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Um...please stop preaching... your scaring away my demons

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  • #46
    'm at my 3rd college now ( and still kinda a freshman :P ) and during my second college i worked at a video store. This was a small town that housed the headquarters of habit for humanity?? (extra points if you can guess the town)
    I am a Christian, i love Jesus far more than i like habitofbeingright.and I am training to be a missionary aviator. (someone that works and flys on the missionary field) I remembered one day during a particualarly busy night this older lady decided to make me a captive audience as i was working on the floor. She was whineing and moaning over the presence of prositutes (spelling?) memory fails me but it went something like this:
    CYOL: Crazy yelling old lady

    cyol: Excuse me, young man could you tell me where so and so movie is?
    me: yes ma'am here it is (takes her over to movie location and hands her DVD

    cyol starts somehow (this was monthes ago) on prositution in the next big city and i remember her ending the conversation after a few minutes of rambling and whining about the prositutes i remember this part
    this woman goes to another part of the store and returns i guess with a after thought:
    cyol: this is againists man's law and this is agianist the LAW OF GOD (emphasis hers)
    in my own afterthought and i really really wish that i had thought of this at the time...
    i as a christian am sick to my bones about christians complaining and moaning about things but not working to improve on things
    i bet in that city there were christian ministries or civic groups deciated to helping those women off the streets why wasn't CYOL trying to send those girls to school or helping them to there feet. instead of showing the love of Christ, she sat back and whined!!!!!!! AKKKKKKKKKKKK
    I have learned alot since then about sex trafficfing, the United states continues to be one of the largest destentions for sex trafficfing and many of these on the streets are there because they are literally slaves and they were stripped of their humanity and HAVE NO CHOICE (check out the state departments annual report on human trafficking.
    I will as a christian, a human , and a person will try to meet those needs and wage my own war againist such crimes againist humanity and its spirit. I do however think that in a market of free ideas it seems that anything a christian says that doesn't toe the line of keeping everything you can that is remotely spiritual its demonized as being "preachy" , or "narrow minded" and yet those that make those judgements can sit back and snear that they are the "open minded" and "tolerant" ones.
    i have to agree with Air on all her posts. I have read many threads and posts along these lines and i'm sorry yall have such bad customers with a religious twist. this is alittle old as i started it at like 1ish and had to run errands and just got back so if i go over something that has been covered sorry folks


    • #47
      People, we are SIX BILLION on earth! Leave the gays alone! We are plentiful fruitful, they're not hurting anybody!
      I'll have to remember that one...

      I was raised Methodist but I haven't gone to church in years. It just doesn't appeal to me. I won't go so far as to call myself an atheist, though. I guess agnostic is most accurate...
      I don't go in for ancient wisdom
      I don't believe just 'cause ideas are tenacious
      It means that they're worthy - Tim Minchin, "White Wine in the Sun"


      • #48
        Quoth Sliceanddice View Post
        Eeep sorry, i was ranting about the SCs who keep preaching and stating some of my come backs.... i didnt want to start a religiose depate....
        Well, it was bound to happen. It always does.

        I have yet to see a single one of these types of threads where someone vents about someone of the "Christian" faith lecturing them, leaving a religious tract instead of a tip, or any other type of sucky CUSTOMER behaviour, that does not turn into a long religious debate, despite numerous mod warnings about keeping it to the original topic.

        OK folks...a refresher for those who have forgotten...your religious preferences are your own, and you're welcome to them. If you want to share them and your philosophies, etc, head on over to fratching and go hog wild, but CustomersSuck! is not the place to be sharing it.

        It's not the point of this site to discuss or determine if the pope is a nut, the Catholic church is a fanatical society, or whether Christian doctrines or practices are grounded in pagan beliefs, or if pagan beliefs are evil, or even if they are the be all and end all of everything.
        We don't allow bashing based on religion, so let's just leave all our generalizations about Christians at the door as well.

        If you want to discuss sucky customer behaviour, such as not taking no for an answer and the hyocrisy of eating in a public restaurant on a Sunday, and lecturing the workers about working Sunday, then you're more than welcome to do so.

        I really hope that's been made sufficiently clear now, because, while Barefootgirl and Spiffy were right that things have stayed civil, it would appear that Barefootgirl was speaking an unknown language, since this thread turned into exactly what she asked it not to do, and that is, to become a religion-bashing thread.
        Quoth Barefootgirl View Post
        And before this starts getting messy, we will NOT be turning this into a religion-bashing thread. Any hint of religious fighting, and I shut it down.

        Have a nice day, y'all....
        Quoth Spiffy McMoron View Post
        Just a friendly mod reminder to keep things civil in here. Things have been pretty good so far, but lets keep it this way. These kind of threads have turned ugly and gotten closed more often than I can count.
        Too tired of living and too tired to end it. What a conundrum.


        • #49
          An interval for a breather.

          *hands round warm oven-fresh chewy biscuits*
          "...Muhuh? *blink-blink* >_O *roll over* ZZZzzz......"


          • #50

            Quoth Shironu-Akaineko View Post
            While yes indeed, in the Bible, God did not like Sodom and Gomorrha, it was because they were violent, slutty people. Anti-gay preaching people think it was only because they were gay, but being gay had nothing to do with it. They just liked to screw anything in their path.

            We all know real Homosexuals aren't like that.

            One of God's messages was "Be fruitful and multiply." Which is why society in that time did not look well towards homosexuality.

            People, we are SIX BILLION on earth! Leave the gays alone! We are plentiful fruitful, they're not hurting anybody!

            And that was my opinion.
            Finally, somebody who shares my view on the situation.
            In that case, give Would Jesus Discriminate?' a read. There's a bunch of information on homosexuality and the Bible there.

            *MOD EDIT-
            And this relates to sucky customers and the original point of this thread in what way?
            Take it to fratching. ~Ree

            Sorry, I got carried away by the sub-discussion.
            Last edited by Acolyte; 05-16-2007, 01:23 AM.
            Burn the land and boil the sea, you can't take the sky from me!

            I like big bots and I cannot lie.


            • #51
              Okay, folks, we're all rational creatures here.

              Faith aside, Squeeing Fanboys/Fangirls and Preachies of any variety can get pretty obnoxious. At the college snack bar I worked at, it was well known that I was a nerd and, on days when I expected to be alone behind the counter (summer hours meant less customers, so I had blissfully slow days), I'd pop in a geeky CD. I'd use Halo 2, Kingdom Hearts, an anime compilation, Myst III: Exile and once, I even brought in the VERY RARE Dragonriders of Pern cd I had. The customers ate it up with a spoon, because it ran the gamut and it meant I could escape the nigh-constant rap and country.

              Then, came this one guy...

              SC- A very nicely dressed fella, with briefcase and tie.
              Me- Frizzy headed chick, with a white polo and ridiculous shoes.
              On the radio- "Never Surrender"- Techno song from Halo 2

              Me- Hi, what can I do for you?
              SC- *sniffs the air* Are you doing drugs back there?
              SC- It sounds like a rave! What are you doing back there? Ecstacy? Weed?
              Me- *thinking are my eyes that glassy* What gave you that idea?
              SC- Don't play games with me! That Techno crap is directly link to drug use!
              Me- *gets the feeling I shouldn't mention the Vicodin I have to take*


              • #52
                Holy Cow!.....LMAO


                • #53
                  Oh, my, yes! I'm STILL trying to find out which channel ran THAT expose! In DC? Probably Fox 5, or Ch. 4. Maybe it was a good thing I didn't tell him about the Vicodin or the collection of brightly colored plastic jewelry or *gasp* MY WEEKEND SOCIAL LIFE where I pretend to be a VAMPIRE!

                  I'm too nice, really.


                  • #54
                    Quoth TwoScoopsSciath View Post
                    SC- Don't play games with me! That Techno crap is directly link to drug use!
                    You should have said you were playing a game since the song was from a video game. I suspect he would have gone even more livid. Also perhaps you could have skipped to one of the songs that has the orchestral choir thing on some of the covenant songs have parts like that.

                    MOD EDIT: Don't quote entire posts. We've read them already.
                    Last edited by NightAngel; 05-16-2007, 05:35 AM.


                    • #55
                      Oh the times I've worked religious conferences

                      TwoScoops: LOL

                      Ahh overly rude preachers who do not take no for an answer. I worked a few religious conferences and while a lot of the customers were very nice, it was the ones who'd annoy us and amuse us to no end. Some fun stuff.

                      I'm at the drives, playing a cashier.

                      Me: Hello, welcome to Whiskeyclone, the fee is $10 today.
                      SC: $10!?! I prayed for a nice safe trip and I encounter a Satan spawn like yourself stealing money from me!
                      Me: Uh, ma'am it's a parking fee. Everyone has to pay it today.
                      SC: *hands me the cash, as she drives away I hear Beezlebub shouted at me from her direction*

                      Drives again

                      Me: Usual spiel, $10.
                      SC: WHAT!?! The owner needs to have his soul saved if he charges for parking, the tickets were expensive enough as it is he needs to be converted, he must be one of those Jews.
                      Me: Uh, ma'am; as a matter of fact the owner is Jewish and he is quite the charitable person. Donates quite a bit of his own money to his alma mater and various institutions around here. Nice guy. Pays us well too.
                      SC is too speechless to reply.

                      Me: *Gives spiel*
                      SC: Boy, your long hair disturbs me and I fear you are going down the wrong path. Here take this Bible and pray and cut your hair. (Yes, I got a Bible as a tip and a full size one to boot)
                      Me: Uh sir, in case you didn't know if you look in a lot of religious paintings you will see a lot of people with long hair, including Jesus himself.

                      Really, people if you want to leave pamphlets and try and convert us leave said pamphlet and a VERY good tip and I mean very good.
                      The Grand Galactic Inquisitor hears all and sees all.


                      • #56
                        My personal religion of My Dad Not Whopping Me Upside the Head:

                        Rule 1: Don't lie.

                        Rule 2: Don't hurt each other.

                        It was amazing how those two rules covered everything. And if you broke one, you got whopped upside the head. We all turned out fairly well adjusted and moralistic, too. In fact, those are the only two rules that my three kids have to follow. Why try to improve on perfection?

                        Odd religious-y tidbit: In neighborhoods that are very territorial or hostile towards outsiders, wear a suit and tie and carry a bible. Safe passage through. (Learned that from a white guy that had to walk around Harlem back when white guys in Harlem were red when they left).

                        Another odd religious-y tidbit: Had a biker stop off for a burger on main street of our small town one summer. All the rednecks were gettin their nut up and were going to chase him out of town because they didn't like "his kind". Then this guy pulled out a Bible and started reading as he was eating, all of a sudden he was a good guy and everyone wanted to go out of their way to be nice and helpful to him, even offering a place to shower and sleep if he wanted it. To this day I don't know if this was a strategic ploy, or just luck (cause they were getting ready to ride him out on a rail), but it worked, and it always stuck with me.

                        When in Rome, do as the Romans do?
                        Last edited by zzapp the witch; 05-16-2007, 06:46 AM. Reason: My odd mind.
               do used tampons attract thieves? ---Sleepwalker

                        Chickens are Asexual!


                        • #57
                          As mentioned in another thread, my major weakness is a love of philosophical and religious debate. That means if I get faced with a Preachie I'll dish up logical counter-points (often referencing their canon), and have to force myself to get untangled. Oddly enough, I've been able to convince quite a few people to concede the creationism vs. evolution point as a tie simply by pointing out that science explains the 'how' of the universe, not the 'why'. After you get them to open up on that point, you've got leverage... and yes, working at a McDs next to a bible-college gave me ample opportunities to practice the art of converting Christians.

                          On the up side, the students were NEVER the SCs. Apparently the school actually attracts the type that practice what they're learning to preach.
                          Last edited by JustADude; 05-16-2007, 08:06 AM.
                          ...WHY DO YOU TEMPT WHAT LITTLE FAITH IN HUMANITY I HAVE!?! -- Kalga
                          And I want a pony for Christmas but neither of us is getting what we want OK! What you are asking is impossible. -- Wicked Lexi


                          • #58
                            Quoth ArenaBoy View Post

                            SC is too speechless to reply.
                            will see a lot of people with long hair, including Jesus himself.

                            Be thankfull they were speechless. You would have likely decked the person if they had replied to your affirmation that the owner was Jewish.

                            As for the long hair in religious paintings that depends on the time period the painting came out as well as the area. Statues from the Roman area of the first few centuries show Jesus with short curly hair for example. But there are parts of the Bible that do not allow the cutting of hair for men. So likely yes he was long haired.


                            • #59
                              Quoth JustADude View Post
                              That means if I get faced with a Preachie I'll dish up logical counter-points (often referencing their canon), and have to force myself to get untangled.
                              I often reference "Judge not lest ye be judged" and "Let he who is without sin cast the first stone" whenever harrassed by biblebashers (note: that is my word for the nuts who harrass innocent people in the street, not for all religious types) in the street. It seems to shut them up very well. I was raised as a christian, however I stopped believing in god etc about the same time as I stopped believing in fairies and unicorns.

                              As for SCs, well I once had someone at the country park have a go at me and another collegue for being heretics, cuz I had pink hair and my collegue was wearing a star of David (well, seeing as she was jewish, she was entitled to do so). Said nut was consequently turfed out of the stables by my boss, cuz the nut not only hassled us, but also was randomly preaching at members of the public. He apparently paid to enter a country park, just to preach damnation at total strangers. Yeah, that makes sense.
                              People who don't like cats were probably mice in an earlier life.
                              My DeviantArt.


                              • #60
                                Fun fact: The star of David is a relatively recent thing to represent Judaism. Prior to that it was just another fancy star (like the pentagram), sometimes in a circle, that was supposed to represent protection.

                                Quoth JustADude View Post
                                Oddly enough, I've been able to convince quite a few people to concede the creationism vs. evolution point as a tie simply by pointing out that science explains the 'how' of the universe, not the 'why'.
                                Oh, hey, that's my shtick. I've always wondered why people fight for those two concepts to be mutually exclusive.

                                I think I'm fairly lucky. Out of the 8 years I was doing reception (phones and the ocaisional walk-in) I only had one whackaloon call to preach at me. I've never run into someone random who wanted to share about their faith in a reasonable manner.

                                Faith is about what you do. It's about aspiring to be better and nobler and kinder than you are. It's about making sacrifices for the good of others. - Dresden

