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Fat free customers.

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  • Fat free customers.

    Jesus, everything's gotta be fat free. Don't you have anything that's healthy, they ask, what have you that's fat free? Can you use lean meat? Put the dressing on the side, it's too fattening. What do you mean you can't make my french fries without oil?* Have you no concern for people's HEALTH? Listen, it's FOOD. FOOD is HEALTHY. FOOD is GOOD FOR YOU. EAT some FOOD. And don't you just waltz into my restaurant and call my food that I cooked for you unhealthy.** Quit your stupid crusade.

    *I'm obliging, I laid the uncooked potatoes on a sheet and threw them in the oven.

    **I'm sorry, I practically think in italics.

    You're not doing me a favor by eating here. I'm doing you a favor by feeding you.

  • #2
    We had someone phone up our customer services line the other year and insist on knowing the sodium content of *everything* we sold - approximately six thousand products. I think he could have lived without knowing the salt content of the detergents, but I digress...

    Eventually, our CS coordinator (who was taking the call) asked him why he wanted all this information. "I want a salt-free diet. I don't want to take any salt at all. It's bad for you!"

    M began to explain that there are many salts in the world, and that you cannot fully escape it. The guy was not interested - he had heard that salt was bad and wanted to eliminate it from his diet.

    "Fair enough," said M. "You'll be dead in a few months."

    We've not heard back from him...



    • #3
      Hey, don't knock the healthy SCs. They're skinny and easy to fight off. ^^

      Its the ones with.....interia....that you have to worry about. You know, when one walks into the store and the first word that leaps into your mind is "Bullmoose".


      • #4
        Hell ill sell you some diet water and some fat free celery. that will be 20 bucks
        Cyberpunk mayhem!


        • #5
          Quoth Sofar View Post
          What do you mean you can't make my french fries without oil?*
          *I'm obliging, I laid the uncooked potatoes on a sheet and threw them in the oven.
          You are very nice. I would have boiled them, then served the mushy things while charging extra for using a fat free oil substitute.
          Last edited by South Texan; 12-07-2006, 04:22 PM.
          "Ignorance is no excuse for a law."
          .................................................. ..................- Alfred E. Newman


          • #6
            I really don't think the uber-health-food types live longer, it just feels that way because they're never enjoying anything in life, they're so busy living in dread of a fat/sodium gram or a calorie. Wonder if it ever occurs to any of them that constant stressing out is bad for you too?
            "Crazy may always be open for business, but on the full moon, it has buy one get one free specials." - WishfulSpirit

            "Sometimes customers remind me of zombies, but I'm pretty sure that zombies are smarter." - MelindaJoy77


            • #7
              Now, this comes from a guy who lost thirty pounds over the past summer.

              I was at 180 lbs., and while this isn't a horrible weight for my height (I'm 5' 10" tall), it was all belly fat which made me look like I was about to give birth in another three months. I'm down to about 150 now.

              Here's what I learned - yes, you have to eat healthier foods, but you only have to be fanatical about it until you reach your goal weight. While I was still in the process of losing my weight, I ate more salads (both at home and at work, with light Italian dressing) than ever before. I severely limited my red meat intake and stuck with poultry, mainly turkey, as my main sources of meat. The idea was, I ate lots of foods that were big on bulk but would have low caloric value. Veggies veggies veggies. Lots of veggies.

              Now that I've reached my goal weight, I've discovered something. All I have to do is EAT LESS of the foods I already like, and incorporate a few more veggies into my diet, and I can control my weight just fine. I don't need a second helping of the mashed potatoes, I can do with two small spoons of gravy instead of the ladle-full, I don't need the king-size candy bar to satisfy my sweet tooth when a single Reese's cup will do it, I can have a salad for lunch if I make it big enough to fill me up. I even give myself permission to go wild on the weekends (a little) as long as I am cautious the rest of the week.

              My point is, I don't need to suffer while I ingest my salt-free fat-free sugar-free artificially-flavored diet water. I eat real food, I just don't need as much as I thought I did.


              • #8
                When I first got clean, I weighed in at a mere 105 lbs - (I'm 5'5") - I was sickly looking. So, of course, once I started eating again, I gradually started putting weight back on. I ate foods laden in sugar because I was craving them due to not having the Meth anymore. I couldn't get enough sugary foods and sugar is really bad for you. I ate with wreckless abandon because I had not eaten in so long - food was so good to me again and I ate plenty.

                When I started to get around 150 lbs last year, I started to feel uncomfortable - things stopped fitting, etc,, I changed my diet and started eating a lot healthier. Yes, when I grocery shop, I am a label reader and I am mindful of what I eat when I eat out, however, it's a habit now and nothing I stress out about.

                I've been on this kick for about 6 months now and I have lost about 8 lbs - I work out a lot - so it's been a weird shift of fat to muscle - and my weight hasn't dropped significantly, but I am looking's weird.
                "I'm still walking, so I'm sure that I can dance!" from Saint of Circumstance - Grateful Dead


                • #9
                  i've shed 15 pounds in the past two months while still eating tons of junk food

                  counting calories is the way to lose weight, pretty much every successful diet is a variant on that, particularly weight watchers which i have heard is #1

                  as for no-salt guy

                  i hope he enjoys Hyponatremia


                  • #10
                    Quoth Lehk View Post
                    weight watchers which i have heard is #1
                    My sponsor started weight watchers at the beginning of the year and has lost 78 lbs. to date and is still losing the weight. She went from a size 26 to a 16.
                    "I'm still walking, so I'm sure that I can dance!" from Saint of Circumstance - Grateful Dead


                    • #11
                      Quoth Sofar View Post
                      Don't you have anything that's healthy, they ask, what have you that's fat free?
                      My dad is like that (kinda). He'll pester me to eat salad. And when he eats one, there enough dressing on it that I wonder if he can taste anything but dressing.

                      I'm the opposite, if I don't like the taste of it without "dressing" or some other "taste remover" like ketchup. I won't eat it at all.
                      I've lost my mind ages ago. If you find it, please hide it.


                      • #12
                        I take it you've never tried the Rapscallion plan diet?

                        It's simple - cut out the desserts, cut out the snacks, cut out the chocolate, bread and butter, and all those other things that taste so good. Oh, and eat less.

                        The trick is to make sure that you keep up with your energy expenditure.

                        I once did this and ended up losing about four and a half stones in weight - over sixty pounds. I genuinely looked gaunt, though I more or less looked normal. The fact is that I did it then and I could do it now - it's just that I can't be bothered right now. The other trick is to eat things that do make you feel full and cut out the diet drinks. If your body thinks it's getting food and only gets a few scraps of lettuce, it will want more. If your tongue tastes diet drinks and expects a sugar rush, you will crave something sweet.

                        Hungry? You get hungry on the Rapscallion plan diet, but only for a couple of weeks until your stomach adjusts. Embrace the hunger as a new sensation. I did, and I found myself enjoying it. I'm wierd.

                        I might start tomorrow, but then again I might not. I need to lose a fair bit of weight to avoid a higher risk of health issues later in life, so maybe tomorrow.



                        • #13
                          I wonder how these people would respond to the Eddie Izzard joke of "Cake or Death".

                          Guy 1: CAKE OR DEATH!!!!!!!!
                          Guy 2: Cake please.
                          Guy 1: Ok, here you go.
                          Guy 2: *Leaves with cake*
                          Guy 1: CAKE OR DEATH!!!!!!!!
                          HealthNut: Boy, that is a tough one.

                          "Magic sometimes sounds like tape." - The Amazing Johnathan


                          • #14
                            Quoth TennesseePieman View Post
                            Now that I've reached my goal weight, I've discovered something. All I have to do is EAT LESS of the foods I already like, and incorporate a few more veggies into my diet, and I can control my weight just fine.
                            True, true, true. Sadly, most Americans don't get this.

                            Need to lose weight? Try this new crazy diet plan! Better yet, take a pill, and make no effort! (I have actually heard one such pill advertising the fact that their pill works better than starvation. Gee, there's a great marketing ploy!)

                            The fact is, if you want to lose weight and get in better shape, there is a very simple, time-tested method to do this. It's called eat smarter (sometimes that means eat less, but not always) and exercise. Problem is, Americans (as a group) are far too lazy and want the quick fix.

                            There are times I really want to start the Jester Diet Plan, and see if I would make a small fortune. Want to lose weight? I will guarantee that you will lose weight. It's real simple. Get a bike. Then go cycling with me. Once you can keep up with me, you're done. End. Of. Plan.

                            Quoth friendofjimmyk View Post
                            I've been on this kick for about 6 months now and I have lost about 8 lbs - I work out a lot - so it's been a weird shift of fat to muscle - and my weight hasn't dropped significantly, but I am looking's weird.
                            Not that weird. Muscle weighs more than fat. So you may look slimmer, you may actually BE slimmer, but your weight itself may not be that much lower. As I often tell my overly self-conscious female friends, it's not what you weigh, it's what you LOOK LIKE.

                            As for this whole health kick....I don't drink light beer. Period. I find it to be a crime against nature. I have nothing against people who do drink light beer, I just don't bother with it myself. If I really need to cut my carbs or calories that badly, I will find something else to cut. Leave my freakin' beer alone.

                            Actual conversation I had at a Renaissance Faire not that long ago:

                            JESTER: Beer, please.
                            VENDOR: Bud or Bud Light?
                            JESTER: Bud, please. Light beer is water with beer flavor added.
                            CUSTOMER: Really? Then what is Michelob Ultra?
                            JESTER: That is just water. NO flavor.

                            "The Customer Is Always Right...But The Bartender Decides Who Is
                            Still A Customer."


                            • #15
                              IDK if weight watchers is the no carb diet. To me and my bf it's a blessing but it's a dangerous diet. it works, but it takes away from your body it's primary source of energy so it's pretty bad for your health

                              If you ask why it's a blessing to my bf, it's because he's a diabetic, and now thanks to the no-carb-diet frenzy most products that where otherwise unlabeled, come with carbs in the labels, so he can watch his sugar levels.
                              I pet animals, I rescue insects, I hug trees.

                              "I picture the lead singer of Gwar screaming 'People of Japan, look at my balls! My swinging pendulous balls!!!'" -- Khyras

