Dear Nintendo :
Hi guys !!
How the hell are ya today ? Fine, you say ? Well, let me tell you about my day. Sheesh, I'll tell you about my week, month and year, too !! It would appear to me that gracing us with your lovely Wii gaming system has proven to be a bit of a challenge for you. Now, I understand that you may not have expected the demand for it that you got, but that's not why we're here today, a day we commonly refer to as Black Friday. I will begin by telling you about my day.
I got NO sleep at all
I had to be to work at 4AM
When I got there, about 1500 others had apparently decided to join in the fun, too
And what was the first thing that came to my mind ? "Gee, I wonder how many of these ass clowns have been waiting here all night thinking we have Wii's ? "
5AM came
People came in
I braced myself
I got shoved and practically knocked over
I got verbally ass kicked by at least 20 ass clowns
That answered my question
Why is this relevant, you say ? Because this has been my day every day since the Wii came out. The endless phone calls. The endless people running in every morning with the same line dancing on the precipice of their lips-"You got any Wii's ?" The same barrage of shit that follows when you say "No, I'm sorry". Believe me, if I had anything to do with it, there would be Wii's for everybody. Sadly, I am but a mere pawn in your gaming charade.
Please, for the sake of not only my sanity, but the sanity of all of us gaming grunts, find it in your big corporate hearts to push out a few more of those things. Then I won't need to do this anymore
Hi guys !!
How the hell are ya today ? Fine, you say ? Well, let me tell you about my day. Sheesh, I'll tell you about my week, month and year, too !! It would appear to me that gracing us with your lovely Wii gaming system has proven to be a bit of a challenge for you. Now, I understand that you may not have expected the demand for it that you got, but that's not why we're here today, a day we commonly refer to as Black Friday. I will begin by telling you about my day.
I got NO sleep at all
I had to be to work at 4AM
When I got there, about 1500 others had apparently decided to join in the fun, too
And what was the first thing that came to my mind ? "Gee, I wonder how many of these ass clowns have been waiting here all night thinking we have Wii's ? "
5AM came
People came in
I braced myself
I got shoved and practically knocked over
I got verbally ass kicked by at least 20 ass clowns
That answered my question
Why is this relevant, you say ? Because this has been my day every day since the Wii came out. The endless phone calls. The endless people running in every morning with the same line dancing on the precipice of their lips-"You got any Wii's ?" The same barrage of shit that follows when you say "No, I'm sorry". Believe me, if I had anything to do with it, there would be Wii's for everybody. Sadly, I am but a mere pawn in your gaming charade.
Please, for the sake of not only my sanity, but the sanity of all of us gaming grunts, find it in your big corporate hearts to push out a few more of those things. Then I won't need to do this anymore

