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Oops! Did I say that???

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  • Oops! Did I say that???

    What's the worst thing you've ever said to an SC? I've worked retail for a long time so I've said a mouthful over the years. If I remember correctly, the following was my first offense.

    Location: Floral Dept
    Scenario: On the phone with an SC. Phones are really bad, hard to hear people when they're calling from outside the store. Plus, my hearing isn't what it used to be.

    SC: "ustn jth elxo peejo evop lditykl?" (That's what I heard...I swear!)

    Me: "Pardon me?"

    SC: "ustn jth elxo peejo evop lditykl"

    Me: "I'm sorry ma'am. I'm afraid I still didn't catch that. These phones aren't the best and it's quite noisy in here. Could you please repeat your question."

    SC: "I said," (her volume increases ever so slightly) "Do ___ still ___ the _____ on sale?"

    Me: (Still not able to understand everything but getting the gist of her question.) "Do we still have the (name of plant) on sale?"

    SC: (quite angry at this point...somewhat understandable I'll admit..but now she's screaming at me) "What is your problem? Why won't you answer my question? Every time I call this store I always get the run around from you people. Answer my f*****g question."

    Me: (I once again apologize and say) "I'm very sorry. My intent is not to give you the runaround. I simply have not been able to understand which plant you are asking about."

    SC: "Well, maybe you would understand if you paid attention. Every time I call this store it's the same thing. No one there knows what they are doing."
    (She continued on her little rant for several minutes and I don't recall what she said because I was getting angrier by the second. Finally she says...)"What is your name? I want your name. If you don't give me your name I am going to write a complaint to your store director."

    Me: ...silence... (By this time I'm seathing with anger and no longer willing to be polite and refuse to apologize again.)

    SC: "I demand to KNOW who this is....."

    Me: "Your worst nightmare, lady." and with that, I hung up the phone.

    She did, of course, call the store director. He had a little chat with me in his office. (He knew it was me because I was the only one working the area that day)

    What's your story(ies)?
    Retail Haiku:
    Depression sets in.
    The hellhole is calling me ~
    I don't want to go.

  • #2
    I'm able to hold my temper pretty well when it comes to SCs, so I've never said anything too bad. My worst is:

    An already pissed off man is standing in my line, waiting for me to ring him up. As I was ringing the woman in front of him up, he places his bananas right in front of the conveyor belt so that they won't keep getting pushed into the metal stopper by the belt. This puts the bananas in my way, so I move them back to the belt, where they just sit there, being pushed into the metal stopper. Note, I am also already pissed off. So when the man puts them back in my way again I just moved them back where I had them without a word.

    SC: They need to go here.
    *I move them back where I want them*
    SC: Keep them right here!!!
    *I give him a look mixed with an amused "you're funny" look as if to say, "you're such a stupid moron that it's funny!"*

    But I came so close to saying "Keep your effing bananas out of my way!!! The metal stopper won't kill them, you idjit!"

    I'm such a little angel.
    Last edited by kerrisan; 12-04-2006, 09:31 PM.
    ~*~"If your gift is that of serving others, serve them well. If you are a teacher, do a good job of teaching." -Romans 12:7~*~


    • #3
      Quite a fabulous response! Too bad you got in trouble for it...

      I'm sure I'll think of something awful I've said...but for now I CAN recall one that an ex-coworker used on someone at the photo hell job.

      This one jerk lady was haggling with my manager, for a good amount of time. The pictures of her child were fantastic, so naturally this free-loader wanted more than one, but didn't want to pay (she had a coupon for one free picture; all she wanted was the freebie). So, my manager, having had enough, leans over and whispers to her: "Well, maybe you should stop being a Jew, put a crowbar in your wallet, and pay for them!"

      Somehow, the manager didn't get in trouble. While I don't agree with the racist overtones in the statement- at least it was one less SC to deal with! I wish I could have seen the look on THAT ladies face.
      I will not shove “it” up my backside. I do not know what “it” is, but in my many years on this earth I have figured out that that particular port hole is best reserved for emergency exit only. -GK


      • #4
        At a previous job, I had a customer who wanted to debate company policy with me.

        Customer: Do you agree with the policy?
        Me: It doesn't matter.
        Customer: I want to know what you think.
        Me: I don't get paid to think.

        I briefly got called on the carpet for that one... but then my supervisor and I got into a big argument:

        Me: So, do I get paid to think or not?
        Supervisor: You get paid to follow policy.
        Me: Then I don't get paid to think, and my comment, while the not the best the best choice of words, was nonetheless true.
        Supervisor: Go away.
        I was neat, clean, shaved and sober, and I didn't care who knew it. -- Raymond Chandler


        • #5
          Quoth TNT View Post
          Me: I don't get paid to think.
          . . .
          Supervisor: Go away.
          I wouldn't think of doing otherwise!
          No good news is good bad news


          • #6
            Quoth DesignFox View Post
            Quite a fabulous response! Too bad you got in trouble for it...

            I'm sure I'll think of something awful I've said...but for now I CAN recall one that an ex-coworker used on someone at the photo hell job.

            This one jerk lady was haggling with my manager, for a good amount of time. The pictures of her child were fantastic, so naturally this free-loader wanted more than one, but didn't want to pay (she had a coupon for one free picture; all she wanted was the freebie). So, my manager, having had enough, leans over and whispers to her: "Well, maybe you should stop being a Jew, put a crowbar in your wallet, and pay for them!"

            Somehow, the manager didn't get in trouble. While I don't agree with the racist overtones in the statement- at least it was one less SC to deal with! I wish I could have seen the look on THAT ladies face.
            It's not too late. When I read this, my first reaction was to ask where you work so I could come there and break that manager's jaw. As a Jew myself, I react very badly to that specific stereotype! Especially as the "tightwad Jew" is even less accurate of a stereotype than any other -- some of the most generous of philanthropists are Jewish! And if it isn't money, we give of ourselves! (I myself have been known to give up at least a quarter of my weekends to working for charity!)

            That's one he SHOULD have gotten in trouble for.
            I will not be pushed, stamped, filed, indexed, briefed, debriefed, or numbered. My life is my own. --#6


            • #7
              I agree with you. the manager SHOULD have gotten in trouble. But as I've explained in some previous posts about that place, no one ever got in trouble for things that mattered. The best people left, no questions asked, while the worst of the staff kept their jobs and were even begged and given raises/promotions to stay.

              I too, think the racist part of the statement was horrible. I have some very dear friends who are Jewish, and none of them fit any sort of awful stereotype. There were no witnesses to the event other than the manager and customer though (I got the story second hand) So, that's how the person got away with making the comment. Don't worry, even if you happened upon the place, that manager is long gone.
              I will not shove “it” up my backside. I do not know what “it” is, but in my many years on this earth I have figured out that that particular port hole is best reserved for emergency exit only. -GK


              • #8
                Well, they haven't been horrible but I definitely have put my foot in my mouth...when you work in an adult entertainment store (sex toy store) sometimes it's difficult to keep your composure and oh-so-easy to say the wrong thing.

                1. This 20-yr-old guy comes in with three girls and they're being loud (not in a bad way, just so that I could overhear their conversation) and he mentioned that something about the store reminded him of a scene he'd written for class. The girls wander back to lingerie and he comes over to me to ask me for help picking out a lubricant. But the first words out of his mouth are "Hi, I'm gay" and I responded "I know" He wasn't upset or anything but he asked how I could tell and the first thing I thought of was "You're a theatre major." Bad stereotyping! The fact that I was right had nothing to do with how bad I felt afterwards...he was very nice about it though.

                2. Another young-ish guy comes in and buys a few things, then sees we sell gift certificates. I comment that yes, they can be made out for any amount or even for a specific product. I believe I said "Yes, so you can give gift certificates to your partner and if you want him, I mean if you want them to buy a specific product..." I accidentally implied he was gay when I had no idea nor did I care. I blushed up really badly after I realised that I had slipped up.


                • #9
                  Quoth TNT View Post
                  I don't get paid to think.
                  A truer statement on this board has never been said.
                  "Time shall help me face my painful memories with indifference, and with more of it, I won't feel the need to face them at all..."


                  • #10
                    My father once told a scammer who pretended to be deaf "I know what you are up to, so you can just go f@#$ yourself." (I can't remeber if that was his exactly his words, but that was the gist of it.)
                    "Wait... he's alive, but his head's gone..." -Crow


                    • #11
                      We're allowed to sass-back at my place of employment. This is fortunate, because I can be fairly tight-lipped and sarcastic at times. My particular style of sarcasm tends to go over people's heads, though.
                      You're not doing me a favor by eating here. I'm doing you a favor by feeding you.


                      • #12
                        I used to waitress and it was hell...I dealt with many hateful individuals and grew increaseling tired of the comments directed towards me implying that I was stupid because I was a waitress. this woman came in and had a VERY nasty snobbish attitude towards me and the cook. I was in an okay mood so I let alot of her hatefulness go UNTIL when she went to pay she kept saying I rang her up wrong I Infact had given her a discount so I not only rung her up correctly but saved her money...She then proceeds to tell me she will show me how to add and some other snobbish uncalled for remarks...I had ENOUGH so I informed her that if she was implying that I could not add because I was a waitress then she was sadly mistaken and if she ever saw that gold car (my car) outside again NOt to bring her ass in there...My manager laughed about it later....When were disrespected alot so you become slightly bitter and enjoy the moments when you can say your peace.


                        • #13
                          I have been told that I have been a sarcastic person by supervisors who love it when I tell off SCs. One of the things I've said to a customer who complained about how much he pays for a parking spot I actually shot back with "Wow, no wonder you're so miserable paying that much for two lines." He got ANGRY, my supervisor told me to laugh it off fortunately.
                          The Grand Galactic Inquisitor hears all and sees all.


                          • #14
                            One time back in my Burger King days, I had gotten a soda order mixed up (they wanted a small Mr Pibb and a medium coke but I had switched them.) The second time I accidently gave them two mediums rather than just take the soda (they didn't get charged for the second medium) he grabs his reciept and presses the tape part of it onto my hand.

                            "Do not take that off until you get my order right" The jerk says to me. I crumple up the reciept drop it on the counter and practically hissed at him "And I will no longer serve you until you learn to treat me like a human being, a__hole!"

                            Thankfully I had an understanding manager who banned him from the place for taping the receipt to my hand
                            My Horror Blog



                            • #15
                              I can't think of any of my own moments like this, but there is this one story my wife told me about her old job at the drug store.

                              A woman came in wanting to buy a douche, but had no idea how to use it, and was asking her how. She told her the directions were on the box, but she still wasn't getting it. (Side note: I'm wondering if the customer was illiterate, and too embarrassed to admit it.)

                              She wasn't getting anywhere with her, so she called one of her older female coworkers over. Her coworker wasn't having much luck either. She and the customer kind of went around in circles, until she finally got frustrated, and blurted out, "You just stick it up your tw*t and squeeze!"

                              My wife said she had to make a mad dash into the back room and laugh hysterically.
                              Sometimes life is altered.
                              Break from the ropes your hands are tied.
                              Uneasy with confrontation.
                              Won't turn out right. Can't turn out right

