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  • #46
    Quoth AdvancedFlea View Post
    the trouble is, in this country, it is illegal to drive and talk on a hand-held mobile phone. I had my hands-free kit but it wasn't paired with my phone.
    Yeah, well, it's illegal in ABQ and Santa Fe, but it hasn't seemed to have stopped anyone....including the cops!

    Quoth AdvancedFlea View Post
    basically, every so often we have "fuel protests" the first one we had was in the year 2000 where lorry drivers barracaded the refineries, stopping the lorries getting in and out.
    Oh, yeah, I saw that in the "Rampant Scotland" newsletter!

    Quoth Irving Patrick Freleigh View Post
    I'm not talking about customers who actually try to look for something and then ask for help. I'm talking about the ones who walk in the door, walk up to the first employee they see
    I kinda did this yesterday, too. Saturday afternoon, my rearview mirror came off (go ahead and laugh). I walked over to Pep Boys to find something to put it back on with. I realized when I got in the store, I had absolutely no bloody idea where to look. I was somewhat like Jester....I knew what I needed but didn't know where it was kept. I figured it was better than wandering the store for a half hour. And the guys over there are great. This guy took me over and even went over the instructions for me! They have never once tried to put something over on me because I'm a woman. Of course, I was laughing about it. For some reason, the rearview popping off in my hand just strikes me as funny!
    It's floating wicker propelled by fire!


    • #47
      You got to yell at a stupid customer AND have a high speed chase.

      That is just the best.


      • #48
        Quoth Pagan View Post
        Yeah, well, it's illegal in ABQ and Santa Fe, but it hasn't seemed to have stopped anyone....including the cops!
        over here, if caught, it's a £60 fine and 3 points on your liscence. few people take the risk.

        There was one hell of a shit storm kicked up about it recently. a woman killed a guy she ran over while she was apparently texting. the guy was on a bike and he had gone through a red light, so he was in the wrong but because she had a mobile phone in her hand, she was loaded with all of the blame.

        she now faces a 2 year prison sentance for "causing death by dangerious driving" this is even after the media and a huge chunk of the population, including me, saying "hang on, this is unfair. Yes, she shouldn't have had the mobile in her hand, but HE ran the red light, not her."
        -The one, The Only, AdvancedFlea-

        Stick that in your blog and smoke it.

        A guide for customers about retail


        • #49
          Quoth AdvancedFlea View Post
          basically, every so often we have "fuel protests" the first one we had was in the year 2000 where lorry drivers barracaded the refineries, stopping the lorries getting in and out. People went out and "panic" bought petrol ,casuing the petrol stations to run dry AND there was an organised "go-slow" on the motorways

          the next fuel protest we had was 2004, an organised go-slow on the main motorways, where the protestors deliberatly went to the media and said "we are going to recreate the chaos of the year 2000 protests" so ofcourse, the media repeat that and everyone assumes that they are barracadeing the refineries again...not the case. everyone goes out and buys as much petrol as they can legally store, causeing even the petrol station I worked at at the time, which was having deliveries every day, to run out.
          This happened when my husband worked at the refinery and I was very ticked off, because he had to wait for them to leave before he could leave to come home.

          I get yelled at for not helping people too, it just never occurs to them that I don't work at that place till they go get a manager.

          I would also laugh my behind off if they wanted to call BossMan and tell him how rude I was, because BossMan does not care one iota about how I act when I'm not at work.

          And, could people please learn that just because my husband is wearing business casual does not mean he works at what ever store we happen to be in. Do you really think an employees would be holding hands with someone on the clock and whining about "can we go now?" "are we done yet?"
          Do not annoy the woman with the flamethrower!

          If you don't like it, I believe you can go to hell! ~Trinity from The Matrix

          Yes, MadMike does live under my couch.


          • #50
            Quoth AdvancedFlea View Post
            (1)I have an aluminium baseball bat in my car boot too. It's actually for plasying baseball but useful for keeping unwated people away...not that I condone violence ^^

            (2)the trouble is, in this country, it is illegal to drive and talk on a hand-held mobile phone. I had my hands-free kit but it wasn't paired with my phone.
            (1) Unless you can prove that you're using it to play baseball it would be classed as possession of an offensive weapon. Get rid of it and put a tyre iron in instead (its a car, you could have a puncture...)

            (2)There are two exemptions:

            2- way “press to talk” radios, such as used by the emergency services and taxi drivers
            Using a hand-held phone for a genuine emergency call to 999 or 112 if it would be unsafe for the driver to stop.

            Although the Emergency Services all now have hands free two way radios (the Press To Transmit buttons are on either the dash next to the steering wheel or on the ger lever).
            A PSA, if I may, as well as another.


            • #51
              Quoth crazylegs View Post
              Unless you can prove that you're using it to play baseball it would be classed as possession of an offensive weapon. Get rid of it and put a tyre iron in instead (its a car, you could have a puncture...)
              Actually, when I traveled the country, I had a baseball bat right behind my seat. And not far from them, I had a glove and ball, just in case someone questioned the bat.......hey, what can I say? I like baseball?

              But if you don't want to do that, I recommend a Mag-Lite. It's one of those heavy duty flashlights police use. I have the 3D (3 D batteries) version, a lot of cops have those or 4 D ones. Not only is it useful to have a flashlight on hand in your car for all kinds of reasons, Mag-Lites make very effective batons/skull crackers. There's a REASON cops hold the Mags they way they do, so that if they need to swing it with the butt end coming down on someone, it is ready to go. By the way, this is one of those instances where I would NOT go with an off-brand. I had a cheaper version of a Mag-Lite for about five minutes once. It felt flimsy in my hand, and I had no confidence in it as a weapon, so I returned it and got the real deal.

              No, I have never had to use my Mag as anything but a flashlight, but it IS nice to have handy for its other purpose. Plus, they are just kickass flashlights. And totally, completely, 100% legal.

              "The Customer Is Always Right...But The Bartender Decides Who Is
              Still A Customer."


              • #52
                Quoth Jester View Post
                Actually, when I traveled the country, I had a baseball bat right behind my seat.

                Big No No, even with said glove and ball (locationlocationlocation)...

                Now the mag lite, thats a different story...
                A PSA, if I may, as well as another.


                • #53
                  Hey, I was just saying what *I* did. I wasn't driving in the UK, and in the US, that was kind of a grey area of the law....especially since I was going through so many States with so many different laws.

                  In any case, different laws IS why I mentioned the Mag-Lite as well. In my opinion, the three most important things anyone should have in their vehicle are a tire iron, jumper cables, and a Mag.

                  "The Customer Is Always Right...But The Bartender Decides Who Is
                  Still A Customer."


                  • #54
                    Quoth Jester View Post
                    Hey, I was just saying what *I* did. I wasn't driving in the UK, and in the US, that was kind of a grey area of the law....especially since I was going through so many States with so many different laws.
                    I know, I just didn't want anyone this side of the pond to fall foul of our laws thats all.
                    A PSA, if I may, as well as another.


                    • #55
                      I could be wearing a shirt with my company logo on it, and even a first-name name tag (we don't have them in my department though) and even then, if it were me in this scenario, they'd never be able to find me to complain without knowing what city I work in and what department.

                      Yes, dear Stupid Customer, I will even spell my first name for you to make sure you get it right. Good luck finding which of the 600 women with my same first name in our huge fortune 500 company that spans the state and has at least six offices within the concurrent 50 square miles from where we stand now is actually me Good luck describing me too. About 70 of 'em I'm sure match the description.

                      Even if they did find my department and location, which would never happen, my Supe would laugh them off the phone.
                      My dollhouse blog.

                      Blog about life


                      • #56

                        I hope he gets a speeding ticket.

                        I work for London Underground and often get people asking me things about buses as I am travelling to or from work. If it's not going to inconvenience me and I know then I don't mind answering but I really don't know much about buses other than I get on at this stop and off at the one further down the road.

                        If people keep bothering me I point out that I'm off-duty and assure them I'll answer further questions if they will pay my hourly overtime rate. Miraculously they generally discover that they *can* read and go to find out the information from the bus stop.
                        Will you $*&£ing mind the $*&£ing doors!


                        • #57
                          Quoth crazylegs View Post
                          (1) Unless you can prove that you're using it to play baseball it would be classed as possession of an offensive weapon. Get rid of it and put a tyre iron in instead (its a car, you could have a puncture...)

                          (2)There are two exemptions:

                          2- way “press to talk” radios, such as used by the emergency services and taxi drivers
                          Using a hand-held phone for a genuine emergency call to 999 or 112 if it would be unsafe for the driver to stop.

                          Although the Emergency Services all now have hands free two way radios (the Press To Transmit buttons are on either the dash next to the steering wheel or on the ger lever).
                          Now see, NIETHER of those, did I realise ^^;. I know police cars are now coming with the same built-in hands-free kit my dads car has. I mean, his, when the phone rings, it interrupts the radio and all he does is just press the "phone" button on his streering wheel. Mine is a bluetooth thing that clips to my ear

                          Quoth zelper View Post
                          If people keep bothering me I point out that I'm off-duty and assure them I'll answer further questions if they will pay my hourly overtime rate. Miraculously they generally discover that they *can* read and go to find out the information from the bus stop.
                          xD I've actually said that to my co-workers when they won't leave me alone...well...the sales guys "Yes, I'll answer the 5000 questiosn you're asking me so you can push up your sales me my hourly wage" ...amazing how quick they figure out that tech is but a few steps away.
                          -The one, The Only, AdvancedFlea-

                          Stick that in your blog and smoke it.

                          A guide for customers about retail


                          • #58
                            Quoth AdvancedFlea View Post
                            over here, if caught, it's a £60 fine and 3 points on your liscence. few people take the risk.
                            The fine for the 1st offense is $100 and for each subsequent offense, it's $200. Can't find anything about points on the DL, though.

                            Quoth crazylegs View Post
                            Big No No, even with said glove and ball (locationlocationlocation)...
                            Quoth Jester View Post
                            Hey, I was just saying what *I* did. I wasn't driving in the UK, and in the US, that was kind of a grey area of the law....especially since I was going through so many States with so many different laws.
                            Not to mention, it varies from state-to-state, too. In New Mexico, you don't have to have a concealed carry license to keep a gun in your car, it's considered an extension of your home. There's also nothing stopping you from walkin' around with a gun strapped to your leg. Hey, in some ways, it's still the Wild Wild West out here. (The Lincoln County War could flare up again at any time! )
                            It's floating wicker propelled by fire!


                            • #59
                              Quoth Jester View Post
                              No, I have never had to use my Mag as anything but a flashlight, but it IS nice to have handy for its other purpose. Plus, they are just kickass flashlights. And totally, completely, 100% legal.
                              Just as an F.Y.I. for those that have never seen/held a Mag-Lite: They are made of heavy-grade anodized aluminum that, when filled with batteries, effectively mass the same as a solid metal bar of the same length and diameter. This means the larger ones, like the ever-popular 4-D version and especially the 6-D, are capable of some heavy damage, but at the cost of being slow and clunky.

                              If you have an excuse to have one at hand, a crowbar would be your best bet, since it has about the same mass and you can get more impact force thanks to the leverage from the longer length. As Jester mentioned, though, the Mag-Lites are primarially implements, implements that serve as sources of illumination. This means they have a legitimate reason to be immediately accessible in a way that a sawed-off pool cue, baseball bat, lead pipe, crowbar, or even tire-iron don't.
                              Last edited by JustADude; 06-18-2008, 07:32 AM.
                              ...WHY DO YOU TEMPT WHAT LITTLE FAITH IN HUMANITY I HAVE!?! -- Kalga
                              And I want a pony for Christmas but neither of us is getting what we want OK! What you are asking is impossible. -- Wicked Lexi


                              • #60
                                Quoth Pagan View Post
                                The fine for the 1st offense is $100 and for each subsequent offense, it's $200. Can't find anything about points on the DL, though.
                                Yeah, in this country, they come down really hard on drivers doing crap like that over here.
                                -The one, The Only, AdvancedFlea-

                                Stick that in your blog and smoke it.

                                A guide for customers about retail

