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What's the Most Annoying Thing You've Rung Up?

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  • #16
    My most annoying, I felt so sorry for the poor guy for. I might have told this one before...but it's worth telling again.

    Around here, there's a very traditionally-minded ethnic group where it's expected that a young groom is expected to fully provide for his new bride, in extreme cases even providing her with an apartment during the engagement period to prove he can support her. One afternoon, a young man about 25 years old came up to the front registers with three carts worth of bathroom items (from toothbrush holders to towel racks)--he'd literally picked up one of every set that we carried at the Bullseye. He had the most bewildered and defeated look on his face, too.

    He was extremely polite and apologetic about it, and since it was slow they put me on an empty lane to take care of him. But bathroom accessories are by design oddly-shaped and often fragile or heavy. I managed to pack his three carts down to two with careful bagging, but that was still $800 worth of awkward items that took about twenty minutes to ring up and bag--knowing the whole time that he'd be back within a week with whatever designs were rejected. (He returned $600 of it, and then bought more to match the designs she liked. Poor guy.)
    It's little things that make the difference between 'enjoyable', 'tolerable', and 'gimme a spoon, I'm digging an escape tunnel'.


    • #17
      What is a marrow?


      • #18
        Quoth Anriana View Post
        What is a marrow?
        A kind of large courgette (or Zucchini to most of the rest of the world)


        • #19
          Quoth LadyAndreca View Post
          My most annoying, I felt so sorry for the poor guy for. I might have told this one before...but it's worth telling again.

          Around here, there's a very traditionally-minded ethnic group where it's expected that a young groom is expected to fully provide for his new bride, in extreme cases even providing her with an apartment during the engagement period to prove he can support her. One afternoon, a young man about 25 years old came up to the front registers with three carts worth of bathroom items (from toothbrush holders to towel racks)--he'd literally picked up one of every set that we carried at the Bullseye. He had the most bewildered and defeated look on his face, too.

          He was extremely polite and apologetic about it, and since it was slow they put me on an empty lane to take care of him. But bathroom accessories are by design oddly-shaped and often fragile or heavy. I managed to pack his three carts down to two with careful bagging, but that was still $800 worth of awkward items that took about twenty minutes to ring up and bag--knowing the whole time that he'd be back within a week with whatever designs were rejected. (He returned $600 of it, and then bought more to match the designs she liked. Poor guy.)
          The young lady couldn't come to the store with him to pick out the items? What are the women confined to their homes their entire lives?
          Don't wanna; not gonna.


          • #20
            Quoth 42_42_42 View Post
            The young lady couldn't come to the store with him to pick out the items? What are the women confined to their homes their entire lives?
            Oh, no, they (in general) were the worst SCs we had. EWs at their finest, used to having everything given to them instantly and exactly how they liked it, and throwing loud harpy-screech temper tantrums if we wouldn't do what they want. There was one in particular that always had her kids in tow, and her roughly-12-year-old daughter could pitch a fit just like mama.

            From what I gathered--and this may or may not be true, I don't claim to be an expert in their culture--the bride-to-be wouldn't have been allowed to be out alone with her future husband. So if her mother or a suitable relative couldn't come along, he was on his own and had to guess.
            It's little things that make the difference between 'enjoyable', 'tolerable', and 'gimme a spoon, I'm digging an escape tunnel'.


            • #21
              I had a hard time not commenting...
              pickled rat, anyone?


              • #22
                Quoth LadyAndreca View Post
                Around here, there's a very traditionally-minded ethnic group where it's expected that a young groom is expected to fully provide for his new bride...
                There's whipped, and then there's...
                » Horse Words «·» Roleplaying Stuff «


                • #23

                  Most annoying...hmmm....
                  -Extremely large screen tv's that little me cannot lift but stupid IN wal-mart forced me to work alone with no help because they're all a bunch of big, fat, doody-headed weenies! Sorry about that.
                  -expensive electronics and that stupid extended warranty.
                  -fake flowers. they skewer the bags
                  -picture frames
                  -dishes individually sold
                  "Failure is not an option. It comes bundled with your software."


                  • #24
                    Quoth dalesys View Post
                    rat = 3p
                    rat with sauce = 5p

                    "How come it's almost twice as much with sauce?"

                    "Ever eaten a rat without sauce?"
                    One of my favorite authors.

                    I worked at the toy store for 3 years, so many of our products were annoying (imagine walking down an aisle and hearing 50 toy dogs start whimpering at you.)

                    The most annoying thing to ring up, however, would have to be clothing. People would bring up piles of clearance clothing, and I would have to go through and find the tag for each one. The sale prices didn't come up until the end, so for each item they would freak out about the price and I would have to pull up the details and tell them what the final price on it would be. If the price wasn't what they thought it should be, or the tag was missing, I had to try and describe the item over the walkie to whoever was in the apparel section that day. After we finally got everything scanned in, I got to check every item for hard tags and RFID stickers (I was never sure which items would have them, or where they would be hidden, and sometimes they would have both).

                    Second place goes to the guy who wanted to buy 20+ Hot Wheels on separate receipts.


                    • #25
                      Quoth Golden Phoenix View Post
                      A male who was blatantly taking the mick:

                      A cucumber
                      A lage carrot (single)
                      A banana
                      A small marrow ()
                      KY Jelly
                      A soft porn dvd.
                      OH MY GAWD I don't need that image!
                      Great YouTube channel check it out!


                      • #26
                        not really ringing up but when people wanted their cheese sliced less than paper thin with paper in between each slice or something equally ridiculous and then theyd cry you were taking too long


                        • #27
                          $880 worth of groceries. Two full carts. To make it even more of nonsensical the woman wanted everything double bagged. Even the chips. Then of course came the discount card which knocked it down to about $750 and finally the mountain of coupons which knocked to down to $735. Half the coupons didn't work so I had to keep calling a manager over to fix it. It took probably around half an hour to finish that.


                          • #28
                            During my supermarket days, meat and produce was often the worst. Meat because not all of the meat clerks knew how to wrap properly, which would result in juice soaked tags that would not scan. Now, in that case it was a simple matter to just hit "MEAT DEPT" and type in the price (which, thankfully, did not require a supervisor) but inevitably the packages would have dripped all over everything, making a hideous mess. And guess who's fault that was, in the customer's eyes?

                            Produce wasn't much better because for years, this company did NOT use the national standard produce PLUs; they had their own internal PLUs that we'd have to look up on a sheet. Then there were the times when people would mix different produce types in one bag. Bonus points if they were different prices. 3x Bonus Multiplier if some were sold by weight and others were sold by unit.

                            And a Free Play if it was the dreaded half-eaten apple. To this day, that pisses me off. Some stupid airheaded bimbo of a mother would give their kid an apple to much on while they shopped, then hand me the half-eaten, slobber-covered remains to ring in. HeLLOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!! Apples are sold by WEIGHT!!!! Now I have no clue how much this was before they started eating it!!!!!

                            Usually, when that happened, I'd ring them up for PRODUCE - $0.50. At the time most apples were $0.79/lb, so unless the apple was enormous, it wouldn't be that much. I'd also tell the parent in no uncertain terms to not do that again, and that if their kid wanted an apple to please pay for it first.

                            Quoth flybye023 View Post
                            And, all of the above have to be rung up one by one because we're not allowed to use the quantity key.
                            And - pray tell - just WHY weren't you allowed to use the quantity key? Did it not work? Or was this some phenomenally stupid rule?
                            "We guard the souls in heaven; we don't horse-trade them!" Samandrial in Supernatural

                            RIP Plaidman.


                            • #29
                              Quoth Dave1982 View Post
                              Some stupid airheaded bimbo of a mother would give their kid an apple to much on while they shopped, then hand me the half-eaten, slobber-covered remains to ring in. HeLLOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!! Apples are sold by WEIGHT!!!!

                              Weigh the kid.

                              Okay, ma'am......that's 30 lbs, at .79/lb......



                              • #30
                                Quoth Dave1982 View Post

                                And - pray tell - just WHY weren't you allowed to use the quantity key? Did it not work? Or was this some phenomenally stupid rule?
                                Weeeeellll, I don't know about Flyebye, but back in my first retail job, we were discouraged from using Quantity because customers had a tendency to mix items of different prices but similar packaging. Of course, they always managed to put the cheapest item or 2 on top.
                                Any day you're looking down at the dirt instead of up at the dirt is a good day.

