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Why are you fat?

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  • Why are you fat?

    I hope this is the right place. It didn't happen to me, but I was right there.

    This happened to a friend of mine while I was there. My friend is on the heavy side, but she's not huge. We were both working customer service, and my friend happened to be helping a woman with a small child.

    BK= Bratty Kid
    SC= The Mother, who was worse for letting her child talk this way.
    F= Friend

    BK- *To my friend* You're fat.

    F- *Was surprised, but didn't say anything, figuring if she ignored it, the BK would stop*

    BK- *Looked at SC* Mommy, why is she fat?

    SC- *Said nothing*

    *Repeat about ten more times*

    *Last time*

    BK- Mommy, that lady's fat. Why is she fat? *to F* Why are you fat?

    SC- I don't know why she's fat Sweetie. Let's go.

    F and me-

    I honestly didn't think there were actually people who would let their kids get away with that. If I said anything close to that once, let alone near ten times, I would have gotten my mouth slapped.

  • #2
    I have two neices and from the moment they were born I have taught them NEVER to stare at anyone and noone was any different than them so never say something you wouldn't waant said about you. My neices are extremely well aware of how hurtful it can be because they have heard very mean things said to me and how much it hurt me. I can not believe the gall of that ignorant mother....what a bitch!


    • #3
      I AM fat, and I've had kids come up to me and say all kinds of things. Believe it or not, some kids are just curious and do not intend to be mean--they're simply asking questions because they want to know. With them I have no problem. It's the brats who drive me crazy. There have been many times when some nasty little turd comes up and pokes me or says loudly 'MAN are you FAT! Why are you so fat? Huh huh huh? WHY???' that I have to bite my tongue to keep from saying 'I'm fat because you're a miserable little piece of sh*t. Get out of my sight or I'll sit on you.'


      • #4
        I'm not fat, but I don't like demeaning other people by any means. The only time I even joke about it, is with my friends who absolutely know Im joking, and even then we have our limits.

        I do work as a personal fitness trainer, but just cause you're overweight doesnt mean you're not fit. Fitness is a relative definition really. Well, not really, but it can be philosophically.

        My point? Bad parenting should be a crime punishable by electric shock from a satellite from space.


        • #5
          Quoth Brighid45 View Post
          'I'm fat because you're a miserable little piece of sh*t. Get out of my sight or I'll sit on you.'

          Ha ha! My friend said she wanted to tell him that she was fat because she ate kids like him for dinner, and they are high in fat and calories.

          Honestly, I was a whole hell of a lot more pissed off with the mother in this situation. With an upbringing like that, that kid is going to be the most shallow piece of evil bagage known to man. The least the mother could have said was "Jr. it's not nice to call people fat" rather than agreeing with him.


          • #6
            Kid, maybe sucky.
            Mom, dumbass.

            One time, when I was on the bus, I was swinging into a seat on the back of the bus, and hit my head on the grip bar. This girl (18ish, seemingly in full control of her faculties) said "You know that probably wouldn't have happened if you lost some weight."

            I looked at her and said, "I hit my HEAD, please explain how losing weight would stop me from hitting my head?"

            Thus proving, some people just don't think, this girl, and that mom.
            Ba'al: I'm a god. Gods are all-knowing.



            • #7
              I admit I was curious when I was a child, but I guess I was so cute I got away with it.

              Example one: Gentleman in a wheelchair, no legs. I circled hijm, mom says, about FIVE TIMES trying to find where he hid his legs.

              Another time: We were in the mall and two Sheiks were there. I stared a moment, then pointed and said "Mom look: Genies!"

              I was told the 'Genies' were amused. I miss being naive.
              Do radioactive cats have 18 half-lives?


              • #8
                Wow. That kid will be devasted when karma comes along and makes him balloon up to 450 pounds.

                Mom, too.
                Unseen but seeing
                oh dear, now they're masquerading as sane-KiaKat
                There isn't enough interpretive dance in the workplace these days-Irv
                3rd shift needs love, too
                RIP, mo bhrionglóid


                • #9
                  Just out of interest, why didn't your friend say anything? I could do with losing a few pounds off my rear, but if some kid asked me why i was fat, I'd just say, "because i eat too much, and its very rude to ask people that question". Is that a completely unacceptable response, then, to tell someone else's child that they are being rude? I have actually said things like this to inquisitive children, but usually kids are only asking out of a spirit of enquiry anyway, so simply saying "I'm fat because I eat too much" usually shuts them up, because most people are too mortified to give an honest answer.

                  Maybe its just a side-effect of getting older, that I really no longer care if a rude person thinks I am being rude by correcting them or their child. Maybe, just maybe, the child will actually remember what I said, because perhaps I'm the first adult who ever bothered to correct them politely.
                  A person who is nice to you, but not nice to the waiter is not a nice person
                  - Dave Barry


                  • #10

                    When I was 4 my Mom had my sister and had gained some weight. It bothered her and she talked about it to her sisters occasionally, of course while I was around. At some point we were in a store and a very large woman walked in. I, trying to make my Mom feel better, helpfully pointed at her and said loudly 'Mommy, that lady's fatter than you are!'

                    The difference between that and this story is that my Mother grabbed one of my ponytails and marched me off because she was so embarrassed.
                    Because as we all know, on the Internet all men are men, all women are men and all children are FBI agents.


                    • #11
                      Quoth GayleShy View Post
                      BK- Mommy, that lady's fat. Why is she fat? *to F* Why are you fat?
                      "Why are you rude?" Yeah, mommy needs to teach him to respect other people's feelings, rather than just stand there and say nothing. Preferably the first time he said that, rather than waiting until the tenth.
                      I don't have an attitude problem. You have a perception problem.
                      My LiveJournal
                      A page we can all agree with!


                      • #12
                        A kid's friend heard another friend making self deprecating jokes about her own weight and getting a laugh. Being just a little guy, he assumed if he joked about her "being fat", he'd get a laugh, too.

                        After the second or so time he did it, my overweight friend took him aside and told him it wasn't nice and hurt people's feelings. He was mortified and said he was sorry and hugged her.

                        He simply didn't know any better, and never did it again.

                        Really. It's not that hard to teach kids to be decent people.


                        • #13
                          Quoth Barefootgirl View Post
                          Just out of interest, why didn't your friend say anything?

                          Well, I honestly think at first she was too surprised and thought that she would shut him up. But after the third time, I don't think she could have siad anything civil to either of them. I know I couldn't. Besides, the management in our store was absolutely horrible at the time and anything we said could have gotten us fired. They took "the customer is always right" syndrome to a whole new low.


                          • #14
                            while I was waiting in the checkout line at the grocery store, I actually had a PARENT tell their kid that he couldn't have the piece of junk food he wanted because if he ate it, he'd look like me. (I'm 5'6" and weigh about 280lbs, physically handicapped, and have an eating disorder I've been trying to overcome since about age 10). I looked at the woman's junk-laden cart, then over at my order on the belt (which was multigrain pasta, fresh fruits & vegetables, yogurt and cheese). Then back at the woman's junk-laden cart. Shook my head and walked away with my bags of nice, healthy groceries.
                            GK/Kara/Jester fangirl.


                            • #15
                              You know, when I hear garbage like that (parents telling their children stupid stuff like that), I feel like asking them where they went to medical school. (Or where they went to charm school). We are "supposed" to put up with that kind of abuse as retail folks, which is the part that makes me boiling mad.

                              Of course, when little kids do it, it doesn't bother me so much, and I have the balls to say something to the kid before I have to hear the mom say anything. I usually like to say that some people are fat, and some people are thin, and isn't it nice that people come in so many shapes and sizes? --and then change the subject, say "are you having fun", or something to that effect. If the mom decides to be a bitch, well, too bad for the kid. But one thing I've learned is that people love it when you're nice to their kid.

