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Um...please stop preaching... your scaring away my demons

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  • Um...please stop preaching... your scaring away my demons

    ... ok i dont actually say that. As i have said in previouse posts im the resturaunts godless heathen, meaning im the only one who is open about not belonging to an organized church.

    Im sick of the god fearing christians comeing in on sunday and giving me dirty looks. or worst start preaching to me. Hello i think i know the bible better than you sir/ma'am seeing as i know you arent suppose to work on the sabbith or expect others to work for you, so you shouldnt even be here. Also who says you sitting in a church ever week makes you better than me? I pray, Im a kind and help full person, i have manners, I work fund raisers, and i dont discriminate, against anyone. Unlike you who came into my store yelling something about how some 'F*CKING mormon polygomist prude' should be shot before being given political power. This being said the next time someone start preaching im not holding back, they are getting my religouse beliefs

    - well sir/ma'am i just havent been able to tak to enough people about religions to find someone to whrosip with.
    - Oh i don't need to go to youor church, if i wanted to explore another pegan christain religion i would, but i dong.
    - Why of course your religion is pegan! you believe in god AND jesus AND/MAYBE a holy spirt right? three seperate dieties, thats pegan.
    - Well of course those 'heathen' religions are peganistic, but the only religon that isn't peganist is Islam.
    - Yes islam is muslims
    - um no im not a terrorist but you sure are acting like one.
    - You know modern wicca is more my cup of tea
    - Why because they don't decriminate against my sexuality like you do.
    - why thank you for the bible good bye.

    (yes i have said most of those things to people before)
    Last edited by Sliceanddice; 05-15-2007, 09:34 AM.

  • #2

    Quoth Sliceanddice View Post
    - Why of course your religion is pegan! you believe in god AND jesus AND/MAYBE a holy spirt right? three seperate dieties, thats pegan.
    I'm not going to start a religious debate amongst people on the board, however, as a Christian, I have to clarify something.

    We do not believe that God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit are separate beings or dieties. They are the same being. As I, a female, can be Amy, I can also be, and am, wife, mother, daughter, sister. I'm still Amy, but I'm also something else to everyone else. (Did that make sense?) As there is one God, there are 3 ways to describe him. So when saying that God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit are 3 separate dieties, it is showing your ignorance to a point.

    This is just my . Thank you and have a nice day.
    Last edited by Ree; 05-16-2007, 01:22 AM.


    • #3
      And before this starts getting messy, we will NOT be turning this into a religion-bashing thread. Any hint of religious fighting, and I shut it down.

      Have a nice day, y'all....
      A person who is nice to you, but not nice to the waiter is not a nice person
      - Dave Barry


      • #4
        Honestly, I think there's enough religion bashing out there.

        I'm Catholic, just not one of the angry preachy you're going to hell if you don't obey me one.

        But here's what I think.

        Every religion is valid.

        There is no such thing as the ONE true religion. The Earth is too big for a single religion to be true. Therefore, they all are. If you believe in it, if it makes you happy, if it teaches you good morals, if it dun require you have sex with the grand priest or kill newborns or animals, all the power to you.

        AND STOP PREACHING. You will only look like a lunatic, and it bothers the workers.
        Now would be a good time to visit So Very Unofficial!

        "I've had so many nasty customers this week, my bottomless pit is now ankle-deep."-Me.


        • #5
          I'm not terribly fond of anyone who tries to force their opinions on anyone else, be they religious or sales people. I find the best resolution is to say that I have my beliefs, they have theirs and we should leave it at that like civilised people. The person who agrees to that makes more of an impact on me that if they were to continue arguing.
          Of course, those that continue, get the cold shoulder.
          The report button - not just for decoration


          • #6
            Have you been accused of animal sacraficing, satan worship, wearing the mark of the devil, human sacraficing, etc..

            Oh, my favorite one:

            No, the pentagram is NOT a sign of the devil. An upside down pentagram is, just like an upside down cross.

            If you really want to get someone, just tell them about our cool holiday the Beltaine.
            Quote Dalesys:
            ... as in "Ifn thet dawg comes at me, Ima gonna shutz ma panz!"


            • #7
              yeah, i don't know why people get into such an uproar over people having a diffrent faith. i mean, i am a christian, and my mate is a heathen (and he prefers being called heathen to pagan so no yellies, lol)
              honestly, i am more likely than he is to tell off a preachy christian just becuase they give the rest of us that intolerant reputation. *shakes fist*

              Hobby Twitter.


              • #8
                The problem that I have against organized religion is that none of them touched a chord in me. None of them fulfilled that space in me that the other religions fill in others.

                Wicca got my attention when I heard the rede "An it harm none, do as thou will" which summed up the core of my personal moral code in 8 little words.

                As Shironu-Akaineko said, they are equally valid. We all worship the Divine, just each in our own way.

                This is why I never bash a religion. I bash members of the various religions, but not the religion itself. And I do this much for the same reason we bash customers in this forum. For each and every story posted here, we know that there are thousands of customers who run the range from wonderful to civilly indifferent.

                I never lost my faith in humanity. Can't lose what you never had right?


                • #9
                  Quoth draggar View Post
                  If you really want to get someone, just tell them about our cool holiday the Beltaine.
         wanna really freak someone out? Find yourself in a small town that has a church that does a maypole dance every spring and some church leaders who turn their nose at you since you don't attend.

                  Then explain that the whole of the maypole dance is a fertility ritual and then watch their little heads explode.

                  More entertaining than PrimeTime television on a Wednesday night.

                  I never lost my faith in humanity. Can't lose what you never had right?


                  • #10
                    Quoth Sliceanddice View Post
                    Unlike you who came into my store yelling something about how some 'F*CKING mormon polygomist prude' should be shot before being given political power.
                    Polygamist... prude? The polygamists were rarely the prudes, thank you.


                    • #11
                      Quoth Mongo Skruddgemire View Post
                      ... a small town that has a church that does a maypole dance every spring and some church leaders who turn their nose at you since you don't attend.

                      Then explain that the whole of the maypole dance is a fertility ritual and then watch their little heads explode.

                      True, but the Maypole is part of the Beltaine (well, re-named 'Mayday'), isn't it?

                      And it might be more entertaining than Jericho and Lost, but it's a tough call, at least I won't have to worry about reruns with the Maypole dancing. Oh, we should also inform them that clothing is frowned upon during Maypole dancing.

                      Next up, Easter, er, I mean Oester.

                      I have someone at work now (refugee from a store that closed down their tech department) who could get into similar conversations with me, but he's respectful and doesn't. Too bad the two largest closed minds are gone, I've lost some entertainment.
                      Last edited by Ree; 05-15-2007, 11:22 PM. Reason: Editing quote
                      Quote Dalesys:
                      ... as in "Ifn thet dawg comes at me, Ima gonna shutz ma panz!"


                      • #12
                        "The Earth is too big for a single religion to be true."

                        Thank you. I've always said something like this. "GOD is too big for a singe religion to be true."


                        • #13
                          one word...

                          Fan? This is shit. Shit? Meet fan.


                          • #14
                            My huge extended family, encompassing all faiths, gets together once a year in December to celebrate:

                            "CHEERY BIG WINTER DAY"

                            My sister coined the term at the age of twelve, and it stuck.

                            If you have to ask, it's probably better posted at


                            • #15
                              Spelling aside, I think Virgin Mobile had the right idea with

                              Quote Dalesys:
                              ... as in "Ifn thet dawg comes at me, Ima gonna shutz ma panz!"

