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Hickory Smoked Dystopia

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  • Hickory Smoked Dystopia

    Oi....days off. Yay~

    Bacon Flavour

    Me: "The only thing I have there is the <hotel> for $109"
    SC: "Do you have anything else?"
    Me: "That's the only thing I have."
    SC: "What about the Plaza?"
    Me: "This is the ONLY thing I have."

    I'm going to have to try a different word. No on in Vegas seems to have even the foggiest hickory smoked tuna flippin' idea what the word "Only" means. Perhaps I should be leading in with "There is no other choice beyond the <hotel>" or "Your current options amount to a sum total of one.". Do you think I'm holding out on you? Do you think we keep a couple hotels in reserve for the callers who are "smart" enough to irrationally persist in asking the same question over and over till we reward them with another hotel and/or delicious bacon flavoured Dentabone dog treat?

    Bad dog, no biscuit.


    Me: "The only thing I have left in Vegas is the <hotel> for $109"
    SC: "Do you have anything cheaper?"

    Why yes, actually I do. I'm still offering that rodent pee basin in the grime ridden alley between the hangers. It was a steal last week and we still have vacancies available there tonight. I just hope your shots are up to date.

    Rollin' Rollin'

    Me: "Good morning, <company>-"
    SC: "I wanna….what's it called….<Kara's company>…..<Kara's company>…<Kara's company> somethin'"
    Me: "Pardon? This is <company>, not <Kara's company>."
    SC: "I wanna download ringtone's on ma <Kara's company>."
    Me: "This is <company>, not <Kara's company>."
    SC: "This ain't <Kara's company>?"
    Me: "No, this is <company>."
    SC: "Not <Kara's company>?"
    Me: "No."

    This is not <Kara's company>. Nor can I provide you with 30 second wav files of Proud Mary being played by a jug band composed entirely of family members who are dangerous close from a genetic standpoint.

    Like, wtf?

    SC: "Like, omigawd, don't you people know how to run a business?!"

    Easy, Paris. I'm sure <company> would love to hear business advice from someone who's spent more money on The Gap then they have on their education.

    Map of the Problematique

    Me: "and what's the problem?"
    SC: "Manitoba"

    Hmmm, not that I'm unwilling mind you, but this seems to be a problem far beyond the scope of my current abilities. Give me a few years to gather funds, amasses weaponry, hire underlings and begin deconstructing the very foundation of Manitoba's government from a grassroots level. You know what the foundation of Manitoba's government is, right? That's right. Cows. We must strike them where it hurts most. Square in the bovine.

    ( Saturday night in Vegas, he's lucky I even have a vacancy to offer... )

    SC: "Is that the preferred rate? $109?"
    Me: "That's the distressed passenger rate, yes."
    SC: "That's like a cruel joke."

    Yes, I know and I assure you I find it deliciously amusing.


    Me: "and what's the problem?"
    SC: "Manitoba."

    Still? I thought I warned you it would take me a few years to plot and gather resources before I could plunge Manitoba into a bitter, life crushing dystopian wasteland. You know, like Nunavut.


    Me: "and your postal code?"
    SC: "XXX XXX"
    Me: "Langley?"
    SC: "Yes! Wow, how did you know? You must live like right next door to me?"

    Yeah, that’s it. I live right next door to you. Its not like postal codes identify where you live or anything. They're just there to make Canadian addresses feel as important as American addresses and their far-fangled "zip codes". You can ignore the postal code entirely if you like, its just fluff anyway.

    A Clue

    Me: "The only thing I have there is the <hotel> for $109"
    SC: "What? But America West said it would only be $39!"

    Yeah, America West also said your flight would arrive on time. I'll leave you to draw your own conclusions but if you need a hint I'll be over here in the corner worrying over the future of the human race. Just tap me on the shoulder. Ignore the tears.

    and I am FREE till next week. -.-

  • #2
    GK, obviously the Manitoba crisis is much more serious than you first realized. Rest assured, you have my full support in trying to overthrow it.

    Come on CSers! Let's back up GK, and help get this on the fast track, so that his new buddy will never again be oppressed by that evil Manitoba!

    Who's with me?!?!



    • #3
      Quoth JustaCashier View Post
      GK, obviously the Manitoba crisis is much more serious than you first realized. Rest assured, you have my full support in trying to overthrow it.

      Come on CSers! Let's back up GK, and help get this on the fast track, so that his new buddy will never again be oppressed by that evil Manitoba!

      Who's with me?!?!

      I would back you guys up, but the cats are all passed out over the lawn and porch, so there goes your backup plan.
      Human Resources - the adult version of "I'm telling Mom." - Agent Anthony "Tony" DiNozzo (NCIS)


      • #4
        Quoth DGoddess View Post
        I would back you guys up, but the cats are all passed out over the lawn and porch, so there goes your backup plan.
        And my cats are pissed because they have just been shaved. Shaved and flea-dipped. Shaved, flea-dipped and bathed....

        Wait... Yeah... I think they're pissed enough to take on Manitoba.

        (poor kitties got fleas from the neighbor cat... and are shedding something fierce... so it was electric trimmers, flea collars, dips and baths for the poor dears. oh the glares I got from them. if looks could kill... this city would be a wasteland of corpses.)
        hea·then [hee-thuhn] noun
        1. an unconverted individual that does not acknowledge the God of the Bible.
        2. an irreligious, uncultured, or uncivilized person.
        3. the children of NotSoInnocent.


        • #5
          Who's with me?!?!
          mike, my flying monkey brigade is enroute as i type this.

          fear the power of angry flying monkeys!
          look! it's ghengis khan!
          Sorry, but while I can do many things, extracting heads from anuses isn't one of them. (so sayeth the irv)


          • #6
            i guess i can offer the Fire Monkeys of doom to the growing kitty and monkey army.


            • #7
              Quoth JustaCashier View Post
              GK, obviously the Manitoba crisis is much more serious than you first realized. Rest assured, you have my full support in trying to overthrow it.

              Come on CSers! Let's back up GK, and help get this on the fast track, so that his new buddy will never again be oppressed by that evil Manitoba!

              Who's with me?!?!

              I AM!!! Down with Manitoba! Down with Manitoba!

              Wait, that's in Canada, right? Just makin' sure...

              And I'm sure my kitties will join the army...just point a little red laser dot at whatever you want to destroy and they will pounce with their claw..less..little.....paws, um, yeah. And when they're in the mood they'll get going on a chase through the might destract the... Manitobans? Manitobites? Manitobians?... for a few minutes, until they get tired and curl up on the couch and lick their feet before taking a short 1- to 23-hour nap. Fierce little things, my cats are.
              I don't go in for ancient wisdom
              I don't believe just 'cause ideas are tenacious
              It means that they're worthy - Tim Minchin, "White Wine in the Sun"


              • #8
                Quoth Gravekeeper View Post
                Yeah, America West also said your flight would arrive on time.
                Do NOT get me started on the difference between what America West SAYS and the actual cold hard truth of reality.

                Let's just that my last flying experience was my worst one ever. Anyone wanna guess what airline I was less than pleased to be a passenger of?

                Anyone? Anyone? Bueller? Bueller?

                "The Customer Is Always Right...But The Bartender Decides Who Is
                Still A Customer."


                • #9
                  Quoth Jester View Post
                  Do NOT get me started on the difference between what America West SAYS and the actual cold hard truth of reality.

                  Let's just that my last flying experience was my worst one ever. Anyone wanna guess what airline I was less than pleased to be a passenger of?

                  Anyone? Anyone? Bueller? Bueller?
                  When America West / US Airways cocks up and strands you know that little coupon/voucher they give you for a hotel room? That number is us. So I know first hand just how many and how often they screw up flights.


                  • #10
                    Quoth Gravekeeper View Post
                    When America West / US Airways cocks up and strands you know that little coupon/voucher they give you for a hotel room? That number is us. So I know first hand just how many and how often they screw up flights.
                    Is it wrong that i now wanna book a flight with America West and get stranded just so i can call GK?
                    Never underestimate the power of stupid people in large groups.


                    • #11
                      Quoth katie kaboom View Post
                      Is it wrong that i now wanna book a flight with America West and get stranded just so i can call GK?
                      You would have to get stranded in the middle of the night and in one of the cities that routes a certain % of calls to my office as opposed to one of our other 12 offices. So aim for Las Vegas, Phoenix or Seattle. =p


                      • #12
                        Quoth Gravekeeper View Post
                        You would have to get stranded in the middle of the night and in one of the cities that routes a certain % of calls to my office as opposed to one of our other 12 offices. So aim for Las Vegas, Phoenix or Seattle. =p
                        Well you know i always have wanted to see Vegas.
                        Never underestimate the power of stupid people in large groups.


                        • #13
                          Quoth katie kaboom View Post
                          Well you know i always have wanted to see Vegas.
                          A room will, as already mentioned, cost you $109 dollars on a Friday or Saturday night. -.-


                          • #14
                            GK?!?!??!?!?! don't send them to phoenix (though i would love a few CSers nearby ...)!!! Not even I? the life time arizonian wouldn't chose to visit phoenix, let alone after DARK!!!

                            don't tell them to go to phoenix. send the SCs there instead (so that they would die in the heat, or worst)


                            • #15
                              Quoth Sliceanddice View Post
                              GK?!?!??!?!?! don't send them to phoenix (though i would love a few CSers nearby ...)!!! Not even I? the life time arizonian wouldn't chose to visit phoenix, let alone after DARK!!!

                              don't tell them to go to phoenix. send the SCs there instead (so that they would die in the heat, or worst)
                              Two things.

                              One, the word is "Arizonan," NOT "Arizonian." That drives me nuts.

                              Two, as a PROUD Arizonan (GO SUN DEVILS!), I would definitely send my friends to Phoenix, but not SC's, as Phoenix is a beautiful place. If you wouldn't go there after dark, you must be speaking of South Phoenix, Maryvale, or some other crappy neighborhood. Every city has those. Most of Phoenix is fine.

                              That being said, as much as I love Phoenix and the heat of the desert, I would NOT send people I like to Phoenix at this time of year, especially if they had never been to such a place. It would fry them, and they would never talk to me again! This is the time of year when you SHOULD send SCs to Phoenix!

                              If you really want to get even with someone, don't send them to Phoenix, or any of its suburbs. Send them to lovely Globe, Arizona. If the desert has a rectum, Globe is it. Let's put it this way....Globe makes Bullhead City look like fun! And Bullhead City, to those not in the know, is basically what most people think of when they think of the desert....there ain't shit there. But, it still beats the cactus out of being in Globe.

                              "The Customer Is Always Right...But The Bartender Decides Who Is
                              Still A Customer."

