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Fat free customers.

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  • #16
    Quoth Bliss View Post
    IDK if weight watchers is the no carb diet. To me and my bf it's a blessing but it's a dangerous diet. it works, but it takes away from your body it's primary source of energy so it's pretty bad for your health.
    The low-carb diet is the Atkins Diet.

    The popularity of the Atkins diet has been a boon for me. My older son and I are gluten intolerant. A lot of companies started making low-carb alternatives that are gluten free, and more restaurants started serving Atkins type meals that don't have bread or pasta which means I don't have to order them special.
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    • #17
      I love it when Macdonalds when someone orders a really fatty meal then asks for a diet coke! Or in Starbucks when a really health conscious girl asks for a skinny venti white chocolate latte with whipped cream.

      On the plane you get people you get annoyed if you run out of diet soft drinks and moan about the fat and calories in the food. You can see what we serve online, if you don't like it, bring your own food!
      No longer a flight atttendant!


      • #18
        Quoth PrincessKatieAirHostess View Post
        I love it when Macdonalds when someone orders a really fatty meal then asks for a diet coke!
        My DH does that. He's diabetic, but his cholesterol's fine, so he worries a good deal more about the sugar in a drink than he does about the fat in his sandwiches.
        "Crazy may always be open for business, but on the full moon, it has buy one get one free specials." - WishfulSpirit

        "Sometimes customers remind me of zombies, but I'm pretty sure that zombies are smarter." - MelindaJoy77


        • #19
          Shrug - I prefer the taste of diet. Odd, but true.



          • #20
            Quoth Seanette View Post
            My DH does that. He's diabetic, but his cholesterol's fine, so he worries a good deal more about the sugar in a drink than he does about the fat in his sandwiches.
            ooo very good point, I'd never though of that!
            No longer a flight atttendant!


            • #21
              how about someone getting a gigantic tub of popcorn, putting enough butter that the entire tubs wet and leaking out the bottom and enough salt that you become thirsty just seeing it, at least one hot dog, several candies, maybe some pretzel bites or pretzels, and a gigantic cup of ... diet soda
              i cant even eat movie theater popcorn anymore after how much salt and butter some people put on
              not trying to bash anyone it just seems some people have this idea getting diet will counteract their other food choices
              not everyone but some people, maybe im just misreading the situation but thats the impression i get when i serve them or a coworker serves them
              Last edited by Ryu; 12-07-2006, 09:29 PM.


              • #22
                Quoth Rapscallion View Post
                Shrug - I prefer the taste of diet. Odd, but true.
                I don't think it's odd! I prefer diet soda because regular soda is so sweet that I feel like I need to immediately brush my teeth after drinking it. Since it's my drink of choice, not for health reasons, I have always wondered if people thought I was nuts for ordering it at a fast food restaurant or with popcorn at the movies. Just know that not everyone thinks ordering diet automatically makes any meal "healthy", i'm actually a bit embarrassed...
                "If you are planning not to tip, please let your server know before ordering so they can decide whether or not to wait on you" - from an advice column I read some time ago


                • #23
                  Some people do prefer the flavor of those artificial sweetners. I prefer good ol' corn syrup myself. We do serve salads at Hades Burger, though they're tastier than they are healthy, particularly in the case of the House Salad with Pulled Pork. They're also huge, I can barely finish half of one.
                  You're not doing me a favor by eating here. I'm doing you a favor by feeding you.


                  • #24
                    Quoth symposes View Post
                    Hell ill sell you some diet water and some fat free celery. that will be 20 bucks
                    I still think my favorite SC's are people who do this:

                    Yes, I'll have the thick burger, a double cheese burger, a large order of fries, a vanilla shake, and a DIET coke.

                    I feel for anyone who has to work in fast food. However I had a customer tell me that canola oil will prevent heart burn, something I get frequently. I've been using it ever since. Sometimes they can teach you stuff, its just the over the tops ones that are annoying.
                    Telling Stories from the Front Line a.k.a Customer Service at a Grocery Store


                    • #25
                      A couple approached me, "Excuse me, does the iced cappucino have any carbs?"

                      Iced cappucino: Super ridiculously caffienated beverage made with coffee sludge and cream whipped together.

                      Me *checking for supervisors: "I don't think so, but it has a ton of fat."

                      They didn't buy it for some reason.
                      "Being crazy was the only thing that kept me from going insane."
                      - Raven


                      • #26
                        I can't drink diet pop - the aftertaste is one reason and aspertame makes me physically ill is another. Even the pop made with Splenda tastes bad and makes me sick but I can handle 4 pinches of Splenda in my 20 oz coffee so maybe it's just the quantity of fake sugar.
                        Figers are vicious I tell ya. They crawl up your leg and steal your belly button lint.

                        I'm a case study.


                        • #27
                          Splenda does NOT taste like sugar, but it's OK. Aspartame gives me a stomach ache.
                          "Crazy may always be open for business, but on the full moon, it has buy one get one free specials." - WishfulSpirit

                          "Sometimes customers remind me of zombies, but I'm pretty sure that zombies are smarter." - MelindaJoy77


                          • #28
                            I follow the Blood Type Diet and it works pretty well for me. As a type O I tend to stay away from grains, legumes and dairy and go for fresh vegetables, fruits and small amounts of protein. But I'm not a fanatic about being strictly within acceptable foods. If I'm eating out, I'll look for whatever is best suited to my food plan, but won't go apeshit if I'm given limited choices. If my steak comes with fries, I'll have a few even if they *GASP!* have oil in them from the fryer. Might even have them with some ketchup. Big freakin' deal. I LIKE fries with ketchup! I just don't eat all of them. I take what I want and leave the rest.

                            Following any diet or food plan so strictly that you make your life miserable, turns that way of eating into a sort of straitjacket. Why bother? Eating should be enjoyable and sustainable, not a punishment you inflict on your body.


                            • #29
                              I'm a size 16 at 230 lbs. Yes, I know that most of it is muscle, we're built solid in my family, but I'm looking to burn fat. I can't do most aerobics due to a hip problem. An aquaintance told me about the "low insulin" diet. Its pretty much a diet where you eat foods that don't trigger your insulin output because insulin tells you to store fat. I'm still reading up on it, I can eat most of the things I like to already, and I figure between that and counting calories I can safely, and happily get rid of the fat on my thighs and my leftover baby belly.
                     do used tampons attract thieves? ---Sleepwalker

                              Chickens are Asexual!


                              • #30
                                Quoth PrincessKatieAirHostess View Post
                                I love it when Macdonalds when someone orders a really fatty meal then asks for a diet coke!

                                I've posted this before on another board incarnation but it bears repeating. I had a woman come into the BK I used to work at and order the following

                                The Douple Whopper meal with bacon
                                King Sized w/fries
                                A king sized onion ring on the side
                                A Hershey Pie and Strawberry Cheesecake
                                And a diet Coke

                                I informed her that day that we were out and she went ballistic "How am I supposed to eat all this without a diet soda" She whines. She subesquently turns down our offers of juice/milk/unsweetened tea and gets a regular Coke whining all the way back to her seat.

                                Sofar I feel your pain I worked fast food before they started adding more healthier things to their menus. We would have the low-fat crowd read the poster we had up listing carbs/fat stats etc and still question us about every little thing. I always fought the urge to direct them to the nearby Subway or health food store.
                                Last edited by TruthHurts; 12-08-2006, 01:28 AM.
                                My Horror Blog


