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Shapeshifters and Male Strippers...

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  • Shapeshifters and Male Strippers...

    I wish I was kidding, but read on.....

    ( Today's my birthday too. I'm old. >< )

    Feats of Engineering

    SC: "You don't have to tell them. Its just so you know. I'm building lasers."

    Er….thanks? Are you building them right now as you're talking to me? Can I build some lasers too? I'm no expert on the construction of lasers, but if I had to take a wild guess based on what I estimate are your technical skills, I'd say I'm going to need crayons.

    Weekly Quota

    Me: "Good evening, <company name>"
    SC: "<Heavy breathing>"

    Thank you, I had not yet had my weekly "Heavy lustful breathing" call. I feel pretty again.

    If I Only Knew

    SC: "Why does this get connected to you?"

    Why indeed. I can, however, assure you it’s not because I want it too. In fact, I would suggest it may even be punishment for crimes I've committed in a past life.

    ( Yes, he meant to say Circle K. Yes, I pulled the call record out just to make sure I heard it right... o.O )

    SC: "I'm standing right here with the Circle Gay guy-"

    …..Circle….Gay…..guy? Either you're thinking of something else entirely or you're at a completely different type of establishment then I originally thought. Oh well, when in Rome. Stuff a dollar bill in his thong for me.


    SC: "Do you have my everything?"

    …um….no……did you….lose it somehow? Did it hurt? Do you need some ice or something?

    Writing Tools

    You know I spent a full 30 seconds looking for a pen in the office this morning before the absurdity of what I was doing struck me. Then I laughed and laughed. Then I went back to writing with the piece of charcoal I found outside on the steps a couple weeks ago. Good ol faithful charcoal, nobody will ever steal you. Well…maybe if you were edible they would.

    ( If you leave a pen anywhere in this office it'll be gone inside of 10 minutes. Plus we have someone who keeps stealing random food items from the other, utterly random: Milk, soups, sandwiches, blocks of cheese, salsa.... )


    SC: "Yeah, I got a water leak. I tore all the jiprock off the wall to see if I could find it but I don't see any water in the wall."

    Wait, you did WHAT? You did irreparable damage to your home to see if you could find the water leak yourself? Then, after doing lord knows how much money worth of damage to your own property, you didn't even find the water leak? I don't know whether I should applaud or just point and laugh at you. Hell, let me do both. Hahahahahha, <claps>

    Don't strain yourself

    Me: "would you like to order anything else?"
    SC: "Uhh…….uh……hold on I'm thinkin' about this…."

    Yes, I know. I can smell the smoke.


    Me: "Good evening, <company na-"
    SC: "I want to order xxxx-xx"

    Whoa! Hold up there skippy. Don't get ahead too far ahead yourself. You might trip and hit your head on the coffee table. I doubt the impact would do much damage to you personally, but I worry for the coffee table.


    <insert name of security company> had ACDC just blasting in the background when they called. So, if nothing else, I can be assured that <company name< does in fact "rock out". I'd headbang along but my headset would come off.

    That'll show me

    Me: "and did you want to use Visa or Mastercard?"
    Me: "…..!?"
    Me: "….."
    SC: "Sorry."

    No, please, don't stop on my account. By all means, continue to scream at the top of your lungs at people in the background. Feel free to do so at random when I'm least expecting it too. That'll keep me on my toes.

    Brownie Points

    If you don’t have your VIP ID handy, just say so. Don't tell me why you don't have it. I don't require an explanation. Don't tell me you forgot it, or you threw it out, or its at home but you're calling from work/in the car/on the street/in the bathroom/while rolling your chinchilla in a mixture of weed and Jack Daniels, or its downstairs and you can't be bothered to roll yer lazy arse down a flight of stairs.

    Trust me, if you explain, I'm just going to deduct brownie points for you being lazy/unprepared/glue sniffing and you don't want to lose brownie points. Brownie points are valuable and they taste like candy. You do want candy, don't you?

    Rome: Part 2

    Me: "and what company are you from?"
    SC: "Cox Communications."
    Me: "…pardon?"
    SC: "Cox."
    Me: "….can you spell that?"
    SC: "C-o-x. Cox.""
    Me: "Ok."

    I just had to make sure I was hearing that right. That’s a rather unfortunate name to give your company, doesn't exactly sound like you guys work with electronics….. In fact, hey, do me a favour: Turn to the technician closest to you and stuff a $1 into the waist of his pants. Since it seems like we're still in Rome.


    Without fail every time I have to call the security guard for this company I have the follow exchange:

    Me: "Hi, it’s <mycompany> calling. I just had a message for you-"
    SC: "No, this isn't <mycompany>, this is security."
    Me: "No I'M <mycompany>."
    SC: "Oh."

    Every time. I don't know if he's messing with me or if he's seriously that dense. Considering my level of faith, I'm going with the second option. Afterall, the lower my expectations the more likely I'll be pleasantly surprised….. Of course, I've yet to be surprised on this shift. ( Pleasantly, anyway ).

    Expanded Title!

    I ran into Mr "Fat chicks" the hobo again this morning……he told me I was a "shapeshifter" and because I was such, I might be able to "keep her alive.". Whomever "her" is. So, let's see….if I go back to my original tally, I think that brings my entire title too: Robert Keith the Homicidal Shapeshifting Call Center Jesus.

    En trees

    The 7/11 clerk asked me if I had to actually heat up frozen pasta en trees in order to eat them. No, not really, I prefer to just pull the cover off and suck on them like a gigantic mac & cheese Popsicle. Mhmm….mac & cheese Popsicle. He also for no apparent reason wanted to know if it was spicy. Yes, its spicy, but you eat it frozen. By God, now I know what my callers do when they aren't calling me.


    Pandora Poon is also an extremely unfortunate name to have. Your parent's are cruel. But thank you for the laugh.


    Me: "-and what's your phone number?"
    SC: "Ah, I don't know. You guys keep asking me that….."

    Yeah, we're kind of bastards that way. We do it to aggravate you, not because its actually vital information if you want a call back or anything.

    Death to America!

    Caller expressed his cheerful desire to see Americans strung up on the gallows. He then gave me the same, tired old "Death to America". Sheesh, get some new material. The whole Death to America thing has been done to, well, death. Can't we move on? Find a new slogan? Like Jock Itch to America? Or maybe Underwear Uncomfortably Crawling up the Crack of Your Ass to America?

    In closing, apparently I am also a "c*cksucker"……I believe I will decline to add that particular title to my name tag with the rest of them.


    Me: "Good Morning, <company nam-"
    SC: "Send me one of those infopacks that they're showing on the TV in front of me right now!"

    Yes sir! Right away sir! Please don't beat me!

    You know, your medical plan might just cover the removal of large, cumbersome objects lodged up the backside. You may wish to look into it.

    ( Conversation I had with one of our clients when she called to check for new tech cases )

    Me: "Hmm...nope, I don't have any new cases for you."
    SC: "You sure? You must have at least a few."
    Me: "Nope, none. I have utterly failed at life."
    SC: "Well, see if you can find a life over the weekend."
    Me: "I'll try, but I can't make any promises."

    Regular clients are more fun ;p

    Thats my week in a nutshell. ;p A hard, bitter, angry nutshell that fell under the couch.

  • #2
    Well Gravekeeper, lemme be the first to say, "Happy Birthday!", and thank you for being born so you can tell us these awesome Oscar Wilde-esque stories. You rock.



    • #3
      I went to college in Springfield Missouri so i'm pretty familiar with Cox Communications. That name is unfortunate, but not as bad as the STD Flea Market just up the street.


      • #4
        i could probably make that nametag for you

        it's what i do at work


        • #5
          Quoth Getoutofmylobby View Post
          I went to college in Springfield Missouri so i'm pretty familiar with Cox Communications. That name is unfortunate, but not as bad as the STD Flea Market just up the street.
          ...oh Jesus, I hope the tech guy knows how to get Dr Pepper and cookie out of a keyboard...I have to go see if I can remove it from my nasal passages. Rule 1!!

          Lord, these stories are awesome. You should so make a book.
          "Maybe the problem just went away...maybe it was the magical sniper fairy that comes and gives silenced hollow point rounds to people who don't eat their vegetables."


          • #6
            Quoth Getoutofmylobby View Post
            I went to college in Springfield Missouri so i'm pretty familiar with Cox Communications. That name is unfortunate, but not as bad as the STD Flea Market just up the street.

            Seriously? Hahahahah. Thats awful. ><


            • #7
              Quoth Gravekeeper View Post

              Rome: Part 2

              Me: "and what company are you from?"
              SC: "Cox Communications."
              Me: "…pardon?"
              SC: "Cox."
              Me: "….can you spell that?"
              SC: "C-o-x. Cox.""
              Me: "Ok."

              I just had to make sure I was hearing that right. That’s a rather unfortunate name to give your company, doesn't exactly sound like you guys work with electronics….. In fact, hey, do me a favour: Turn to the technician closest to you and stuff a $1 into the waist of his pants. Since it seems like we're still in Rome.
              My husband used to work in their IT department, they laid him off due to innability to afford contractor rates anymore or something. Anyway they were a crap company to work for in his opinion.

              BTW Happy Birthday!!


              • #8
                Happy Birthday Gravekeeper!

                If I go back to my original tally, I think that brings my entire title too: Robert Keith the Homicidal Shapeshifting Call Center Jesus.
                Damn it. Just when I got myself the t-shirt, it gets updated. God, it's like buying a computer or a Star Wars DVD.

                Now the t-shirt must read: WWRKHSCCJD? (with, of course, a pic of GK in the Buddy Jesus pose).
                -"One ring to rule them all!"-Elias
                -Ask yourself, "WWRKHTSCCJ:TMD?"


                • #9
                  We have a regular customer who goes by the name of "Shop at the Cocks". I kid you not.

                  I was once caught musing idly whether or not the building used to be a brothel.



                  • #10
                    Quoth Gravekeeper View Post
                    Expanded Title!

                    I ran into Mr "Fat chicks" the hobo again this morning……he told me I was a "shapeshifter" and because I was such, I might be able to "keep her alive.". Whomever "her" is. So, let's see….if I go back to my original tally, I think that brings my entire title too: Robert Keith the Homicidal Shapeshifting Call Center Jesus.
                    Teach me?
                    //can't remember how
                    ///Long and short of hir life
                    "I call murder on that!"


                    • #11
                      Quoth Gravekeeper View Post

                      Weekly Quota

                      Me: "Good evening, <company name>"
                      SC: "<Heavy breathing>"

                      Thank you, I had not yet had my weekly "Heavy lustful breathing" call. I feel pretty again.
                      I love your threads but I'm seriously starting to wonder how Darth Vader keeps getting your number


                      • #12
                        Quoth CrazedClerk View Post
                        I love your threads but I'm seriously starting to wonder how Darth Vader keeps getting your number
                        Gravekeeper, I am your father. (I don't know how one would spell that noise he makes.....)
                        I don't go in for ancient wisdom
                        I don't believe just 'cause ideas are tenacious
                        It means that they're worthy - Tim Minchin, "White Wine in the Sun"


                        • #13
                          Don't forget that gas station/convience store chain in the midwestern USA:

                          Kum n' Go.

                          According to the boyfriend I lived with for a couple months in Iowa, the locals call it "Ejaculate and Evacuate."


                          • #14
                            Quoth CrazedClerk View Post
                            I love your threads but I'm seriously starting to wonder how Darth Vader keeps getting your number
                            I should know better!!!!!!!!!!

                            Thanks, CC!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
                            Unseen but seeing
                            oh dear, now they're masquerading as sane-KiaKat
                            There isn't enough interpretive dance in the workplace these days-Irv
                            3rd shift needs love, too
                            RIP, mo bhrionglóid


                            • #15
                              Quoth Cygnata View Post
                              Don't forget that gas station/convience store chain in the midwestern USA:

                              Kum n' Go.

                              According to the boyfriend I lived with for a couple months in Iowa, the locals call it "Ejaculate and Evacuate."
                              Hey! I'm trying to keep from spewing bottled water onto the laptop here.

                              Have to admit though, that sums up the phrase "Wham, Bam, Thank You Ma'am" - minus the "Thank You Ma'am."
                              Human Resources - the adult version of "I'm telling Mom." - Agent Anthony "Tony" DiNozzo (NCIS)

