean pants.
        Me: Sounds like a job for Gravekeeper!
        Fiancee: What?!
        Me: Nevermind.


        • #5
          9.8 on the illogic meter....

          The only thing keeping him from a perfect 10 is the fact he went to another electronics store to make his "complaint"

          Now, if he'd gone to say.... the airport...... then we'd have a winner
          - They say nothing good happens at 2AM, they're right, I happen at 2AM.


          • #6
            Quoth thehuckster View Post
            You should retort with equally ill conceived logic: "I'm sorry, sir, but while that connection does exist, unfortunately our stores were built by different contractors, which is another required connection in order for us to help you out."
            I love this idea. "We also require that your purchase have been made on the first new moon after the fall equinox. We need two out of three of these exact sets of coincidences. Just because."


            • #7
              Sadly, these type of questions aren't uncommon. When I worked at Hardee's, I had a woman ask me if I'd replace the sundae she bought from Wendy's, because she didn't like it. Fortunately she took my refusal in stride, but I can't believe someone would even ask the question.
              A lion however, will only devour your corpse, whereas an SC is not sated until they have destroyed your soul. (Quote per infinitemonkies)


              • #8
                Customer Logic strikes again!
                When you start at zero, everything's progress.


                • #9
                  Quoth bainsidhe View Post
                  Sadly, these type of questions aren't uncommon. When I worked at Hardee's, I had a woman ask me if I'd replace the sundae she bought from Wendy's, because she didn't like it. Fortunately she took my refusal in stride, but I can't believe someone would even ask the question.
                  That I don't know what to say. I hope she was stoned or something.


                  • #10
                    Quoth SkullBash View Post
                    I I said, OK, did you purchase an extended warranty?
                    He says I'm not sure.
                    Heh.Everybody that walks in with a two-year old laptop that is broken "thinks"
                    they bought the extended warranty. After various problems, we now put it in BIG LETTERS under the serial # on the receipt:
                    "additional warranty declined"

                    The reverse, of course, occurs when we ask, "did anything get spilled into the laptop?"
                    "No" means "Maybe", while "I don't think so", "I don't know", "I'm not sure" mean, "Oh, damn skippy, maybe more than once."


                    • #11
                      Quoth SkullBash View Post
                      THEN he explained his logic. He stated to me that he had a credit card issued from said former competitor, but since we used (repeat, USED, past tense) the same bank to issue OUR credit cards at the time, THAT was the magic connection that somehow made us responsible for this guy's stuff.
             that logic, by being connected via a shared bank...

                      ...I as a person who makes and sells candles and soaps would be responsible for replacing a dead snake from the guy down the road from me who breeds and sells non-poisonous reptiles and amphibians?

                      Am I understanding that correctly? I just want to make sure because I just can't dumb my brains down any further (without using drugs, alcohol or blunt force trauma) and I'm still shaky on the logic there.
                      I never lost my faith in humanity. Can't lose what you never had right?


                      • #12
                        Quoth Mongo Skruddgemire View Post
               that logic, by being connected via a shared bank...

                        ...I as a person who makes and sells candles and soaps would be responsible for replacing a dead snake from the guy down the road from me who breeds and sells non-poisonous reptiles and amphibians?

                        Am I understanding that correctly? I just want to make sure because I just can't dumb my brains down any further (without using drugs, alcohol or blunt force trauma) and I'm still shaky on the logic there.
                        Only if the guy who sells the reptiles uses soap. Not necessarily your soaps, mind you, just soap in general.


                        • #13
                          Quoth Mongo Skruddgemire View Post
                 that logic, by being connected via a shared bank...

                          ...I as a person who makes and sells candles and soaps would be responsible for replacing a dead snake from the guy down the road from me who breeds and sells non-poisonous reptiles and amphibians?

                          Am I understanding that correctly? I just want to make sure because I just can't dumb my brains down any further (without using drugs, alcohol or blunt force trauma) and I'm still shaky on the logic there.
                          And I fear that to someone, somewhere out there...this truly does make perfect sense. That is, if the outrage about the dead snake were severe enough, much like this guy's problem with dead electronic equipment.


                          • #14
                            I remember a couple of times, back in my fast-food days, when a customer would insist they could use a competitor's coupon with us because we "both sell hamburgers".


                            • #15
                              Quoth Merriweather View Post
                              Hey, my neighbor uses the same bank I do - maybe I can call them and demand they pay my credit card bills, whaddaya think?
                              And I'll let you know if the Litter Box does the same for me, since we both use the same Stagecoach Bank and all . . .

                              OTOH we could both very well be laughed off the phone.
                              Human Resources - the adult version of "I'm telling Mom." - Agent Anthony "Tony" DiNozzo (NCIS)

