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Fat free customers.

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  • #31
    Quoth AmericanZero8503 View Post
    I feel for anyone who has to work in fast food. However I had a customer tell me that canola oil will prevent heart burn, something I get frequently. I've been using it ever since. Sometimes they can teach you stuff, its just the over the tops ones that are annoying.
    Canola? I'ld rather have the heartburn, thanks. IMO, the only thing rapeseed is good for is biodiesel.


    • #32
      The Cutenoob Diet is something that you shouldnt have to try.

      Lose job, and have no money for food!

      I've actually lost a lot of weight/fat around my middle because:

      1. its cold in my apartment, im having to heat myself
      2. I dont have much food to eat
      3. When I eat, it's veggies veggies some protein but veggies
      4. Staying away from Ramen / Starchy Salty stuff
      5. The climate around here is desert and I'm drinking LOTS more water

      So, I guess there's a silver lining. I've lost about 10# over the last month or so. Hopefully I will have job/money soon, and when I do - I'm still going to eat a lot less!!

      I dont like my jeans being tight.

      In my heart, in my soul, I'm a woman for rock & roll.
      She's as fast as slugs on barbituates.


      • #33
        Quoth PrincessKatieAirHostess View Post
        I love it when Macdonalds when someone orders a really fatty meal then asks for a diet coke! Or in Starbucks when a really health conscious girl asks for a skinny venti white chocolate latte with whipped cream.!
        a large soda is abour 300 calories, with a big mac running 560, that's mor ethan 50% increase in calories if you have the regular soda, not to mention all the HFCS in the soda


        • #34
          Quoth zzapp the witch View Post
          I'm a size 16 at 230 lbs. Yes, I know that most of it is muscle, we're built solid in my family, but I'm looking to burn fat. I can't do most aerobics due to a hip problem. An aquaintance told me about the "low insulin" diet. Its pretty much a diet where you eat foods that don't trigger your insulin output because insulin tells you to store fat. I'm still reading up on it, I can eat most of the things I like to already, and I figure between that and counting calories I can safely, and happily get rid of the fat on my thighs and my leftover baby belly.
          Do isometric exercises for your lower body, they won't stress your hip. And try swimming.

          All food triggers insulin output. If your body handles insulin normally, please, PLEASE don't screw with it! Mine doesn't, and if I don't watch myself carefully I'll get diabetes. (And ask any diabetic what having messed up insulin does for them - it's icky.)

          You're thinking of the Low GI (Glycaemic Index) diet. Check out the website of any diabetes organisation for a precis of it, and follow their suggestions for what the healthy family members of a diabetic should eat: that should be close enough for what you're after, and won't mess you around.

          And if you want it, here's Seshat's guide to the Low GI diet:

          1. Your goal is to avoid spiking your blood sugar: a spike in blood sugar will trigger your pancreas to produce extra insulin to handle the extra sugars, and the 'spare' sugars will get nabbed by the insulin and converted to fats.

          2. Blood sugar spikes when food that is sugar, or that is easily converted to sugar, is rapidly digested.

          3. Carbohydrates that are partially pre-digested are easily converted to sugar, and therefore cause blood sugar spikes. (Have a baked potato, not a mashed potato!)

          4. Sugar causes blood sugar spikes. Fructose (fruit sugar) is a sugar too. (Watch out for sodas and fruit juices.)

          5. Carbohydrates that aren't pre-digested are slower to convert, and don't cause blood sugar spikes. (Wholegrain bread - mmm, yummy. And your body has to do all the work of breaking the grain wall. Whole fruits - mmm, yummy. Your body has to do all the work that the juicer does when you have fruit juice.)

          6. Proteins and fats slow digestion. (Have some peanut butter on that bread, it'll slow down the digestion of the bread.)

          NOTE: this diet ONLY slows insulin/bood sugar spikes. It is only going to affect you if:
          (a) your insulin is out of whack
          (b) your normal eating pattern generates blood sugar spikes enough to mess your body up.

          It's not a miracle cure (for a healthy person); it's just a way to be aware of what your body is doing when you're eating that meal of mashed potato, white bread, meringue and fruit juice.

          You DO still need to be aware of your caloric intake vs your caloric output. If you eat a lot more than you spend, no food choice or meal choice will make enough difference to matter.

          For a doctor's version of the diet, see any diabetes society or any website produced by a diabetes society.
          Seshat's self-help guide:
          1. Would you rather be right, or get the result you want?
          2. If you're consistently getting results you don't want, change what you do.
          3. Deal with the situation you have now, however it occurred.
          4. Accept the consequences of your decisions.

          "All I want is a pretty girl, a decent meal, and the right to shoot lightning at fools." - Anders, Dragon Age.


          • #35
            I do rather like what this "healthy eating" craze has done to the McDonald's menu. Generally when I go there, I get the Big 'n Tasty sandwich (looks the best out of the burgers, and you can't pry me away from having red meat every now and then), love the parfaits, and like the wider variety of salads they have now. Of course, I still spoil it all with non-diet sodas (caffeine-free, though, which is something) and McD's fries (the best fast food fries, IMO).

            When I go to Subway, I make sure to get a pile of veggies on my sub, and grab the baked Lays chips instead of something greasier. And then I spoil it again with soda. I'm an unabashed soda-addict.*

            At most other restaurants, I try to balance out my unhealthy (fattening, high-cholesterol, high-sodium, etc.) choices with some healthy ones, like getting a nice Romaine-based side salad with a steak, or a healthy dose of mixed fruit to go with my sauce-doused pasta. Oh, do I love fruit.

            *really just hyperbole, but I won't turn down a Sprite or root beer if offered one, and could drink it all day if you let me. Which would probably make my father-in-law (dentist) cringe, if my mother-in-law weren't the same way with her Diet Coke with Lime.
            "Enough expository banter. It's time we fight like men. And ladies. And ladies who dress like men. For Gilgamesh...IT'S MORPHING TIME!"
            - Gilgamesh, Final Fantasy V


            • #36
              In terms of diet, I am a vegetarian but every now and then I will eat fish. There is more to health than just diet and that is exercise and yes I understand that some people don't have the time and I've been down that road my self a few times but eating a double cheeseburger with two plates of fries and drinking a diet soda with the thought of keeping healthy is not going to help.

              Quoth Seanette View Post
              I really don't think the uber-health-food types live longer, it just feels that way because they're never enjoying anything in life, they're so busy living in dread of a fat/sodium gram or a calorie. Wonder if it ever occurs to any of them that constant stressing out is bad for you too?
              There is a comedian (Cannot remember the name) who did a bit on the Rolling Stones. The bit was that Keith Richards has outlived vegetarians that the comedian has known and that Keith should start working on a cookbook soon.
              The Grand Galactic Inquisitor hears all and sees all.


              • #37
                Quoth Gurndigarn View Post
                Canola? I'ld rather have the heartburn, thanks. IMO, the only thing rapeseed is good for is biodiesel.
                We use the stuff, (from the land of rape and honey,) for our fries and rings, haven't got any complaints. Though on the first day of new oil the fries do taste a little bland, by the next day when the oil starts to get a little darker they taste fine. And by the end of the month when the oil is the consistancy of paving tar those fries are just packed with flavor.

                We fry the chicken and fish in non-hydrogenated lard, though. Which we change a little more frequently, (recycling center pays top dollar for used lard.)
                You're not doing me a favor by eating here. I'm doing you a favor by feeding you.


                • #38

                  In defense of those who order a meal at a fast food joint and then order a diet coke- I do it all the time! If I am going to knowingly indulge there is NO reason to add another 300 or so calories from a soda.. (especially since I actually like the taste of diet better- not as sweet tasting)


                  • #39
                    Forgot to mention, but when my wife was pregnant, she was diagnosed with gestational diabetes, which is a form of diabetes that is usually temporary (although not always). A clinical dietitian put her on a strict diet, and she wound up weighing less after the baby was born than she did just before she got pregnant. And golly, did she eat healthy! Her chief complaint with the diet was that she didn't know how she was going to eat all the food that was assigned to her.

                    Also, re: diet drinks and aspartame - that crap is as bad for you as any legal substance can be. It breaks down into three separate chemicals in your body: methanol (which fruit juices also have, but they also have ethanol to counteract it), formaldehyde and formic acid (which is fire ant poison). No thanks, think I'll pass on that one.


                    • #40
                      I drink Pepsi One. Tastes good and one calorie.
                      "Magic sometimes sounds like tape." - The Amazing Johnathan


                      • #41
                        Quoth ihatethenba68 View Post
                        There is a comedian (Cannot remember the name) who did a bit on the Rolling Stones. The bit was that Keith Richards has outlived vegetarians that the comedian has known and that Keith should start working on a cookbook soon.
                        Keith cannot be killed by conventional weapons.

                        Actaully, can you imagine a Keith Richards cookbook? It would have the shortest index in the world - one entry under B for bourbon, one under W for whisky (and it would say, "See Bourbon") and one reference to the British Pharmacoepia.
                        A person who is nice to you, but not nice to the waiter is not a nice person
                        - Dave Barry


                        • #42
                          Quoth TennesseePieman View Post
                          Also, re: diet drinks and aspartame - that crap is as bad for you as any legal substance can be. It breaks down into three separate chemicals in your body: methanol (which fruit juices also have, but they also have ethanol to counteract it), formaldehyde and formic acid (which is fire ant poison). No thanks, think I'll pass on that one.
                          You should probably check this out:
                          "Crazy may always be open for business, but on the full moon, it has buy one get one free specials." - WishfulSpirit

                          "Sometimes customers remind me of zombies, but I'm pretty sure that zombies are smarter." - MelindaJoy77


                          • #43
                            Quoth Seanette View Post
                            You should probably check this out:
                            Actually, I am quite aware of this, and generally respect the snopes folks for their common-sense research. However, this is one time when I think they have probably bought the corporate line just a little too much. I'm not sure I buy the whole Aspartame Disease thing, but I can't imagine that methanol, formaldehyde and formic acid being a part of one's diet is a good thing. See also

                            Okay, go ahead and resume the original discussion, and sorry about the minor hijack there.


                            • #44
                              Per that article though, you'd probably not want to drink beer, wine or fruit juice anymore since they also have methanol as a component.

                              If it doesn't kill ya, it makes ya stronger


                              • #45
                                Quoth Cutenoob View Post
                                Lose job, and have no money for food!
                                Anyone got any hot tips about places hiring for Cutenoob? We need to help out a fellow CSer.


