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Broken Record Blues (The thrills of repetition)

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  • Broken Record Blues (The thrills of repetition)

    Not an SC story per se, but definitely in the same realm.

    The Playstation 3 is coming out soon and so today I was deluged with people asking "are you doing PS3 preorders?"

    Now I don't mind them asking me this as I just go into the same spiel I tell everyone, except this particular day I had to say it about 25 times.

    My gripe is that sometimes customers will interrupt me while I'm speaking to ask a question which would have been answered had they kept listening. It's not a long speech, takes me less than a minute to get through probably. Impatience abounds.

    Secondly is the folks who make silly jokes about it or act like they are now the most privileged person on the planet because they (think they) are going to get their hands on this thing. Telling me how cool and great it is or what the specs are or whatever, as if I'm one of their buddies who doesn't know this stuff. I work in games, I know the system info down cold, I don't need to hear it yet again. I am an employee giving you some information, not your buddy to shoot the breeze with.

    Then there was the guy who thought it was "ludicrous" that we actually required customers to put down a deposit to reserve a system and left in a huff.

    And I have to go through this allll over again tomorrow.

  • #2
    My boyfriends forbidden from getting one. Every single one of his friends are, they all think im a right bitch for not letting him.

    I dont give a flying duck actually.

    I say he has better things to spend a grand on.

    He has 8 other guys to play ps3 with....8 of them for godsake...its like they were never taught to share or something
    I wasnt put on this earth to make you feel like a man ~ Mary Bertone


    • #3
      A grand?!?!? Playstation 3 is actually one thousand dollars? For a lousy gaming system?

      Please, by all that is holy and good in this world, tell me you are joking.

      You are joking, right?

      "The Customer Is Always Right...But The Bartender Decides Who Is
      Still A Customer."


      • #4
        Lets break it down shall we.

        PS3, the one worth getting, $599 american dollars.
        average sales tax in us, 8% (give or take)
        thats almost $650 for a console with 1 controller and no games.

        Lets assume the price tag of the games is 60 bucks. and a second controller is 40, and lets assume it uses the harddrive to save files.
        $750 - one console, 2 controllers, 1 game.

        Lets now assume that all the retailers are going to sell bundles for it like they did the xbox 360, meaning no just buying the console by it self.
        im willing to bet the cheapest bundle for the expensive console, will be 3 games and a controller.
        $870 ...
        getting close.

        But what if they offer super packs, i saw an estimate in Game Informer... or was it GamePro. that if they offered a nice big HDTV to go with it, and some nice surround sound speakers, not terribly expensive ones, but adequat... that you could reach 5 grand before you had everything released on launch day...
        Cyberpunk mayhem!


        • #5
          I got my b/f the super duper Xbox 360 last year and spent a grand when all was said and done. The base price on the PS3 is actually higher than the 360 so it is safe to say that it won't be hard to spend a grand on this one too. Luckily for me, I prefer the Playstation, while he prefers the Xbox, so I likely won't be buying a PS3 until Square Enix makes the next Final Fantasy (probably XIII) PS3 only.
          The only words you said that I understood were "His", "Phone" and "Ya'll". The other 2 paragraphs worth was about as intelligible as a drunken Teletubby barkin' come on's at a Hooter's waitress.


          • #6
            Quoth symposes View Post
            Lets break it down shall we.

            PS3, the one worth getting, $599 american dollars.
            average sales tax in us, 8% (give or take)
            thats almost $650 for a console with 1 controller and no games.
            Six hundred bucks? Just for the system? Damn, for that price, they ought to throw in a keyboard and mouse, too. And basic word processing/painting software, web browser, mail program, iTunes...


            • #7
              First of all CrazedClerk, They keep changing the specs on it. So until it is actually released I am never going to know "for sure" what the specs are. This really is the only system that has really really tempted me to get it. But when you have a young baby and a wife to take care of, money needs to go towards other things.


              • #8
                that's ridiculous... 600$.

                I want one but no way am I going to spend 600USD (probably more here in Canada, even after conversion) on a game console. I'll wait till the bugs are all ironed and price drops


                • #9
                  I'm waiting for a price drop, I love video games but I'm not spending that much money on a game console.
                  The Grand Galactic Inquisitor hears all and sees all.


                  • #10
                    Quoth ihatethenba68 View Post
                    I'm waiting for a price drop, I love video games but I'm not spending that much money on a game console.
                    I agree. I just bought a PS2 used for $94 shipped to my door. So I think I can wait a few years for PS3. I also only buy used games. I'm not obssessed like some of these people who camp out in front of Wal-Mart.


                    • #11
                      I just bought a PS2 used for $94 shipped to my door. So I think I can wait a few years for PS3. I also only buy used games. I'm not obssessed like some of these people who camp out in front of Wal-Mart.
                      Same as me - I just bought a used PS2 this summer for $85 - just had to adjust the laser, and it works as good as new. I also get used games or new games that are being blown out.

                      It's also good to wait because all the technical problems will be sorted out by the time I'm ready to buy. Remember the overheating problems of the XBox 360, the power supply recall of the XBox, or the laser problems of the PS2? Who knows what problems people will have with the PS3 or Wii?


                      • #12
                        Smackdown vs. Raw 2007 is only coming out for PS2. So any tiny fleeting thoughts I had about a PS3 went out the window with that announcement. Besides which, if I just wait a year or so after the damn thing comes out, the price will probably half or so and the games will still be there.

                        I wish I came from one of those superrich families that give their kids these things for Christmas. I mean, geez, I asked for a $130 PS2 for Christmas last year and I wanted my whole family to go in on it because I figured that was too expensive to be just another gift. (They didn't, my parents bought it themselves, but eh.)

                        I mean, $1000 for something that only plays video games, when, for half that, I can buy a decent computer that plays GOOD games, types stories, colors my drawings, goes online, scans in baby pictures, AND has the tools to allow me to make repairs myself without paying for tech support (so long as I don't set it on fire)?

                        Seriously, is Asperger's getting me again or do other people wonder about this?
                        "Maybe the problem just went away...maybe it was the magical sniper fairy that comes and gives silenced hollow point rounds to people who don't eat their vegetables."


                        • #13
                          PS3 Premium - $499
                          PS3 Core - $399

                          So... it's going to be about the same as an XBox 360

                          I WILL be getting a PS3... I just don't know if I want to fight people for it, so I may wait.
                          Last edited by Mr. Rager!; 10-13-2006, 05:28 PM.
                          When will the fantasy end? When will the heaven begin?


                          • #14
                            Quoth marcus
                            I don't think you're a bitch I just don't think he has any balls

                            You also need to keep in mind that the PS3 is also a BluRay player, and those are going for about $500 righ now for one of decent quality.

                            That's the reason I bought a PS2. I wanted a DVD player, and it only cost 30 more bucks to get the PS2 as opposed to the DVD player.
                            "Time shall help me face my painful memories with indifference, and with more of it, I won't feel the need to face them at all..."


                            • #15
                              heh imma gamer i got a 2 grand cpu and every consol since the nes (even an nes) and i wont be getting that damned PS3 lol i got a wii on preorder couse its cheep but gah no way am i spending that much on a consol. the 360 was way to much >.<
                              Fan? This is shit. Shit? Meet fan.

