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I'm fat am I!!

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  • #16
    I think that the phrase "I might be fat but I can diet, stupid can't be fixed" might work.

    That's just my opinion, I could be wrong" ~Dennis Miller


    • #17
      Eh, this is similar but kind of opposite.

      What I get, not from customers but from just random people at college or even some coworkers, is "Are you anorexic? You look like it. " or "Go EAT something, girl!"

      uh... excuse me? I'm an even 6 feet tall (I hate it), and I weigh 125 lbs. I'm a size 5-8 (depending on the brand) and have very little curvage. You can't see my ribs. So WHY would someone accuse me of having an eating disorder? I consider that just as rude as someone saying "You're fat." Oh, and I also pretty much eat nonstop when I'm not at work, school, or sleeping. I can't gain weight. As much as I'd like to gain about 20 pounds, it's not going to happen anytime soon.

      Size 14 is not fat. Size 60 might be. (What would the US equivalent be to an Aus. size 14?)


      • #18
        WOW! That is unbelievably rude!

        I've certainly had people comment on my weight - usually telling me I'm fine or I'm too skinny - which I'm not - I've ALWAYS struggled w/ my weight, watch what I eat carefully, and try to work out - but I've always struggled and gain weight very easily. And I would like to be much more toned - I've never ever felt comfortable in a bathing suit and you wouldn't catch me dead in a bikini... but I've had a lot of people act jealous over my "thinness" that they just suppose is natural... um no, I work very hard at staying the weight I am....

        That being said, anyway - yeah I like the "I can go to a gym but I don't know what you can do for your rudeness or old age - you know just b/c you're really really old doesn't give you the right to say whatever you want"......

        Still sounds like old lady is jealous that YOU still have the potential to get in shape (although from what you've said you sound fine) but she's old and can't......


        • #19
          IMHO no one has the right to comment on someones weight like that. By her doing that I think that it gave you carte blanche to give her a verbal (not physical) ass whooping.

          An appropriate comeback would come along the lines of, why thank you for your advice, I realize that someone with all your years of experience would know these things. After all by the time you reach your twilight years you have to deal with both weight issues and those god awful crows feet and wrinkles. How did you decide to just focuse on keeping you're weight down, I've heard that theres a great plastic surgeon over on 4th street that gives a fantastic face lift and can take at least 20 years off, that would probably make you look like a healthy 55 year old with just a hint of a dementia. (assuming she's younger this would drive her off the deep end)
          My Karma ran over your dogma.


          • #20
            Buzzy, as the voice of experience, get into the habit of eating correctly (not dieting, but eating healthy, and 3 meals a day), and exercising. When your metabolism drops back to normal, weight becomes a BIG problem to maintain.

            I was the same way. I could eat anything I wanted, never exercised, and was super skinny. Then, I got the freshman 15 and a few more for good measure my senior year of college. I'm having soo much trouble dropping all of it. 3 years later, I now have to drop about 40-45 pounds. :P
            SC: “Yeah, Bob’s Company. I'm Bob. It's my company.” - GK
            SuperHotelWorker made my Avi!!


            • #21
              It used to hurt. I just use it as mega-motivation nowadays. A customer left a comment for our store on the feedbag website.

              "The fat girl in technology is pretty cool" etc. Or someone has asked for me as "The fat woman technician."

              I take it in stride though becuase the problem is that it's true.

              I'm 243 pounds at 5'6". Mind you I have a ton of muscle and that's 20 lbs less than I was, and still dropping... but still. So while the description may fit... please... I don't like seeing that or hearing it Besides. "I'm fat, but you're ugly and I can diet."
              Last edited by Pezzle; 04-18-2007, 04:22 PM. Reason: Comment


              • #22
                Quoth Mongo Skruddgemire View Post
                Next time tell them...

                "I may be a bit overweight, but you're a polesmoking asshole, and I can go to the gym."


                rude mother@#$%ers like that need to be kicked in the crotch
                And if the insulter is actually bigger than her then this may be in order.

                "Yes ma'am, I realize I'm fat. I was just thinking about that but when I saw you I realized that there is a difference between fat and 'gawd damn'."

                This works verbally better than on paper but hopefully you get the point.

                Oh, and yes, I've had the opportunity to use this one before.


                • #23
                  "Size 14 is not fat. Size 60 might be. (What would the US equivalent be to an Aus. size 14?)"

                  6', 125 pounds probably means you have a very low Body Mass Index. I might be able to see why they think that. But unless they are your sister, your mom, or husband, they need to STFU. It's not their business.

                  Here's an idea of American sizes: I am 5'6" and weigh between 130 and 140. I am in my early 40's (I give my age because I am trying to give an indication of what my body might be like. I am not a teenager. Middle agers tend to be thicker.)I am fit, and pretty solid and muscular, and chesty. Most of my weight seems to be in my legs. I am not considered fat (at least by the standards of normal people). My BMI is low. I wouldn't wear a bikini anymore, but for my age, I'm in pretty good shape. I wear a size 8 pants, and that's a bit big on me, but I'm a little too big for a size 6. I can usually wear 7's. (odd numbers are considered juniors, so that's why I'm usually stuck between a 6 and an 8)

                  Before my pregnancy, I weighed between 120 and 130. I wore an easy size 6.

                  I wear a size 10 jacket or dress because I am a tad big in the chest.


                  • #24
                    OMG! How could someone say that to someone else? That is horrible, I would have burst into tears if it was me!

                    I am constanty worried about my weight and about how people percieve me, and I am a size 10-12 (UK) 5-7 (US).....I drive my boyfriend crazy thinking I am fat all the time! You are only a size 14? That is small....and you are right, that is the average size. That is not even close to OBESE! I picture obese people to be bed-ridden (you know what I mean) god!

                    But, I will have to show my boyfriend this post to prove to him that people do judge others by their size...he always says that no one cares what I look like (haha...and that I am not It is a shame.

                    And, I have never met you, or seen what you look like, but I can say with sincerity that you are not obese, not even fat!

                    Don't feel bad, and if you see this horrid bitch again, say "hmm...last time you came in you said that you had to lose weight, but it seems that you have put some on, FATTY"! That should even the score!
                    "If it offends one person, it effects everyone", on the PC world in which we dwell.


                    • #25
                      Remember what I always say to people who comment on my appearance:

                      Yes, I'm ugly
                      Yes, I'm overweight,
                      Yes, I'm gross
                      Yes, I'm dumb but at least I'm not you.
                      The Grand Galactic Inquisitor hears all and sees all.


                      • #26
                        Quoth RecoveringKinkoid View Post
                        6', 125 pounds probably means you have a very low Body Mass Index.
                        Ideal weight for 6' is around 150lb.

                        SC: “Yeah, Bob’s Company. I'm Bob. It's my company.” - GK
                        SuperHotelWorker made my Avi!!


                        • #27
                          What is with people thinking they have the right to comment on someone else's weight? That is just the height of rudeness!

                          When I was a waitress, a guy left a comment card saying that his fat waitress (me) needed to be fired. The thing was I was considered very under weight at the time.

                          The guy who left the card couldn't fit in a booth and had to sit at a table. He was rude and demanding, but I stayed very professional with him. I don't know what his problem was or why he thought I was fat.
                          Do not annoy the woman with the flamethrower!

                          If you don't like it, I believe you can go to hell! ~Trinity from The Matrix

                          Yes, MadMike does live under my couch.


                          • #28
                            Misanthropical, it's called projection...


                            • #29
                              I'm 6'3. Last I checked, I weigh almost 300 pounds. Most people don't comment on my weight because they're apparently scared I could kick the crap out of them. (I could, too... not all of that weight is fat. )

                              I've been refered to as overweight a few times, and some of my co-workers even call me "big guy" or "big man." Never bothered me at all... although doing something like what that old prude did would probably set me off, too.
                              "Oh, you hate your job? There's a club for that. It's called EVERYBODY, and they meet down at the bar." ~Drew Carey


                              • #30
                                I've had a customer make a comment about my apperance and did'nt like it one bit. When the store is busy if I'm not on a till then I will be directing customers to line up at certain checkouts to ensure people are served as quickly as possible (it also makes the Q's appear shorter, which is less lickly to put off potential customers, thats the real reason ). anyway I was moving a group of people to a diffrent till with a shorter line and this guy says something about how I look. I was really offednded, I think my shock must have shown, all I could do was say that till please and walk off to the next customer. I was just horrified, I could'nt belive someone would do that! I mean maybe a coulgee or friend, but even then they'd be a hell of a lot more delicate. I admit I'm not stunning but I don't look a mess, I make sure I look good for work, tuck my shirt in, mint after lunch, that kind of thing. A lot more than some of our customers! I'd be horrfied if I ever left the house looking a mess, I was just so appaled.

                                I was basicly trying to say I can completely sympathise. Turned into quite a long post, sorry!

