I swear, I like my job enough, I mean it pays, I work with a great group of people, but I hate old people so much. I'm sorry to say it, but I do. I have only been working at my resturant for about 2 months and I am already getting so annoyed.
This one happened last weekend, on probably one of the busiest days I have every worked, where the ENTIRE place was filled, ever seat had a butt attached to it, I swear. So, we're packed and it's just me and my co-worker/best girlfriend and C (our cook) yells up to take the coffee around, because these people drink this stuff as if their lives depend on it, like a vampire in a morgue or something. So, since all my of customers just arrived and are awaitin their cooking food, I volunteer to do it. Heres the jest of most of the time:
CN: various coffee nazis
Me: me
Me: *smiles kindly* would any of you like any more coffee?
CN1: I would, if it's fresh
Me: Of course it is. Here you go. *pours coffee into mug*
CN1: *looks at cup* this doesn't look fresh to me. *sticks finger into said coffee*
Me: *looks on in horror because I had just grabbed this pot from underneath the machine the second it finished and the steam rising off of it was litterally burning my hand as it curled around my fingers!*
CN1: This is not hot enough. Can you put in the mircowave and make it hotter?
How much hotter can it get?! Yes, I will take it in the back, go up the steps to our upstairs storage room, ride the dumbell system down to the depths of hell and ask Satan if he could "warm it up a bit." Yes, I would love to, but I have other idiots who tip better to attend to.
Me: I'm sorry, but I have other customers to attend. If you can wait for another fresh pot, I will gladly bring a new cup for you.
This seemed to appease the great king, so I walk over to a table of our reglars,refill their pots (we have plastic ones for the bigger tables, so they can fill it as much as they want without bugging us too much.) I move over to a smaller table and ask the same question.
CN2: Well, it's about damn time you got here! I need more!
Me: *looks down at cup. Cup has about a sip, maybe 2 missing out of it.* But, sir, you're cup is full.
CN2: *looks at cup, then looks at me* Well, get me another cup then
His wife waves me off though and has hers refilled and gives it to her husband.
CNW: Here, now leave the poor girl alone.
Me: would you like something else to drink then? ( meaning: Thank you, but the other idiots can wait, my angel)
CNW: No, I'm fine, just bring us our check please.
So I motion to my friend who has the table to get their check and I move on.(turns out,when they leave, my friend brings me about 5 dollars that the woman left for me. I hope to see them again, soon) I get back around to where I started, and I can almost see the finish line when CN1 waves me back over.
CN1: My coffee is too hot. Bring me a glass of ice now.
What? Did I just hear right? Weren't you the guy who made me go the depths of hell to get you a nuclear cup of coffee and now it's TOO hot?!
I hate coffee nazis so much, it drives me away from coffee. I'll stick with Speedway cappiciunos that I can make myself, thank you very much.
This one happened last weekend, on probably one of the busiest days I have every worked, where the ENTIRE place was filled, ever seat had a butt attached to it, I swear. So, we're packed and it's just me and my co-worker/best girlfriend and C (our cook) yells up to take the coffee around, because these people drink this stuff as if their lives depend on it, like a vampire in a morgue or something. So, since all my of customers just arrived and are awaitin their cooking food, I volunteer to do it. Heres the jest of most of the time:
CN: various coffee nazis
Me: me
Me: *smiles kindly* would any of you like any more coffee?
CN1: I would, if it's fresh
Me: Of course it is. Here you go. *pours coffee into mug*

CN1: *looks at cup* this doesn't look fresh to me. *sticks finger into said coffee*
Me: *looks on in horror because I had just grabbed this pot from underneath the machine the second it finished and the steam rising off of it was litterally burning my hand as it curled around my fingers!*
CN1: This is not hot enough. Can you put in the mircowave and make it hotter?
How much hotter can it get?! Yes, I will take it in the back, go up the steps to our upstairs storage room, ride the dumbell system down to the depths of hell and ask Satan if he could "warm it up a bit." Yes, I would love to, but I have other idiots who tip better to attend to.
Me: I'm sorry, but I have other customers to attend. If you can wait for another fresh pot, I will gladly bring a new cup for you.
This seemed to appease the great king, so I walk over to a table of our reglars,refill their pots (we have plastic ones for the bigger tables, so they can fill it as much as they want without bugging us too much.) I move over to a smaller table and ask the same question.
CN2: Well, it's about damn time you got here! I need more!
Me: *looks down at cup. Cup has about a sip, maybe 2 missing out of it.* But, sir, you're cup is full.
CN2: *looks at cup, then looks at me* Well, get me another cup then
His wife waves me off though and has hers refilled and gives it to her husband.
CNW: Here, now leave the poor girl alone.
Me: would you like something else to drink then? ( meaning: Thank you, but the other idiots can wait, my angel)
CNW: No, I'm fine, just bring us our check please.
So I motion to my friend who has the table to get their check and I move on.(turns out,when they leave, my friend brings me about 5 dollars that the woman left for me. I hope to see them again, soon) I get back around to where I started, and I can almost see the finish line when CN1 waves me back over.
CN1: My coffee is too hot. Bring me a glass of ice now.

What? Did I just hear right? Weren't you the guy who made me go the depths of hell to get you a nuclear cup of coffee and now it's TOO hot?!
I hate coffee nazis so much, it drives me away from coffee. I'll stick with Speedway cappiciunos that I can make myself, thank you very much.
