Short maybe not sweet.
I passed a call to the On Call for <client name>….who then called on <another client we also answer for> and got me again. Thus he rendered this opinion:
OC: "God, this is like dating your sister. Know what I mean?"
Uh….no, actually I don't. I don't exactly have that kind of experience to draw upon…..and I'm mildly disturbed you apparently do.
SC: "A cab a cab a cab a cab a cab a cab a cab a cab-"
Me: "Good evening, <company name not even remotely like a cab>."
SC: "Is this a cab!?"
Whoa! Easy girl! Calm down, take a deep breath! Ok, easy does it. Have you calmed down a bit? Yes? Good. Alright, I have some good news and I have some bad news. The good news is you did somehow manage to locate and operate a telephone. Yes, I know, even I'm surprised and impressed. The bad news is that’s about as far as you got as you have failed on a colossal level to contact the service you were trying to reach. But don't worry! With that kind of single minded frothing determination I'm sure you'll get it eventually.
God, they have jobs too
Caller was fired, so he figured he would call the emergency line. You know, the one for death, injury, etc. Clearly the right place to be calling. So why was he fired, you ask? Well, he's only be working there for 30 days and out of that 30 he's been late 8 days, sick 3 days, didn't show up 1 day and when he does show up he's unshaven and disheveled.
So of course when he was fired he thinks its totally unfair. Yes, definitely unfair. Has nothing with him having the work ethic of a drunken hobo. Clearly its all their fault. Those damn, dirty apes.
Me: "and what would you like to order?"
SC: "…uh…….."
Oh come on. That IS why you called isn't it? I mean ok, some of you might forget your name, or not be able to spell your name, or not be able to tell me where you live…..or even the general area you're in…..but! You're all calling for one reason: To obtain hats. That's the one constant. How can you possibly have failed on that single most important issue? If you don't know what you want……why did you even call? What the hell? No, seriously. Get back here. I demand an explanation. Sit yer arse down and explain yourself. Why in the sam hell did you call? Answer me, young man!
Smile With Your Voice
That's the little reminder that pops up on our system when you first log in. "Smile with your voice." Hey, I tried.
Language warning ><
(Thanks again to Rap for the file hosting)
I passed a call to the On Call for <client name>….who then called on <another client we also answer for> and got me again. Thus he rendered this opinion:
OC: "God, this is like dating your sister. Know what I mean?"
Uh….no, actually I don't. I don't exactly have that kind of experience to draw upon…..and I'm mildly disturbed you apparently do.
SC: "A cab a cab a cab a cab a cab a cab a cab a cab-"
Me: "Good evening, <company name not even remotely like a cab>."
SC: "Is this a cab!?"
Whoa! Easy girl! Calm down, take a deep breath! Ok, easy does it. Have you calmed down a bit? Yes? Good. Alright, I have some good news and I have some bad news. The good news is you did somehow manage to locate and operate a telephone. Yes, I know, even I'm surprised and impressed. The bad news is that’s about as far as you got as you have failed on a colossal level to contact the service you were trying to reach. But don't worry! With that kind of single minded frothing determination I'm sure you'll get it eventually.
God, they have jobs too
Caller was fired, so he figured he would call the emergency line. You know, the one for death, injury, etc. Clearly the right place to be calling. So why was he fired, you ask? Well, he's only be working there for 30 days and out of that 30 he's been late 8 days, sick 3 days, didn't show up 1 day and when he does show up he's unshaven and disheveled.
So of course when he was fired he thinks its totally unfair. Yes, definitely unfair. Has nothing with him having the work ethic of a drunken hobo. Clearly its all their fault. Those damn, dirty apes.
Me: "and what would you like to order?"
SC: "…uh…….."
Oh come on. That IS why you called isn't it? I mean ok, some of you might forget your name, or not be able to spell your name, or not be able to tell me where you live…..or even the general area you're in…..but! You're all calling for one reason: To obtain hats. That's the one constant. How can you possibly have failed on that single most important issue? If you don't know what you want……why did you even call? What the hell? No, seriously. Get back here. I demand an explanation. Sit yer arse down and explain yourself. Why in the sam hell did you call? Answer me, young man!
Smile With Your Voice
That's the little reminder that pops up on our system when you first log in. "Smile with your voice." Hey, I tried.
Language warning ><
(Thanks again to Rap for the file hosting)
