Today a kid in his early teens BLINDED ME WITH A FUCKING LASER POINTER just after I'd finished serving him. 
After a brief WTF moment I was just about ready to haul his sorry ass outside the premises, but decided to shrug it off.
Then he had the audacity to come to my register again for another order!
NO WAY IN HELL WAS I SERVING HIM AFTER THAT. He was actually surprised I refused service!
Some seven hours later he's here again, this time with his mother.
We all considered telling her that her hellspawn likes to inflict possible bodily harm on innocent retail drones in his spare time. That is, until he used the laser pointer again. On her.
I. Have. No. Words. For. This.
Also, laser pointers are soooo 1990s.

After a brief WTF moment I was just about ready to haul his sorry ass outside the premises, but decided to shrug it off.
Then he had the audacity to come to my register again for another order!
NO WAY IN HELL WAS I SERVING HIM AFTER THAT. He was actually surprised I refused service!

Some seven hours later he's here again, this time with his mother.
We all considered telling her that her hellspawn likes to inflict possible bodily harm on innocent retail drones in his spare time. That is, until he used the laser pointer again. On her.

I. Have. No. Words. For. This.
Also, laser pointers are soooo 1990s.
