I call it "Boozing All Day Day". XD I'm atheist, and I've lost count of how many people have considered it their duty to convert me. -___-
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Um...please stop preaching... your scaring away my demons
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Quoth Mongo Skruddgemire View PostAs Shironu-Akaineko said, they are equally valid. We all worship the Divine, just each in our own way.
From my understanding, Islam as it was intended is in reality a very tolerant religion, accepting everyone as people of the same God. It's the radicals that have twisted it into the general perception most people have of it today. I remember a class I took back in college about religious dialogue. The book we used I believe was titled 'Many mansions.' In essence, the book was about the fact that it is entirely possible to have religious discussions with members of other faiths, the key is to not make judgments of their beliefs. Explore, discuss, share opinions, but never judge. Whenever I hear of religious discussions, I always think back to that class. During one class, we had a chance to practice with one of the professors, who was Indian and a practicing Hindu. It was a nice conversation as he shared his beliefs with the class, and many students shared their beliefs with him, and there was much discussion.
I think that if people could just remember that key fact, there we be a lot less conflict between religions.A fact of life: After Monday and Tuesday, even the calendar says W T F.....
Quoth Shironu-Akaineko View Post
I'm Catholic, just not one of the angry preachy you're going to hell if you don't obey me one.
But here's what I think.
Every religion is valid.
Wow, I hardly ever run into someone else who follows one religion yet does not disparage the validity of other religions to other people.
I have, however, run into two separate self-proclaimed Christians who proceeded to cuss me out and tell me I was damned for having the audacity to not want to listen to them preach at me.
^-.-^Faith is about what you do. It's about aspiring to be better and nobler and kinder than you are. It's about making sacrifices for the good of others. - Dresden
I think one of the biggest problems with "religion" today is Superiority. I do believe that you can believe your religion is the one true religion. However, this does not all of a sudden make you "Superior" to all of the other people on the earth.
And, while I believe as a Christian that we are called to let others know about Christ, that doesn't mean beating them over the head w/ a Bible, telling them they're going to hell, standing on a street corner yelling out "the end of the world is coming you must repent", etc.
There are problems in the church - b/c the people in a church are imperfect. That's why they need to come to church or to faith - b/c they are imperfect people in an imperfect world and they need a savior. That doesn't mean that when they accept Jesus as savior that they become some superhero with ultimate knowledge, powers, and superiority over everyone. It just means they have hope and forgiveness - which again, does not give them the RIGHT to go out and sin just to go to some confession and say "I'm sorry", then go back out and do the same thing..... while everyone will continue to struggle with their own issues, you shouldn't feel free to go sin b/c you've become a "Christian". Nor does it give them the right to act superior - it's when they forget that they too are imperfect and still need a savior that they allow feelings of superiority to come into play.
There's plenty of bad in the world already and those that distort religions and twist them to meet their own personal or political agendas make me sick to my stomach. I do respect other people and I respect what they believe. I may have discussions with them about what I believe, but I'm not going to attack them or their beliefs. I feel passionate about my beliefs and I know others are passionate about theirs - I just wish we could be passionate without "forcing" our passion on someone else..... Jesus didn't act that way and if "Christians" would really look at how Jesus acted and try to act the same (which is what they are supposed to do), then I think the world would be a better place. Or at least "Christians" would represent Christianity in a better way.
Hope that all didn't come off as "preachy"!
Quoth Librarybabe View PostDoes being (or not being, for that matter) a devout follower of some faith alter the flavor perception of light fluffy pancakes dripping with butter and real maple syrup? If, not, why arge the point over breakfast?Tips are based on service and we usually tip well.
Quoth Andara Bledin View PostWow, I hardly ever run into someone else who follows one religion yet does not disparage the validity of other religions to other people.
"I have, however, run into two separate self-proclaimed Christians who proceeded to cuss me out and tell me I was damned for having the audacity to not want to listen to them preach at me.
A friend once made a very good point: If you have one group of 100 orange people, and then one purple person, and you meet a single representative of each group, it's easy to believe there are as many purple people as orange ones. You are encountering the loud, vocal, nutty minority of us, and thinking we are all that way. Just remember the subtle ones are all around you in legions, and you'll never notice them because they don't try to force their ways down your throat.
Quoth RecoveringKinkoid View PostA friend once made a very good point: If you have one group of 100 orange people, and then one purple person, and you meet a single representative of each group, it's easy to believe there are as many purple people as orange ones. You are encountering the loud, vocal, nutty minority of us, and thinking we are all that way. Just remember the subtle ones are all around you in legions, and you'll never notice them because they don't try to force their ways down your throat.I know you didn't mean it that way, that's just how I read it at first and it really made me laugh!
Just a friendly mod reminder to keep things civil in here. Things have been pretty good so far, but lets keep it this way. These kind of threads have turned ugly and gotten closed more often than I can count.I pray for the strength to change what I can, the inability to change what I can't, and the incapacity to tell the difference -Calvin, Calvin & Hobbes
Being a pessimist and cynical wouldn't be so bad if I wasn't right so often!
I'm Buddhist myself (and some days its the only thing that saves my customers from harm)
So I'll toss in the Buddhist viewpoint:
All religions are valid because different people of different cultures at different points in their various lives have different spiritual needs. End of story. If a religion is fulfilling you spiritually, stick with that religion. No belief is "better" then any other and every belief can probably learn something from others. As long as you are not acting immorally or bringing suffering to others your beliefs are perfectly valid. Basically, I will only object if you're being a dick because of your beliefs.
That being said I don't like self appointed missionaries of any faith and the entire practice of attempting to convert people baffles me. Is anyone seriously going to swap religions because some dick lectured him in public? This isn't some kind of game were you have to rack up the most convert points for your team before 3rd Period Armageddon. ;p
If what you believe works for you, stick with it. Just don't tell me I'm going to spent eternity burning in hell fire because I don't kiss the feet of your particular invisible man/woman/three headed sheep in the sky/earth/back alley/barn yard altar. That's just being a dick.
Though I admit if you worship a 3 headed sheep god that would be pretty awesome.
Quoth Gravekeeper View PostThough I admit if you worship a 3 headed sheep god that would be pretty awesome.
Several years ago, some friends and I got into a discussion like that. For centuries, God has always been depicted as human...since that's what people are most comfortable with and can relate to. How do we know that God isn't a 3-headed purple yak? I mean, it's not like anybody's ever seen himAerodynamics are for people who can't build engines. --Enzo Ferrari
Quoth Gravekeeper View Post
That being said I don't like self appointed missionaries of any faith and the entire practice of attempting to convert people baffles me. Is anyone seriously going to swap religions because some dick lectured him in public? This isn't some kind of game were you have to rack up the most convert points for your team before 3rd Period Armageddon. ;p
And no, as far as I understand it, there's no "convert points", however, in the Christian religion we are commanded to "Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit," (Matthew 28:19 NIV).
So we are told that we are supposed to make others aware of our faith - but we aren't supposed to FORCE them to convert or beat them over the head until they do, etc. We are supposed to help anyone in whatever way we can, and if the opportunity arises, we are supposed to let them know our beliefs..... but again, we aren't supposed to just go up to someone and lecture them or tell them they're going to hell, etc. etc. - I've always been baffled by that as well - how does "you're an evil horrid person you're going to burn in hell" make me more interested in your religion/faith? I don't understand people that act or speak that way.
Quoth protege View PostHow do we know that God isn't a 3-headed purple yak? I mean, it's not like anybody's ever seen him
Granted, that must mean God is a black man because the original civilizations were in Africa. But I digress.
I'm Catholic, so is my wife. And I never preach, nor do I like being preached too. If I want that I'll go to Church, and I haven't been in years. Why? 1. Laziness, 2. Pope JP II was a nut job, and the new guy isn't much better.
Again I digress.
I don't have a problem with other religions, but when someone explains to me how they are Wiccan (or some other than the big 3) I think I look at them odd simply because of my Catholic upbringing. That and I live in a small commnuity and there aren't a whole lot of non-Christians around.
I'm an Undeclared person.
And I'm currently pretty lucky in that I don't deal with customers, but I have a co-worker who is VERY DECLARED in his religion.
He did a booboo the other day, some really big management people were in our building (top of food chain here) and Mr. Declared mentioned in front of the batch of Mgmt he doesn't believe gay is OK, per his Bible readings.
Now, I work in a place run by a LARGE company, who employs ALL flavors of people..and I think (by word of mouth) 2 or 3 of the mgmt people there that day were gay.
Talk about DOH!
Mr. Declared actually is pretty good about listening about other flavors, but he's staunch in his belief. So I don't tell him what I believe, I ask him technical q's about bible/ christianity. Which he answers, quite well. Nice to have someone well versed around.
And he's been pretty good about not pushing his beliefs.
I think in our team we've got:
Undeclared (me)
Devout Christian (mr. declared)
and a couple of people who just aren't vocal about it.
It's neat to see how we can all work and get our crap done without being dorks about it.
cutenoobIn my heart, in my soul, I'm a woman for rock & roll.
She's as fast as slugs on barbituates.