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Please god make them stop

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  • #16
    How about the time I was out with my friend for our weekly trip to the pizza buffet? We wandered down to the Bullseye, wearing street clothes. Now, admittedly, I HAD worked there (for a period of two months) but I was mostly a backroom-type person. A guy and the girl he was with stopped us when we passed by the food section to ask if we knew who sang "that one song...? You know? The one on the radio all the time...? 'Beautiful', I think?"
    I gave him a look, and said "The one by Gnarls Barkley? 'Crazy'?"
    "Yeah, that one! Do you have the CD here?"
    "I don't, but I know it's in stock, cause we just walked right by it." Now, remember, I was wearing a ratty old black Teeshirt with a gold dragon on it and jeans. Hardly Bulls-eye dress code. Anyway, we walked the guy back to the CDs, pointed out the huge "New Releases" banner, and then the Gnarls Barkley CD. He was happy, went on his way. Friend needed help finding a Ouija board, and got an associate. After she couldn't find anything either, I told her about the 'guest' I had just helped, and we commiserated on how stupid people could be.
    "I call murder on that!"

