You know, I thought I was immune to being on the receiving end of customer stupidity...I was wrong. It would appear that if I am in my company uniform, I’m gonna get irritated by someone. It’s normally just either someone who is upset with our company trying to make a point, in which case, when I am satnding in a line I hear “Urgh. [company name] they piss me off because...” at which point I usually respond with “I’m off duty, come back when I am at work and I’ll take care of it” (Read: “I don’t give a damn when I’m ON duty much less off”) or I’ll get mistaken for an employee of whichever store I’m in. Usually that’s either Ikea, Tesco, Comet, Maplin electronics or another store which is part of our company but is a different chain. It’s an easy mistake to make, I guess, since our uniforms are TOTALLY DIFFERENT
So I’m in Tescos today, and I walk up to the self-service checkout with my bottle of pop. The guy behind me is struggleing with the checkout he is using, but I no longer care enough about the public to help him.
TC: Tescos Customer
TC: Excuse me? Coulp you help me with this?
Me: *Looks over, sees the machine says “Please wait for assistance” * Nah, sorry mate. I don’t work here
TC: Don’t lie, you can help me.
Me: No, I can’t. I don’t work here
TC: You don’t?
Please bear in mind that my uniform has the company logo on the front pocket, the website above that, the website across my back and a smaller version of the logo between my shoulders, not to mention my shirt looks totally different to the uniform of tesco employees
Me: Nope.
TC: Oh, Yes, I see your uniform is that of the computer store.
Me: Yep *Pulls his wallet out and scans my clubcard*
TC: so you CAN help me then
Me: ...No, I can’t *Discreetly checks to see if my name bade is Its not. Good*
TC: Why Not?
Me: because I am a tech for (company name) not a checkout person for Tesco. One will probably be here in a minute
TC: Well, thats not good enough. You should be able to help me with this if you’re a tech
Me: I’m not a tech for tescos
TC: Well, you’re not a very good tech if you don’t know how to work something as simple as a till
Me: Look, idiot. Don’t think for one second that trying to slate me is going to make me want to help you. *I notice him scanning my top for a name badge* and don’t think you’ll find my badge either, it’s in my car. I used to deal with fuckwitts like you all the time when I worked in my last job, and I’m gonna let you into a little secret; You think that kicking and screaming at the nearest person who looks like they might work somewhere is going to get you served faster. It doesn’t work like that. Now, get this through you thick skull, I can’t help you....and damn sure that even if I can, I ain’t going to. Leave me alone *Picks up my bottle of pop, Grabs my change and starts walking away*
Checkout machine: Thank you for shopping at Tesco
TC: I’ll be making a complaint about you with your manager
Me: Go ahead. I work at the store 15 miles from here (I don’t, I just felt like sending him 15 miles out of his way to complain) but I’ll get there before you, and I’ll be able to forewarn my managers and branch call handling that it’s a false complaint *Turns around and walks away*
The security guard gave me a smile and a nod as I walked out to which I smiled back
Thing is, the guy then followed me out. Not to my car, but to his car, so; knowing what traffic was going to be like, I drove in the opposite direction to where I work and he followed I got onto the flyover headed for the motorway and sure enough, he’s following me.
I passed the speed camera just below the speed limit, then I floored it, watching in my rear-view mirror as I heard the engine start to spin-up. He’s still there but Perfect, there’s an off-ramp for the fly-over coming up and there’s a lorry in front. If I can get in front of that lorry, I should be just in time to shoot off the fly-over and down that off-ramp. He’ll not notice because the lorry was a wide one and will block his view. I pulled out, Keeping my foot down, then shot just in front of that lorry (P.S My apologies to that Asda lorry driver, if you are reading this) and down the off-ramp. I looked back just in time to see that arsehole glare daggers at me hehee. The next junction for him to get off and turn around was about another 3 miles away, so he would have to drive up there and back, burning up petrol which may well run short in this country in a few days. Heheheee.
So I’m in Tescos today, and I walk up to the self-service checkout with my bottle of pop. The guy behind me is struggleing with the checkout he is using, but I no longer care enough about the public to help him.
TC: Tescos Customer
TC: Excuse me? Coulp you help me with this?
Me: *Looks over, sees the machine says “Please wait for assistance” * Nah, sorry mate. I don’t work here
TC: Don’t lie, you can help me.
Me: No, I can’t. I don’t work here
TC: You don’t?
Please bear in mind that my uniform has the company logo on the front pocket, the website above that, the website across my back and a smaller version of the logo between my shoulders, not to mention my shirt looks totally different to the uniform of tesco employees
Me: Nope.
TC: Oh, Yes, I see your uniform is that of the computer store.
Me: Yep *Pulls his wallet out and scans my clubcard*
TC: so you CAN help me then
Me: ...No, I can’t *Discreetly checks to see if my name bade is Its not. Good*
TC: Why Not?
Me: because I am a tech for (company name) not a checkout person for Tesco. One will probably be here in a minute
TC: Well, thats not good enough. You should be able to help me with this if you’re a tech
Me: I’m not a tech for tescos
TC: Well, you’re not a very good tech if you don’t know how to work something as simple as a till
Me: Look, idiot. Don’t think for one second that trying to slate me is going to make me want to help you. *I notice him scanning my top for a name badge* and don’t think you’ll find my badge either, it’s in my car. I used to deal with fuckwitts like you all the time when I worked in my last job, and I’m gonna let you into a little secret; You think that kicking and screaming at the nearest person who looks like they might work somewhere is going to get you served faster. It doesn’t work like that. Now, get this through you thick skull, I can’t help you....and damn sure that even if I can, I ain’t going to. Leave me alone *Picks up my bottle of pop, Grabs my change and starts walking away*
Checkout machine: Thank you for shopping at Tesco
TC: I’ll be making a complaint about you with your manager
Me: Go ahead. I work at the store 15 miles from here (I don’t, I just felt like sending him 15 miles out of his way to complain) but I’ll get there before you, and I’ll be able to forewarn my managers and branch call handling that it’s a false complaint *Turns around and walks away*
The security guard gave me a smile and a nod as I walked out to which I smiled back

Thing is, the guy then followed me out. Not to my car, but to his car, so; knowing what traffic was going to be like, I drove in the opposite direction to where I work and he followed I got onto the flyover headed for the motorway and sure enough, he’s following me.
I passed the speed camera just below the speed limit, then I floored it, watching in my rear-view mirror as I heard the engine start to spin-up. He’s still there but Perfect, there’s an off-ramp for the fly-over coming up and there’s a lorry in front. If I can get in front of that lorry, I should be just in time to shoot off the fly-over and down that off-ramp. He’ll not notice because the lorry was a wide one and will block his view. I pulled out, Keeping my foot down, then shot just in front of that lorry (P.S My apologies to that Asda lorry driver, if you are reading this) and down the off-ramp. I looked back just in time to see that arsehole glare daggers at me hehee. The next junction for him to get off and turn around was about another 3 miles away, so he would have to drive up there and back, burning up petrol which may well run short in this country in a few days. Heheheee.