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Car salesman are dishonest!! [Long]

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  • #46
    Quoth RecoveringKinkoid View Post
    Your mom is my current hero.
    She will be my hero forever and ever. I miss her so much. Both my mother and father taught me many valuable lessons.
    Last edited by TNT; 01-23-2007, 01:47 PM.
    I was neat, clean, shaved and sober, and I didn't care who knew it. -- Raymond Chandler


    • #47
      I do appreciate all the feedback, whether positive or negative.

      I understand where alot of you are coming from. You may disagree with some of the things I've said, or my attitude towards people. Or you may just have some resentment towards car salesman because you've had bad experiences in the past.

      And like I said in the beginning of my original post, there have been WAAY too many people in this business that came before me, who gave my profession a terrible name and reputation. It's hard to be in this business, and I'm not making excuses for anything. I come to work every day with the intention of making a paycheck.

      Some people seem uninterested when I wrote about how salesman are paid on commission. Like "So what? Should I care?" No. You shouldn't. You shouldn't be concerned with how anyone's paid, just like I don't either. But, knowing that, don't be surprised when I bust my ass to make a profit.

      As far as being honest, me personally, I have never in this business lied cold face to a customer. And yes, I probably should have re-worded myself a few posts back about "lying"... If someone asks me "Has this car ever been smoked in?". Either I know the answer or I don't. And I'll tell them. Either I don't know, because I didn't take the car in trade, or I do know, and I tell them the answer. If it has, I say something like "Yes, it has, however we have an excellent detailer who has done everything in his power to get the odor out, and if you notice, he's done a pretty good job..." then go on with the rest of my presentation. Now on that same note, someone comes in and say "How does this new car drive?" Excellent. All new cars drive excellent. At least the ones I sell anyways.

      In my career, I've met some of the nastiest, bald-face lying, cheapest, sonsofbitches I've ever met in my life. You think car salesmen lie? Try car customers. Now, this is an opinion made on a percentage of customers. I can not go and say "every customer is a liar", because it would be the same as you saying "ever car salesman is a liar." Neither is true, because no one fits the mold exactly.

      You don't become a professional in car sales by lying, and alot of the other posters on this thread are absolutely correct. Because you will not get repeat business by lying. All liars get caught, and are immediately labeled as a liar. However, side-stepping is different, and some of the other people on here have demonstrated that's what they do to stay on top at their job.

      Quoth TNT View Post
      Mother: Does that look serious to you?
      Dealer: Very serious.
      Mother: Go f**k yourself.
      Now that's hilarious.
      Last edited by NightAngel; 01-23-2007, 06:31 PM. Reason: no need for 2nd post


      • #48
        I lie, cheat, and steal like a cad, so I can't comment so far as that. Usually, though, I try to keep it as a last resort. Telling someone that there's no way in seven hells that we're going to run a story about their potato shaped like an alien is bad. Telling them "I don't think we have anyone available to cover that" is good. Make their stupidity seem interesting while still turning them down. (And if you want to be technical, it's the truth since we don't have a reporter who has "weird random shit" as a beat, we DON'T have anyone available to cover it.)

        But even I can't fester up enough rage to go home and write an 8-page essay about how someone ticked me off. I'd get about halfway through it, get distracted, and log into Fallout 2, and by the time I'm done lacing everyone in San Francisco with carefully timed explosives/shooting the prostitutes full of hallucinogens and handing them knives, and then go back to the letter, I'll have forgotten why it bothered me so bad and delete it.

        Seriously, I have no life and I wouldn't write eight pages of rage.
        "Maybe the problem just went away...maybe it was the magical sniper fairy that comes and gives silenced hollow point rounds to people who don't eat their vegetables."


        • #49
          Quoth TNT View Post
          Mother: Does that look serious to you?
          Dealer: Very serious.
          Mother: Go f**k yourself.

          As we were walking to the car, we were literally chased by just about everybody in the dealership. Mom's response was, "Go f**k yourself some more."
          Absolutely CLASSIC! I hope one day to use it. :-)

          Quoth TNT View Post
          Mom: I like this car.
          Salesman: I have to apologize to you. I promised you $200 a month, but I can't do it.
          Mom: [Sigh]
          Salesman: Best I can do is $203 a month. I'm really sorry.
          Mom: Where do I sign?
          Now THAT is a damn good salesman. And he knew it, too. Rather than passing off 203 as 200, which some people would stupidly object to, he made himself look great by apologizing for missing the mark by a mere 3 bucks. Great tactic. One I have used myself in a variety of fashions over the years. "I'm sorry, you wanted a 25% discount? I am afraid my boss says that that won't be possible." "What?" "Yeah, seems you actually get the 50% discount. Sorry about that." Brilliant fucking ploy.

          As for the 8 page essay....shit, I had a legitimate gripe against the airline I flew last March and the horrible way I was treated (far beyond the norm, I assure you). I did actually start a nasty letter to them, and....never finished it. This thing called "life" kind of distracted me. *sigh* Really wish I had finished it. That woman should never be working with customers EVER. Grrr.

          "The Customer Is Always Right...But The Bartender Decides Who Is
          Still A Customer."


          • #50
            OK, I think it's time to put this one to rest. Our problem is not with the members who respectfully disgreed with the OP; our problem is with those who hurled insults, even after being told to knock it off. We've even had to delete a comment or two that went way over the line. It ends here.
            Sometimes life is altered.
            Break from the ropes your hands are tied.
            Uneasy with confrontation.
            Won't turn out right. Can't turn out right

