BG I teach writing to college freshmen. I generally teach adults (late 20s and up), but this particular class skews pretty young: 19-20-21. /BG
How do grades work?
After handing back some homework, a student grumbled, "I only got a low grade because I didn't do part of the assignment."
What did I just say?
Discussing the requirements for their final paper, I reminded my students, "For this project, you do not have to cite the textbook. You do not have to use outside sources. But if you do use outside sources, you must cite them."
A student raised a hand and asked, "So we have to cite outside sources?"
I nodded. "Yes." (Maybe they're finally getting it!)
"So, if we use the textbook, we have to cite it?"
Deep breath. "No, as I just explained. . . ."
Sidenote: Generally, you should cite the textbook, but for various reasons, they do not need to for this project.
Testing, Testing, 123
Further, I was explaining the thesis statement, one of the most important parts of college writing.
"A thesis statement," I explained, "is a single declarative sentence. It sums up the main point of your paper. Declarative means it states something, as in the sentence 'I like cookies.' It is the answer to a question. It cannot be a question such as, 'How do I feel about cookies?' Let's look at some examples. . ."
Student (different than before) raised hand and asked, "Can we include a question in our thesis statement?"
Very deep internal sigh "No, as I just explained, it cannot be a question. You can include rhetorical questions elsewhere in the paper but not in the thesis statement."
No, really, is this thing on?
There is a short list of "banned" topics. I've written before about how students feel this infringes upon their First Amendment rights.
That didn't happen this time, but inevitably, several students submitted topics that were on the banned list. And I don't mean in a "sorta kinda" way, I mean in a "Writing about gun control is banned" "My topic is gun control" way.
Mom Voice
Recently we had a work day in the computer lab. It was just us in the lab (about 15 total). I usually let them chat quietly as they work.
For whatever reason (well, because of the upcoming holidays, I'm sure), they were being particularly rowdy and loud. Someone started playing a YouTube video at normal volume.
Finally, I yelled, "Everyone needs to quiet down. People are working. And if you aren't working, I'll give you more to do."
Blessed silence for the next 5 minutes.
I wasn't born yesterday
I normally get to my classroom about 5 minutes early, and usually a few students are already there. However, I arrived just one or two minutes early to my most recent class, the last before the holiday break (the holidays fall during the middle of this term, so we'll be returning in January). I was surprised to see the lights were out in the room, but who knows, maybe everyone was still eating holiday treats in the cafeteria.
I flipped on the lights and to my surprise, they were all sitting there.
"Well, we thought you'd see the lights were off and leave. Then we could all go home early," they explained.
"I'd talk to an empty room," I replied. I mean, that is why I got into teaching, I love to hear myself talk. And teaching to an empty room sounds pretty nice. . . .
How do grades work?
After handing back some homework, a student grumbled, "I only got a low grade because I didn't do part of the assignment."
What did I just say?
Discussing the requirements for their final paper, I reminded my students, "For this project, you do not have to cite the textbook. You do not have to use outside sources. But if you do use outside sources, you must cite them."
A student raised a hand and asked, "So we have to cite outside sources?"
I nodded. "Yes." (Maybe they're finally getting it!)
"So, if we use the textbook, we have to cite it?"
Deep breath. "No, as I just explained. . . ."
Sidenote: Generally, you should cite the textbook, but for various reasons, they do not need to for this project.
Testing, Testing, 123
Further, I was explaining the thesis statement, one of the most important parts of college writing.
"A thesis statement," I explained, "is a single declarative sentence. It sums up the main point of your paper. Declarative means it states something, as in the sentence 'I like cookies.' It is the answer to a question. It cannot be a question such as, 'How do I feel about cookies?' Let's look at some examples. . ."
Student (different than before) raised hand and asked, "Can we include a question in our thesis statement?"
Very deep internal sigh "No, as I just explained, it cannot be a question. You can include rhetorical questions elsewhere in the paper but not in the thesis statement."
No, really, is this thing on?
There is a short list of "banned" topics. I've written before about how students feel this infringes upon their First Amendment rights.
That didn't happen this time, but inevitably, several students submitted topics that were on the banned list. And I don't mean in a "sorta kinda" way, I mean in a "Writing about gun control is banned" "My topic is gun control" way.
Mom Voice
Recently we had a work day in the computer lab. It was just us in the lab (about 15 total). I usually let them chat quietly as they work.
For whatever reason (well, because of the upcoming holidays, I'm sure), they were being particularly rowdy and loud. Someone started playing a YouTube video at normal volume.
Finally, I yelled, "Everyone needs to quiet down. People are working. And if you aren't working, I'll give you more to do."
Blessed silence for the next 5 minutes.
I wasn't born yesterday
I normally get to my classroom about 5 minutes early, and usually a few students are already there. However, I arrived just one or two minutes early to my most recent class, the last before the holiday break (the holidays fall during the middle of this term, so we'll be returning in January). I was surprised to see the lights were out in the room, but who knows, maybe everyone was still eating holiday treats in the cafeteria.
I flipped on the lights and to my surprise, they were all sitting there.
"Well, we thought you'd see the lights were off and leave. Then we could all go home early," they explained.
"I'd talk to an empty room," I replied. I mean, that is why I got into teaching, I love to hear myself talk. And teaching to an empty room sounds pretty nice. . . .