Quoth AdvancedFlea
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Quoth BookstoreEscapee View PostHe probably had the audacity to be helping another customer or something...-The one, The Only, AdvancedFlea-
Stick that in your blog and smoke it.
A guide for customers about retail
Quoth trench2k View Postuh oh, stalker alert. Maybe you should follow him home and freak him out.-The one, The Only, AdvancedFlea-
Stick that in your blog and smoke it.
A guide for customers about retail
Quoth AdvancedFlea View PostNo, see, Petrol costs too much and with the fuel protests, I have about a weeks supply of fuel in my car (full tank) then thats it, no more. so I am not wasting petrol stalking a guy ^^;
I'm sure he would gleefully file, even though he was doing the exact same thing.
Personally, I'd have called the police when I noticed he was following. The fact
that he's willing to go out of his way to do so is an indication to me that his state
of mind is suspect, and there's no tellling what someone like that might try.
Kudos on leading him in the wrong direction.
The two largest supermarket chains in my area have vastly different uniforms. Basically company "A" requires a dress shirt, black pants, decent black/dark shoes and a tie for the average clerk to ring or stock shelves. Company "B" requires any pants, no shorts, and the company supplied polo. I work for company "B" but one day I was in a company "A" store in the summer in shorts, and a polo shirt.
One lady, not old and senile, just the type that assumes younger people must work for whatever store they are in. She walks up to me...
SC: Go in back and get me some more *whatever*
Me: i don't work here
SC: Yes you do
Me: No I don't. Does it look like i work here? *points to shorts/polo*
SC: Yes. (in the your a retard voice) Now go get me *product*
Me: No. *i walk off, while the SC is screaming and pouting would put a 2 yo. to shame*
SC: I telling a manager and will get you fired for not helping me.
I felt sorry for the manager that had to deal with her.
Quoth AdvancedFlea View PostI shoudl try telling people I don;t work at the place I actualy work at
Much quicker and easier to say, "No, I don't work here."Sometimes life is altered.
Break from the ropes your hands are tied.
Uneasy with confrontation.
Won't turn out right. Can't turn out right
Yeah, Not condoning violence, just sharing a story. My friend carries a metal baseball wrapped in barbed wire in his trunk. He's never used it, it's mostly for show. When he has pulled it out, his attackers usually think "oh shit, you gotta be completely psycho to carry a barbed-wire wrapped bat", so they tend to leave him alone. I've seen the thing, it looks pretty vicious."I'm working for popcorn - what I get paid doesn't rise to the level of peanuts." -Courtesy of Darkwish
...Beware the voice without a face...
Quoth NightWatch View PostYeah, Not condoning violence, just sharing a story. My friend carries a metal baseball wrapped in barbed wire in his trunk. He's never used it, it's mostly for show. When he has pulled it out, his attackers usually think "oh shit, you gotta be completely psycho to carry a barbed-wire wrapped bat", so they tend to leave him alone. I've seen the thing, it looks pretty vicious.
Wish I would've thought of that in junior high and high school when I was being tormented by bullies.Knowledge is power. Power corrupts. Study hard. Be evil.
"I never said I wasn't a horrible person."--Me, almost daily
Quoth MadMike View PostI did that once, only because it was my day off, and I had the feeling that if I had tried telling the customer I wasn't on the clock, she'd still expect me to help her.
Much quicker and easier to say, "No, I don't work here."
SC: I need help finding item1, item2 (about 10 -items, nothing special, bread, milk, etc)
Me: Well, i'm off the clock and have to go to an appointment, but item1 is in aisle X, the milk is in the back corner, the bread in in aisle X, etc. If you need more help just ask an employee. *I know we had three people on the floor stocking the grocery shelves, 2 in frozen/dairy and 2 in GM, all on the floor unless they had to make a quick trip to the back*
SC: So you will nto take me around?
Me: no, i have a appointment i need to get to.
SC: Why will you not take me around?
Me: It is against company police and law fro me to work off the clock.
SC: So?
Me: I have helped you all I can. *walks out*
Quoth mattm04 View Post
SC: I need help finding item1, item2 (about 10 -items, nothing special, bread, milk, etc)
Me: Well, i'm off the clock and have to go to an appointment, but item1 is in aisle X, the milk is in the back corner, the bread in in aisle X, etc. If you need more help just ask an employee. *I know we had three people on the floor stocking the grocery shelves, 2 in frozen/dairy and 2 in GM, all on the floor unless they had to make a quick trip to the back*
SC: So you will nto take me around?
Me: no, i have a appointment i need to get to.
SC: Why will you not take me around?
Me: It is against company police and law fro me to work off the clock.
SC: So?
Me: I have helped you all I can. *walks out*
I'm not talking about customers who actually try to look for something and then ask for help. I'm talking about the ones who walk in the door, walk up to the first employee they see, thrust their shopping list in the employee's face and expect the employee to walk them around the store to every item on their list.
And believe me, I have dealt with a fair number of them. At least I don't have to worry about them being secret shoppers anymore, because we no longer use secret shoppers. So I can just point and give vague descriptions.Knowledge is power. Power corrupts. Study hard. Be evil.
"I never said I wasn't a horrible person."--Me, almost daily
Quoth Irving Patrick Freleigh View PostHey, I'm completely psycho!
Wish I would've thought of that in junior high and high school when I was being tormented by bullies.I'm just messin with you, I promise
"I'm working for popcorn - what I get paid doesn't rise to the level of peanuts." -Courtesy of Darkwish
...Beware the voice without a face...
Let me get this right: This guy followed you in his car after uttering threats against you? And he's not in jail or a shallow unmarked grave? You have more patience than I do.
At the very least I would have phoned the cops and had them pull him over, and followed that up with an utterance and stalking charges.*There is no greater gift than to be reborn with every heartbeat*
*Grudges should only be held for as long as it takes to deliver a proper vengence!*
The SC of the original post was a moron, too bad you couldn't take down his lisence plate number and call it in to the cops. Unfortunately, there are way too many that have followed and will follow in his footsteps. I've had more than a few myself, wearing a uniform or not.
I was thinking about it, and maybe it's the way that we're phrasing the answer that isn't allowing it to sink in? We all know SC's don't hear negative phrases like 'We don't have that' or 'no, we can't get that', so saying 'I don't work here' is probably about as effective.
We could all try something like 'Actually, I'm a customer, I'm sure a sales person will be along soon'. It might just fry their wee little minds."You are the dumbest smart person I have ever met in my life!" Will Smith, 'I, Robot'.
"You LOSE! Good day, sir!" Gene Wilder, 'Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory'.
you know, if I'm out shopping and someone asks for help, you know as one shopper to another, like the "hey, where are those (items) that you have in your cart, I couldn't find them" type thing I have no problem helping them... and I've almost never had an "i don't work here moment"... I take that back, I had that when I was 14... I was wandering around the video game section of toy-r-us after school one day, I had a band field trip earlier in the day so I was still wearing my red band shirt and black pants... apparently toys-r-us managers wear a similar outfit and this lady came up behind me and out of nowhere started bitching about about how she can't find any employees on the floor and none of the cashiers will help her and what do I intend to do about it... to give her credit when I turned around and she saw in big(ish) letter on the front of my shirt saying PINE MIDDLE SCHOOL BAND and the fact that even though I looked a bitter older than my actual age was most definitely not old enough to be a manager (you know, other than the hint that I'm wearing a school uniform shirt) she became mortified, apologized and ran for the hills (so maybe I have had some pretty bad I don't work here's but after that nothing seems odd anymore).If you wish to find meaning, listen to the music not the song