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What's the Most Annoying Thing You've Rung Up?

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  • #61
    At the wholesale club, we sell this one particular kind of cheese. It's like Cabot Vermont White Cheddar or some such. Priced by weight. But EVERY TIME it scans, it will not recognize the UPC. We have plenty of other cheeses priced the same way, via weight, even others of this same brand, that scan fine. But not this White Cheddar stuff.

    I've worked at the wholesale club for over eight years now, and we STILL have not fixed this in the system. There were plenty of other items over the years that had the same kind of problem, which got fixed, but not this one.

    Minor annoyance-- the SKU is printed on the label, so it's just 1) enter SKU, 2) enter price, 3) hey presto it goes through-- but it's just a constant one that irritates the hell out of me.
    PWNADE(TM) - Serve up a glass today! | PWNZER - An act of pwnage so awesome, it's like the victim got hit by a tank.

    There are only Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse because I choose to walk!


    • #62
      It goes along the lines of:

      SC: "Medium Popcorn and drink."
      Gets popcon and drink.
      Me: "£a.aa please"
      SC: "And a hot dog."
      gets hot dog.
      Me: "anything else?"
      SC: ....
      Me: "£"
      SC: "And a small drink."
      Gets small drink.
      Me. "Is that all?"
      SC: ....
      Me: "£"

      and so on.
      "I can tell her you're all tied up in the projection room." Sunset Boulevard.


      • #63
        50 single miniatures. Half of which were missing the price tags, so I had to squint to read the teeny symbol on the mini (we priced by rarity) which is embossed not-very-well on a black base.

        SC wanted me to also write down the exact minis she was buying, and was appalled that the register couldn't do that automagically. I suspect she had an eye on trying to return the ones that the recipient didn't want (here's an idea: bring the person who actually uses the minis into the store so they can choose what they need!).

        At the end I had the pleasure of seeing her get pwned by a regular who was buying more minis than she was, but the transaction took a third of the time (he had them listed by price and quantity and just gave me the piece of paper).
        "I am quite confident that I do exist."
        "Excuse me, I'm making perfect sense. You're just not keeping up." The Doctor


        • #64
          Quoth MannersMakethMan View Post
          A cream sponge cake made in the bakery is one that comes to mind.

          Surely, you say, surely that can't have been bad?

          Well, what they did was, they'd glue the barcode half around the corner of the packaging underneath the cake, so it wouldn't scan normally. You couldn't turn it over to read the second half without destroying the cake, so you had to literally hold this cake in the air balanced on your fingertips and read to manually enter the barcode.

          They didn't even use the same barcode from one week to the next so you couldn't write it down, and since every flavour was different, you'd be performing the spinning plate trick with a customers cake every time they came through. Every time I saw one of those on the belt, I used to cringe knowing what was coming next.
          Hahaha I used to work as a cashier in a grocery store, too, and I've had this happen SO many times! God forbid the bakery used scotch tape to tape the cake box shut and put the barcode on the side of the box.


          • #65
            Cadbury Creme Eggs

            It will never scan, and I'm pretty sure the barcode is 5020 1600.

            I haven't worked on a till since mid 2004 and can still remember it...
            A PSA, if I may, as well as another.


            • #66
              My local Stater Brothers can actually scan the Cadbury Eggs. Don't know what they do to get it to work, but the can do it.

              Faith is about what you do. It's about aspiring to be better and nobler and kinder than you are. It's about making sacrifices for the good of others. - Dresden

