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Shut down an "economy" whiner yesterday!

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  • Shut down an "economy" whiner yesterday!

    As some of you know, I work at your friendly local Game Store. Unlike a lot of you here, I have the joy of shutting up "economy"whiners on a daily basis now. Please take notes as this can be used by our friends working in theaters, video stores, and book stores also to a lesser extent.

    This happened yesterday not long after we opened up shop.

    CW: New, but very cool co-worker.
    SC: I think we all know this by now.

    SC: *comes up the the counter, arms loaded with games*
    CW: Alright, your total after tax is $XXX.XX
    SC: Nah, I don't think it is...
    CW: Excuse me?
    SC: You guys can't afford to charge me that much IN THIS ECONOMY...
    CW: Errr...
    SC: See, you're gonna give me 25% off of allllll this stuff.
    CW: I can't do that.
    SC: Yes, you can, or I'll tell your manager you were rude and get you fired.

    Please note, I'm standing right beside the counter listening to this douche and trying oh-so-hard not to laugh at him.

    CW: My manager, huh?
    SC: That's right, now gimme my discount!
    CW: Sorry, I'm not authorized to do that, let me go get my manager.
    SC: *grumbles under his breath about worthless grunts*

    The look on his face was priceless when I just stepped behind the counter, having heard everything.

    ME: So, my employee was rude to you, hmm?
    SC: Er.. well... no.. I just think I should get a discount on these games..
    ME: And why is that, exactly?
    SC: Because IN THIS ECONOMY you can't afford to sell things so high!
    ME: The economy you say...
    SC: That's right.. In fact, I want 30% off now...
    ME: How about you just pay for your games like everyone else?
    ME: Actually, this store is doing more business now than it has in a long time.

    The expression on his face was hilarious here, one part anger, one part border collie hearing a high-pitched whistle, head-tilt and all!

    SC: No it isn't!
    ME: Actually, two businesses are booming right now, liquor and the entertainment industry. These two things are recession proof! And do you know why? People looking for an escape from the worry of their everyday lives, especially money worries, come to US for a little relief. Now, if you want those games, please apologize to my employee and pay for your games.
    SC: I ain't apologizing to him! He was rude to me!
    ME: Saying "no" to someone is not being rude, now please pay for your games or leave.

    He actually mumbled a sort of half-hearted apology to my co-worker and paid for about half of the games. The rest of them found nice, happy homes before the day was out.

    Oddly enough, while everyone else seems to be getting more and more SCs around here, we seem to be getting less and less.. Do you think it's the economy or the fact that both myself (the ASM here) and the store manager are very no-nonsense, don't take crap, and back up our employees?

    This was longer than I thought it would be...

  • #2
    I'd bet that everyone on these boards had you as a boss, because most manager are the spineless type. Tell me, Mordenheim, are you the type who would put my signature in their store?
    Last edited by Hitokiri Akins; 04-20-2009, 03:02 PM.
    The customer is not always right. Most of the time, the customer is a clueless moron. If this offends you, you are this moron.


    • #3
      Quoth Mordenheim View Post
      ME: Actually, two businesses are booming right now, liquor and the entertainment industry.
      I'm almost a bit sad I don't work in either industry and can't use that excuse.

      Also porn, you forgot the porn industry. >.>


      • #4
        Thank you, Mordenheim and Kudos to you for holding solid.

        You're absolutely right. People are buying games, especially traditional board and card games, because they're an economical source of entertainment that will last a long while.

        Unfortunately, the media has told people that the price of everything is now negotiable. Just this morning, A TV personality was seen demanding a discount on a 'damaged' red bell pepper for a cooking demonstration. She was happy to pay a Dollar for that pepper. I can get a perfect red pepper for 55 cents in my neighborhood. Where did she shop? Where will this madness end?

        Customers have to realize that people who sell are facing the same problems of those who buy. Retailers, especially independent merchants, can't offer deep discounts since they have to meet their own daily 'nuts' if they're to stay in business and keep employees on the payroll.

        Retailers aren't charities and I hope the media will soon start telling people that there's a difference between what you want and what you need.

        [Cue the Stones]
        Research is the art of reading what everyone has read and seeing what no one else has seen.


        • #5
          Also, if the economy is so bad, they shouldn't be buying these types of things in the first place! Video games are luxuries, not neccessities!


          • #6
            Quoth Mordenheim View Post
            Please take notes as this can be used by our friends working in theaters, video stores, and book stores also to a lesser extent.

            ME: Actually, two businesses are booming right now, liquor and the entertainment industry. These two things are recession proof! And do you know why? People looking for an escape from the worry of their everyday lives, especially money worries, come to US for a little relief.
            And it can be used in bars as well. Yet another reason why I love my job.

            Quoth Gravekeeper View Post
            Also porn, you forgot the porn industry.
            Actually, porn may NOT be recession-proof. You may have forgotten, or may not have heard, that the porn industry was itself talking about asking the government for a bailout. Needless to say, that didn't go very far.

            Quoth LibraryLady View Post
            Just this morning, A TV personality was seen demanding a discount on a 'damaged' red bell pepper for a cooking demonstration. She was happy to pay a Dollar for that pepper. I can get a perfect red pepper for 55 cents in my neighborhood. Where did she shop?
            Was this a local tv personality or a national one? I ask because prices vary widely from region to region. For example, I would be ECSTATIC to get a red bell pepper for 55 cents. At my local Albertson's, they usually run about $1.50, occasionally going on special for $1 each.

            Quoth LibraryLady View Post
            Retailers aren't charities and I hope the media will soon start telling people that there's a difference between what you want and what you need.

            [Cue the Stones]
            As you wish.

            "The Customer Is Always Right...But The Bartender Decides Who Is
            Still A Customer."


            • #7
              Quoth LibraryLady View Post
              People are buying games, especially traditional board and card games, because they're an economical source of entertainment that will last a long while.
              [Cue the Stones]
              This. So very true.

              Best entertainment money I've spent recently- a copy of 'Storming the Castle' on clearance for $1. Only played it twice so far, but each time the game took about 1 hour for someone to win. This game will probably last a good dozen years or so, barring accidents.

              All that for a single dollar? And it was on clearance before all the 'economy' talk got so dire.


              • #8
                I work in manufacturing as my primary job (I moonlight as a regigster-slave the rest of the time) and the economy is a big issue right now. The poor economy affects how we price things and we're trying to withhold raising prices because we want and need production orders. And yet. I am so sick of people asking for discounts/freebies just because they want them. And usually because it doesn't hurt to ask and the worst we can say is no. But saying no doesn't make for good customer service

                I'm hearing more and more about "The Economy" at my retail job. Not that customers should get discounts because gas prices are rising again or that higher prices from last summer never really went down and budgets are tight. People should get a discount because of the Allmighty Economy and because clearly selling at a loss is better than not selling at all. /sarcasm
                A lion however, will only devour your corpse, whereas an SC is not sated until they have destroyed your soul. (Quote per infinitemonkies)


                • #9
                  Quoth Jester View Post
                  Actually, porn may NOT be recession-proof.
                  Yes, these are hard times for everyone.
                  Sometimes life is altered.
                  Break from the ropes your hands are tied.
                  Uneasy with confrontation.
                  Won't turn out right. Can't turn out right


                  • #10
                    Don't forget web design! Our jobs are safe, it would seem. I work as a web designer in the off hours, after I get home from the retail madness.

                    Oh, wait, does web design fall under entertainment? Shrug.

                    People are being silly about the economy. I get weird calls about it all the time. People will call and ask for our product at a severely reduced rate since we must be having such a hard time in this economy, and they are trying to cut us some slack.

                    Actually, our business is doing great, with record sales. Because our business is designed to thrive in a bad economy. The more people who lose jobs, the higher our sales. (It sounds more evil than it is. We're more of a 'make money in your home' sort of deal.)

                    Seriously, the "economy" buzzword had better die before I go out and murder it.
                    If there’s one thing women love, it’s the guy that just can’t seem to find the line that divides “Ha Ha” and “Stacey, get your purse, we’re leaving before he comes back.”.



                    • #11
                      I work in a grocery store, so I'm not too concerned. People still have to eat, ya know.

                      And we're holding our own right now. Actually, we've been seeing a little bit of an increase, as more people are eating in rather than dining out.

                      We also sell beer and wine, so that helps as well. Why go out for dinner when you can have a dinner party at home? We can help with that.

                      Why cook when you can get restaurant style quality already prepared at our Deli? Just heat and eat.

                      These are basically scenarios our company is promoting. Including meal solutions for under $10 for a family of 4.
                      Human Resources - the adult version of "I'm telling Mom." - Agent Anthony "Tony" DiNozzo (NCIS)


                      • #12
                        Another growth industry

                        I've read that since the election of Obama, that guns and ammo sales are WAY up.


                        • #13
                          And I work in a factory that makes medical equipment. No problems there.
                          Drive it like it's a county car.


                          • #14
                            I actually thought up a response to that "in this economy" BS.

                            "No, I cannot give you a discount, because that would hurt my paycheck, my coworkers paychecks, and out boss' paycheck. Because as you know, in this economy, we need every penny we can get."

                            You know, throw it back in their face.
                            The customer is not always right. Most of the time, the customer is a clueless moron. If this offends you, you are this moron.


                            • #15
                              Yeah Grocery stores are doing fine. Sales mights be down for some chains, but that's because people are buying what they need more than what they want. Mostly anyway. Plus I've noticed a big increase in coupons. But overall we're fine. We may be having severe hour cuts but we'll survive. People have to eat after all!

