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Ladies Wear...a rant

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  • Ladies Wear...a rant

    I am not a skinny person, I am not a lady with "curves"...I, Aethian, am fat. I know this I accept the 'comments' mostly well. If you've been here awhile you have seen a couple things I have posted that made me cry from this fact but I am slowly day by day getting stronger. (The fact I've lost a couple inches doesn't hurt either. Yay 2 to the 20 I'm aiming for.)

    But when I go shopping for some clothes for me (something I DO NOT like to do) I expect the ladies and gents to be somewhat civil. But when I go in for some under clothing I really expect them to be civil.

    So I go in to the one place I know to have bra's that fit me and work well for work. There are three ladies there and no one in the store. One of the ladies talked about going over to Target to get something to drink and eat. Second girl nudged the third to assist me. So she comes over and pastes on a fake smile.

    TG: Hey welcome to *place* looking for anything in particular?
    Me: Just need to pick up a couple bras, but thought I would look around first.
    TG: Well have you been...sized?
    Me: Yea.
    TG: How long ago?
    Me: About a year.
    TG: Then you should get sized again since it's been so long. Just ask either of us when your ready.
    Me: Kay..

    So I go off to look and she heads over to the back to rehang items from the fitting room. The second girl...jack nothing except watching me like a hawk. I look at a few outfits and put them to the three questions and getting a no on at least one of those questions so...the outfits go back.

    I get ready to go get my bras and the third girl has disappeared into the back so all I have left is the second girl.

    Me: Hey, the other lady said I should get resized, think you could do that for me?
    SG: *long sigh* Fine...I guess.
    Me: Okay, so in the back shirtless or around my shirt?
    SG: *makes a slight snear but quickly masks her face* Around your shirt...let me get my tape.

    And she disappears for a second or two and I head back to the bra section and look at some of the different styles. She returns and just comes up behind me..

    SG: Arms up.
    Me: *slightly jumping* Wow..okay. *arms go up and she starts to measure me*
    SG: Oop looks like I have to get the big tape.
    Me: *blinks as she disappears again*

    Third girl by this time is back and gives me a questionable look before starting over and the second girl manages to turn up and does a somewhat reasonable job measuring.

    SG: Looks like...58B.
    TG: *raises an eyebrow but isn't saying anything*
    Me: Uh...I normally wear a 52C now...
    SG: The NUMBERS say 58B and we don't go that high. You'll have to get them online. Sorry.
    TG: *starts heading over* 52C?
    SG: I handled it! The fatso needs to go online.
    Me: *raising an eyebrow* Excu...
    TG: You need to go fold shirts in the back.
    SG: GOD I hate when they try to make themselves skinnier. LOOK you need a 58. So what...have breast reduction or something? They should have firmed you up.

    Second girl makes a face and stomps to the back while the first lady comes in with drinks for all. Completely not knowing whats going on she brightly asks how I'm doing.

    Me: I'm leaving...not coming back. Didn't have to come here now. Probably won't miss me either. Should take my name off your mailing list before I go.

    Third girl nods to me and mutely takes my info to take my name from the list. First lady is looking very confused and asks me what happened. I told her I didn't appreciate the other girls comments and that she's working in the wrong clothing store. First lady looks to the third girl and heads towards the back. As I'm walking out she disappears before the first lady and I have a feeling second girl isn't going to have a job for the rest of the night.

  • #2
    Holy hell.

    I cant even say anything about the fuckin audacity of that girl. You handled it much better than i would have.

    Im sorry.


    • #3
      I am so sorry that this happened. There is no excuse for the way that she treated you. I am really proud of you for keeping your cool I probably wouldn't have done the same.


      • #4
        What gets me is the other two ladies know me from droping the mail off from before this second girl I had never seen before. I have a feeling she would be much better in a tween store.

        Reason why I say it was a fake smile on the third girl is that I know she opened that morning and it's more then eight hours later. The girl had to be more then tired to give some a bright smile she did.
        Last edited by Aethian; 03-29-2009, 12:35 AM.


        • #5
          What the bloody hell is wrong with people.I'm not fat but I have big hips. I get the looks in charlotte russe. I would have probadly have not left the store until I got a face to face sorry from the mouthy bitch.I will never understand why someone EVER thinks its okay to comment on someones size. I"m so sorry that happened to you.You have the boobs that would make my hubbys eyes pop out.


          • #6
            Quoth candyshopgirl View Post
            You have the boobs that would make my hubbys eyes pop out.
            Ummm probably not. My girls are mostly off to the side and need to be pulled into the cup. I have a big ribcage. If you do the figers around the wrist trick I'm a 'large boned' person.

            But thanks... *blush*


            • #7

              I sowies, Aethian. I get that, a lot, too, when I go shopping. Fuckin' hypocritical little twigs. I could break them in half without any effort.

              I would think this is actually grounds for a letter to management and corporate. Not demanding freebie grabs, but this needs to be persued, even if you never go back to the chain. Insensitive twatpumpkin!!

              <more snugs, and offers of cookies> I say screw 'em.

              And yay for losing inches! I'm struggling with that, too, so it's good to hear people achieving it. Way to go!!

              Okies, Lupo stopping the rambling now...


              • #8
                That was incredibly rude, tactless and downright unprofessional of that girl to say that to you! Sounds like that chick needs a new line of work. How would she like it if somebody said to her, "Girl you need to eat, you look like you could give Jack Skellington a run for his money " (or something to that effect).
                I don't get paid enough to kiss your a**! -Groezig 5/31/08
                Another day...another million braincells lost...-Sarlon 6/16/08
                Chivalry is not dead. It's just direly underappreciated. -Samaliel 9/15/09


                • #9
                  Somebody needs to get their ass fired for that nonsense. There's no reason you had to put up with that rude behavior.


                  • #10
                    Forget fired. That girl needs a good slap on the mouth. Preferably from her parents and about 15 years ago when it'd have done some good.
                    "For the love of all that is holy and 4 things that aren’t but feel pretty good anyway" ~ Gravekeeper


                    • #11
                      Aethian, I have to applaud you for not snapping the girl in half at that point. I too am fat. I'm not denying it.

                      I'm a 48DD, so I know the pain of finding bras and I spent a lot of time searching before I found good bras at Lane Bryant (Cacique, no underwire bras. love 'em!)

                      SO knows that if anyone even dared going that far they would get their asses handed to them.
                      Random conversation:
                      Me: I think I get why Zoro wears a bandana
                      DDD: Cuz it's cool

                      So, by using the Doctor's reasoning, bow ties, fezzes and bandanas are cool.


                      • #12
                        People are cruel and self-centered, to say the least.

                        If I were you, even though you don't plan to shop with this store any more, I'd contact their corporate office and make a complaint about how you were treated. There's simply no excuse to make comments about one's weight (unless one is a doctor and then it's only in relation to health/medical discussion.

                        As far as finding comfortable bras in your size goes, Lane Bryant specializes in full-figured sizes. We also had another chain called Added Dimensions here for years (not sure if they're still around) but my Mom would shop there at times as well (and she's a large woman herself) or Catherine's (which she currently prefers for nightwear and undies.)

                        And I'm afraid that sock to the mouth probably won't work on twat2 at this late date, HorrorFrog. She seriously needs something more invasive.

                        Preferably a hysterectomy to correct that Cranial-Rectal Inversion.
                        Human Resources - the adult version of "I'm telling Mom." - Agent Anthony "Tony" DiNozzo (NCIS)


                        • #13
                          Ugh! I feel for you! I'm full-figured, large-boned, AND overweight (I will never be able to fit a size 12 unless I developed an eating disorder, though I'm hoping to get back down to a 16)--whoever thought that Norwegian women were tall, thin,, and blond has obviously never met many Norwegian women. I HATE not being able to find interesting clothing in my size and style--I don't like tops that resemble brightly-patterned tents.

                          Incidentally, are you familiar with this online store? I just found them, so I don't know how good their stuff is, but I love some of the items they have:
                          "Eventually, everything that you have said becomes everything you will ever say." Eireann

                          My pony dolls:


                          • #14
                            I am someone who has struggled with my weight for a long time. One thing that I come to realize is I am special no matter what and it is what I think about myself that matters not what other think. After all if we were all the same the world would be a really boring place.


                            • #15
                              I am also struggling with my weight, and what this woman said to you was disgusting. I hope she gets her ass fired. If ANYONE ever said that to me...especially people working in a store, I would kick their skinny ass so hard they would taste my shoe in their throat for a month.

