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Bank-tails woo-oo

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  • Bank-tails woo-oo

    8 o'clock shopper

    We close at 7. M-F. Being a bank, people are consistently amazed at our hours. Mostly...

    I was filling in at another branch. It has two customer doors. Apparently one has to be locked on both the top and the bottom. Well, another person was also filling in, and didn't realize there were two locks, so only locked one of them. Apparently, it is possible to get through the door with only one part locked. There were some balancing issues on the teller line, so we were still there at 8:10 when this charmer walked into the closed branch:

    SC: Your doors are too hard to open! I need to cash my check.

    CW: The doors are supposed to be locked. That lock must not have been fastened all the way. I'm sorry ma'am, but we closed over an hour ago, so I'm going to have to ask you to leave.

    SC: You can't! I'm here to cash my check.

    CW: No ma'am, I am sorry, but our cash drawers are closed and locked in the vault. We are closed. You need to leave the bank so I can lock up behind you.

    SC: You HAVE to cash my check. [wait for it... wait for it...] It's the LAW!

    CW: You cannot be here after we are closed. We closed over an hour ago, at 7 o' clock. It is after 8 o'clock. You need to leave now.

    SC did finally leave, cussing up a storm, but she left. We made certain the door was properly locked after her. Thank goodness we hadn't left yet, because then the alarms would have been on, and I might have actually felt bad for her for accidentally getting the police called out on her. Though I am told they always double check the doors before walking out because they know that door is a tricky one. Glad my branch has double doors with an automatic lock on the inner one.

    We discriminate against people who carry guns!

    So, no arguments on whether or not you agree with the policy or not. I really don't want my post closed for fratching. Whatever one's personal opinions, our bank, like many others, has a "No guns permitted on premises" (or whatever the exact wording of the sign is) on both doors.

    Had a prospective customer walk in, and complain about how we had this sign over on the doors of our corporate building next door to my branch. He wanted to do a lot of potential business (don't they always?) and it was discriminatory of us not to allow full access to people with conceal permits. What would happen if someone broke into his car and got his gun and then used it to rob our bank? Wouldn't we feel stupid then? Don't we know that people with guns save lives.

    and on and on and on....

    I did manage to get his actual business taken care of. Refinance of an auto loan that I did not expect to get approved because he had no income other than unemployment, and had no previous history with us. We'll usually only consider unemployment income for very short term loans or to help long-time customers, though we will also refinance our own loans for hardship circumstances. Well, underwriters actually approved his auto refinance, at which point, he wants to also see about getting his credit card transferred to us also.

    and he's still going on and on with the gun stories, and how businesses like us discriminate against people who carry guns...

    So I make certain he knows what we'll need in order to complete the refi of the auto loan while I'm putting in the credit card request (knowing this one would for certain not be approved). Meanwhile, I've been with him for over an hour and a half, and I was supposed to go home 25 minutes ago since tonight is not a close for me. I tell him that because it is after 6 now, the underwriters are gone for the night and I won't get an answer for him on the second request until tomorrow (HINT to maybe not TALK so much?) which he understands, and he seems ready to leave for a moment, until he launches into yet ANOTHER story,still complaining about the no-gun sign on the corporate building next door and how we're discriminating against him.

    At which point he mentions to me that part of the reason he came in to do business with us is that our branch was that we did NOT have a no-gun sign on the door.


    Yes. Yes we DO. We very much DO have a no gun sign. On both doors. I walk him out in order to show him the no gun sign on the door he came in. And via walking him out, finally make my escape from him so I can close my office and go home! :P

  • #2
    Don't care what someone's opinion is, if there is a sign that says "NO LOLLIPOPS ON PREMISES" then damnit you do not bring those damn lollipops onto the premises. You can argue until you're blue in the face and if you do, especially at someone who has no power over the company policies, you are a jerk and just looking for someone to bully who cannot stand up for themselves.

    My Writing Blog -Updated 05/06/2013
    It's so I can get ideas out of my head, I decided to put it in a blog in case people are bored or are curious as to the (many) things in progress.


    • #3
      Quoth AmbrosiaWriter View Post
      Don't care what someone's opinion is, if there is a sign that says "NO LOLLIPOPS ON PREMISES" then damnit you do not bring those damn lollipops onto the premises. You can argue until you're blue in the face and if you do, especially at someone who has no power over the company policies, you are a jerk and just looking for someone to bully who cannot stand up for themselves.

      Right, but the right to keep and bear lollipops isn't a Constitutional guarentee. That having been sasid, if a bank doesn't want guns on the premises that is their right, and its my right to have my gun on me if I have a concealed carry permit, I just won't mention I have the damned thing.

      *short highjack*
      An idiot was flirting with one of the cashiers at the mart of wal where I used to work not only was flashing his newly minted concealed permit, but showed her his gun (the metal one minds out of the gutter ). She got a CSM who got the ZMS, who got an AM, who called the cops. We're pretty sure he lost the permit.



      • #4
        Quoth Rodimal View Post
        Right, but the right to keep and bear lollipops isn't a Constitutional guarentee.

        But be that as it may, if one decided to argue with the teller about that rule then that person would still be a jerk and deserve to get their butt kicked out of the building.
        Last edited by AmbrosiaWriter; 09-15-2012, 10:17 PM. Reason: Avoiding Fratching
        My Writing Blog -Updated 05/06/2013
        It's so I can get ideas out of my head, I decided to put it in a blog in case people are bored or are curious as to the (many) things in progress.


        • #5
          Quoth Rodimal View Post
          Right, but the right to keep and bear lollipops isn't a Constitutional guarentee. That having been sasid, if a bank doesn't want guns on the premises that is their right, and its my right to have my gun on me if I have a concealed carry permit, I just won't mention I have the damned thing.

          *short highjack*
          An idiot was flirting with one of the cashiers at the mart of wal where I used to work not only was flashing his newly minted concealed permit, but showed her his gun (the metal one minds out of the gutter ). She got a CSM who got the ZMS, who got an AM, who called the cops. We're pretty sure he lost the permit.

          Frankly, I wouldn't have cared if he hadn't gone on and ON about it. And if he hadn't mentioned that he had his gun on him. If I wasn't already walking him out, I'd have had to have asked him to leave. And it has nothing to do with discrimination, it has to do with THAT'S WHAT OUR RULES STATE, and the rules that i HAVE to follow. I can do NOTHING, but advise him to make his opinions known to corporate, which he can do by mail, phone, or online, since he doesn't want to go into their building.


          • #6
            Wow if the doors are hard to open...think you might want to check the hours?


            • #7
              Quoth bankworking View Post
              SC: You HAVE to cash my check. [wait for it... wait for it...] It's the LAW!
              Oh THAT law-how silly of me! All those banks the FDIC took over? Every one refused to cash a check after business hours.

              I'd be thrilled to find a bank open to 7 pm. Mine's open until 6 and has Saturday hours, and I thought that was amazing!


              • #8
                Ok, take the "right to bear lollipops" and the rules of private property to fratching please.
                The report button - not just for decoration


                • #9
                  I used to work fast food and the exterior doors opened into an enclosed glass entryway. One of the exterior doors was hard to close and you had to slam it repeatedly to make sure it locked completely. Of course it was next to the drive thru and that's where the drunken idiots at 5am would try entering. We finally started locking both the exterior door AND the glass entryway, because every now and then some drunk idiot would force open the door so they could rush to the bathroom (and ALWAYS make a mess). Even had a delivery driver do it once. He started hollaring that he wasn't one of the bar crowd, he was a delivery driver and we should let him inside. Not OUR delivery driver, of course, he just assumed we'd allow him special status.

                  I worked there 5 years and the damn door was never fixed.
                  A lion however, will only devour your corpse, whereas an SC is not sated until they have destroyed your soul. (Quote per infinitemonkies)


                  • #10
                    Disclaimer: I am not an American nor do I live in the U.S.

                    Just asking out of curiosity: If it's a Constitutional right to bear arms (or arm bears, LOL), isn't it illegal for businesses to post signs saying "No guns"?

                    Please feel free to PM me if you'd prefer, as I'm not trying to start a debate on the subject.

                    As for SC#1, isn't it amazing how whatever an SC wants to do is suddenly THE LAW?


                    • #11
                      Banks around here have signs asking people to remove hat/hoods and sunglasses. Then again, we have bank robberies once every other week.
                      A lion however, will only devour your corpse, whereas an SC is not sated until they have destroyed your soul. (Quote per infinitemonkies)


                      • #12
                        Also what's with people always claiming that something that inconveniences them is against the law?

                        I would love it if every single thing that could possibly make my day slightly worse or inconvenience me in any way was against the law. Though I'm also pretty sure that society/business/politics would all come to a screeching halt and all civilization would collapse in on itself.

                        "No, you go first."
                        "No! It's illegal you go first!"
                        "NO! IT'S ILLEGAL FOR ME TO GO FIRST, YOU GO FIRST."
                        "WELL IT'S--"

                        My Writing Blog -Updated 05/06/2013
                        It's so I can get ideas out of my head, I decided to put it in a blog in case people are bored or are curious as to the (many) things in progress.


                        • #13
                          I love how every time a customer wants to do something and is told NO, they start in about how it's "discrimination."

                          And the one with the doors, you'd think the doors being hard to open might have been a clue....not to mention she probably walked right past a sign stating the bank's hours....but of course, nobody reads signs anyway.
                          When you start at zero, everything's progress.


                          • #14
                            Quoth MoonCat View Post

                            And the one with the doors, you'd think the doors being hard to open might have been a clue....not to mention she probably walked right past a sign stating the bank's hours....but of course, nobody reads signs anyway.
                            You know, if I had a store, I would wire every sign with an audio recording of what the sign says so that anytime a customer even came NEAR the sale items it would come to life and tell them what they need to know.

                            Same goes for store hours. They come near the door and they get, "Today we close at XX:XX." If they ignore that then they are super SC.
                            My Writing Blog -Updated 05/06/2013
                            It's so I can get ideas out of my head, I decided to put it in a blog in case people are bored or are curious as to the (many) things in progress.


                            • #15
                              I've never had to deal with someone and their speshul gun with them. Cops, meh, that's sposed to be there. Anyone showing theirs off or sharing thanks, hasn't happened.
                              In my heart, in my soul, I'm a woman for rock & roll.
                              She's as fast as slugs on barbituates.

