Quoth sweetj82
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I Hate Change
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Quoth mikoyan29 View PostSo you got coached because you wanted to make sure that there was enough money there? So then when they found out there was not enough money, you were going to be caoched because you didn't do what you wanted to do in the first place? good thing he was fired.Dull women have immaculate homes.
Similar to this, I was working the cigarette register one day, MODS - if I posted this before, I apologize "lady" (and I use that term loosely) came in and wanted Newports. Okay, check ID, ring up the pack. She is $1.15 short. She says, "I'll be right back with more money". I wait 5-6 minutes and suspend the sale - meanwhile apologizing to the line that has built up. She comes back "I have the money!!!!!!!!!!!" I say great, but you'll have to get in line. She huffs and puffs, but does it. When it's her turn again, lo and behold, she's still $1.00 short. "I'll be right back" Okay, now I'm on to her, so I immediately resuspend the sale. At this point, my CSM is coming over ... what is going on??? So I tell her, she says okay. The "lady" comes back and quietly gets in line. When it's her turn again she says "I begged the money outside!" all proud of herself and .... you guessed it, she's still $0.06 short. "Well can't I just owe it to you?" Ummm no, you've held up my line twice now ... how about buying a cheaper pack of cigs? Not to mention the fact that if my register is short, I will hear about it!!!!! She tries to borrow it from the people behind her ... thank the gods they tell her no. So she decides she doesn't really need the cigs anyway and toddles off. The people behind her ask me why I didn't just let her "owe" it? I didn't want to go through the whole explanation, so I just said "Hey if she was buying milk for her baby or something like that, I would have. But for cigs, when there are cheaper brands available? Not gonna happen." They were cool with that.
You should to see if your state/city has a nice law on the amount of coins someone can use to pay. There's a lovely Irish law that states no more than 50 coins. The UK has a similar law too. However I wouldn't really refuse a sale unless it was a massive sale all in coins...like one I took when I was new. The sale total was €150 and when agreeing that she could pay for some of it change..she produces €90 in €1's and €2's! The weight of that must be unbelievable...the €2 in particular is big and fat. Why not go to a bank instead of dragging that around a city? Anyway I got flustered and had to recount it...took forever and had to squash it into my till, wouldn't fit properly at all. She was nice about it but it took way too long and was taking the piss really. I don't mind when people want to pay for sales that are around €3 or so in change, like coppers- 1cent, 2 cent, 5cent. However it buils GIGANTIC queues because they don't know how much they have or how much they're spending- please sort it out roughly before you waste everyone's time! Especially annoying when you can see plainly it's not going to be enough...and they they have to crack out the €50 note the float can't handle anyway...
ok i have 2 here :
When going to the RenFaires i have gotten a roll or 2 of the dollar coins, to use mainly for tips to performers, or to buy food/sodas with... but rarely more than 1 or 2 coins, mostly b/c i don't want to use them all up in once place; i feel its more "authentic" and its fun - nobody really seems to mind in those cases.
My granddad paid off a store credit card one time, in all pennies. He did this deliberately; now i don't know the full story, but its my understanding that the store called an harassed him, and that it was from his previous marriage, and she was supposed to be responsible for the bill... all i know is it was unrolled, in a pillow case... and i want to say it was over 100.00 but less than 500.00; yes it was kind of an SC thing to do, but he wouldn't have done it if he didn't feel justified.I am well versed in the "gentle" art of verbal self-defense
Once is an accident; Twice is coincidence; Thrice is a pattern.
My fave pub gives change out in dollar coins....people get confused, and just leave them. I think the staff gets better tips that wayI love it. (and they deserve it...Mon nites are *insane* there.)
"Getting to the top is optional. Getting down is mandatory." _Ed Viesturs
"Love what you do. If you haven't found it yet, keep looking, and don't settle" Steve Jobs
I have the feeling that if there's any gas station attendants on the board located in NM and TX, they're be telling you about me.I'm going to have to break into my Stash ($500+ in dollar coins) in order to pay for gas back to Hospitality Way for three vehicles.
I've already asked and none of the banks will cash them out for me because I don't have a bank account at any of them, and the BoA won't do it because my account is located in TN (I never had this problem back in NM, I'm tellin' ya).
I'm apologizing to them (the gas station attendants) all ahead of time.
And I'm already mourning the loss of my Stash.Now a member of that alien race called Management.
Yeah, you see that right. Pink. Harness.
I have a solution to that.
I keep some empty coin rolls by the till. If someone comes up with a bunch of change I make them roll it up right there. If someone comes up in the mean time I void the transaction, ring up the second person and re-ring them when they're done. If they don't like it it's their problem.
Check it out, I got "there", "they're" and "their" in one short paragraph.
I had a girl come in all embarassed because she had to use all change to get gas, 20 quarters worth. I told her it was no big deal, now bring me in 4.80 sticky ashtray pennies, with a dime and two nickels, then you have chance that going to piss me off. It is especially easy when they dropped one dollar at a time in neat stacks.
I love people who under stand change etiquette.
But I too am like the OP, I'm nice till you give me a reason to hate you and those rules I can bend turn rock solid and no exceptions.I'm sorry reading is not a new concept it has been widely taught in our nation for at least the past 100 years. Please, learn to do it CORRECTLY before you become contagious.
I had some girls bring in a gallon Ziploc baggie full of mixed change one night while I was training a new clerk. At times, I was essentially running two drawers with running my line as well as instructing the new clerk through any questions he had. We were going through one of our rushes when the girls plopped their big bag on change at his counter. He yells for me, so I go see what's happening. I see the bag, not going to happen!
One of the girls rattles off that it's $37 or something like that.
I tell them it's not going to happen, and tell them there is a Coinstar at the Kroger down the road from us as I return to my line of customers.
The girls start whining about needing gas because they're almost on empty.
I just tell the new guy to do whatever he feels comfortable with since it's his register. He tells them a couple of dollars is all he's willing to count since we're in a rush. They hand him a handful of change. He counts it, and sets their pump for the amount.
All I can say is that some people are so stupid. I would never even try to present $37 worth of loose change.The Borg wouldn't know fun if they assimilated an amusement park. -- B'Elanna Torres, Star Trek: Voyager
Math! Math, my dear boy, is but the lesbian sister of Biology. -- Peter Griffin, Family Guy
Last week, Boyfriend handed me the $10 in coin and bill change he collected to buy him stuff at "BVS". It was 5 pm on a busy Monday night. I used his bills and some of my bills and avoided being an SC to that poor harassed clerk. I was going to give her the change, but one look at her face and I really, really, couldn't.
I changed the change at the bank later.Success is not final, failure is not fatal: It is the courage to continue that counts.-Winston Churchill
Quoth RetailWorkhorse View Post
I've already asked and none of the banks will cash them out for me because I don't have a bank account at any of them,If you wish to find meaning, listen to the music not the song