Kind of a reversal, from when I used to work at...*ahem*...GameStore. Some people would come in with -- literally -- a duffel bag full of used, crappy old games to trade in. as in, forty-plus games. Bonus points if the games were all just a stack of discs, no boxes or anything. Super Special Awesome Bonus Points if they called ahead to ask what the trade-in value is on each and every game in advance, easily taking up 15 minutes on the phone that we could be using to help customers actually IN the store. We usually cut them off after 5 or so...Anyhoo, they would bring these things in, invariably half of them would look like they had been dragged over gravel driveway, and they would object to us giving them less Credit due to the fact that they obviously were not resellable in that condition (but we had to take them anyway; they got sent in to corporate as Damaged). Their favorite excuse was "well it works just fine at home". Suuuure it does. I think I even got that excuse once when someone tried to trade in a disc that was BROKEN IN HALF....
