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I kill you... with laser!

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  • #16
    Quoth Broomjockey View Post
    CS yadda yadda no violence towards customers yadda yadda. I'm sure everyone knows the drill.
    But-but-but... you yadda'd over the good parts!

    Quoth Broomjockey View Post
    Fine. Being explicit. CS does not condone violence towards ANY person for ANY reason besides defence of self.

    By the way, can I use that line in my signature?
    Ridiculous 2009 Predictions: Evil Queen will beat Martha Stewart to death with a muffin pan. All hail Evil Queen! (Some things don't need elaboration.....) -- Jester

    Ridiculous 2010 Predictions: Evil Queen, after escaping prison for last years prediction, goes out and waffle irons Rachel Ray to death. -- SG15Z

    Ridiculous 2011 Prediction: Evil Queen will beat Gordon Ramsay over the head with a cast-iron skillet. -- FireHeart


    • #17
      Quoth edible_hat View Post
      Idiots should be banned instead. That would solve all our problems.
      But if stores banned idiots, they wouldn't make any money, seeing as how 95% of people are idiots.
      Excuse me, good sir paladin, can you direct me to your EVIL district?


      • #18
        Quoth Jacen View Post
        Intense lights CAN do damage.
        Quoth Part-Time Parrothead View Post
        But it still hurts.
        Not saying it doesn't hurt or it can't do damage -- but I read something that said they altered the wavelength or something so the amount of time it takes you to blink -- no serious (i.e. permanent blindness) will occur. In order for it to damage, you'd have to keep your eyes open (i.e. ignore your reflexes).


        • #19
          Quoth Evil Queen View Post

          By the way, can I use that line in my signature?
          And sure
          Ba'al: I'm a god. Gods are all-knowing.


          • #20
            i was once looking at stuff at Spencer's and moved one item to get a better look at it... and found out it used lasers when the bloody red light hit me square in the eye.

            it took a few minutes for my eye to totally recover from the shock. yeah it hurt.


            • #21
              They are definitely useful as cat toys. My cat's on his third one right now (it's cheaper to buy a new one than to put new batteries in the old one).
              That is so full of suck Dyson doesn't know how they did it - shankyknitter


              • #22
                I had a teacher in high school who was a total idiot. She swore the government was out to get her because she figured out who shot JFK. She even once jumped out of a window (sadly it was on the first floor). Some wiley student from years past found out she was afraid of laser pointers. She would freak if some one had on in her room, so I borrowed a friend's pen that just so happened to have a laser pointer hidden on the end. I shined it all over the room. It went on for about 20 minutes before she saw it. By that time the entire class was giggling. She freaked, started stuttering and threatened to have the principals suspend who ever had it. Like she had the power. :eyeroll: It was great fun.
                Honey and Thorns ~ Handmade Knit and Jewelry


                • #23
                  Quoth RedRoseSpiral View Post
                  She freaked, started stuttering and threatened to have the principals suspend who ever had it. Like she had the power. :eyeroll: It was great fun.
                  Actually... depending on circumstances (probably didn't apply to her though) a teacher could get a student suspended for something that seems trivial. A few of my classmates were given detention (as a warning for the class, suspension would've happened for anyone after) because they made a loud bang in class -- the teacher was in a war, he heard the bang and hid under the table in fear for his life. If a teacher had been shot once or something that they were using a laser-based targeting thing -- she could potentially get someone suspended for it.


                  • #24
                    Lasers are rated in terms of power output. All lasers carry that eye damage warning, regardless of how powerful they are. For the standard red lasers, the general rule of thumb on eye damage is like this:
                    • Class 1: If you stare into it for 15 minutes or so, you might suffer a bit of retinal damage. Laser is only visible in dark rooms.

                      Class 2: If you stare into it for 10 seconds or so, you'll suffer some retinal damage. Laser is visible in rooms with normal lighting.

                      Class 3: Retinal damage occurs after 1/10th of a second of exposure. Laser is visible in sunlight.

                      Class 4: Very severe eye damage (total permanent blindness) occurs in 1/100th of a second. Laser can be used to light a cigarette or cut light metals.

                      Class 5: Eyeballs burn out of skull with any exposure at all. Laser can be used for cutting metals or welding.

                    The rating scale goes well beyond class 5, but you won't generally see anything above Class 5 outside of a laboratory or factory. Laser pointers run from class 1 to class 3.


                    • #25
                      Quoth Broomjockey View Post
                      Fine. Being explicit. CS does not condone violence towards ANY person for ANY reason besides defence of self.

                      This is not something we joke around with.
                      "Save for defense of self" Your rule provides an exclusion to this point. Laser pointers are dangerous and the only way to show kids that they are doing wrong is violence. Either that or the cops.

                      EDIT: By kids, I am refering to snotty, self centered kids and not the innocent kids most of us raise...
                      Last edited by Jacen; 05-19-2008, 11:18 AM.
                      MMO Addicts group


                      • #26
                        Quoth Jacen View Post
                        op: How did the mother react?
                        WE had to tell him it's not right.
                        Pwetty pictuwes: DeviantArt | Flickr


                        • #27
                          Quoth JLRodgers View Post
                          Fortunetely, however, it's said that lasers are actually made in such a way that despite the warnings - they don't do damage (like the companies knew that people would do it, just put the warning on to scare people)
                          Hello. This is my first post here (well, other than the one in the New Members section, obviously).

                          I wanted to state that my sister actually suffered from temporary vision loss after a bratty kid pointed a laser to her eye. She had to be brought to an E.R. ophthalmologist, had to wear an eye patch for a week and sunglasses for a month. Also, her glasses prescription went up a notch.

                          According to Difdi's post, it must have been a Class 3 laser. But apparently, in '98 or '99, those were common enough for a junior high school kid to get a hold of one.

                          So, don't be fooled : those things can be dangerous, especially in the hands of idiotic, careless kids.
                          "I am not able rightly to apprehend the kind of confusion of ideas that could provoke such a question."


                          • #28
                            Quoth blas87 View Post
                            I think those things ought to be banned. They are so annoying.
                            Quoth Sorianna View Post
                            No! You can't ban them! I couldn't torment my cat (my other cat just ignores it. She's the smart one.) with them then.
                            Can I add my "Noooo !" here.

                            I bought my mother a little key ring laser pointer as a Christmas stocking present this year, and she now claims tormenting the cats as her "reason for living". Caused more laughter over Christmas than anything else, and on it's third set of batteries still makes her laugh every day.

                            One of the cats has become paranoid, and seems to think that little red dot will leap out and get him at any time. Otherwise it's all good.

                            (Best £5 present ever !)

                            I'm fine with banning idiots though. Feel free.

                            Victoria J


                            • #29
                              Then perhaps we should just ban them in public? I see no reason they MUST be used by teachers and big businees folk giving presentations.

                              Because I swear, if I ever get lasered pointed again, I will shove that laser so far up that person's ass that they will be farting little red dots of light for the rest of their life.
                              You really need to see a neurologist. - Wagegoth


                              • #30
                                Lovely child.

                                The mother appears to be a winner, too.
                                Unseen but seeing
                                oh dear, now they're masquerading as sane-KiaKat
                                There isn't enough interpretive dance in the workplace these days-Irv
                                3rd shift needs love, too
                                RIP, mo bhrionglóid

